
Principles of Community Development


Added on  2022-09-14

11 Pages2754 Words48 Views
Community Development
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Principles of Community Development_1

Table of Contents
Concept of the Community Development:................................................................................4
Principles of Community Development:....................................................................................5
Areas of Community Development Practices:...........................................................................7
Principles of Community Development_2

According to the comments of Green and Haines (2015), the community development
is observed to be associated with higher level of significance in the modern world and the
interest behind the initiation of the increasing level of community activities is primarily the
awareness amongst the general citizens. As cited by Ledwith (2020), the modern citizens
have understood the importance of collective well- being and they have the belief that an
individual is an integral part of the society. In such circumstances, majority of the people of
the societies have greater consideration towards the societal well- being rather than the
individual growth. As per the esteemed opinion of Gilchrist (2019), the community
development is primarily regarded as a process where the members of a community come
together for the formulation of unique solutions and undertaking of the collective actions that
have the ability to resolve the common problems.
According to the comments of Green and Haines (2015), the community well- being
takes place in various formats such as the economic, social, cultural and environmental. Other
than this, Gilchrist and Taylor (2016), highlighted a significant point regarding the dynamics
of the community development initiatives with the claim that the community development
can be a small initiative taking place within a small group or it can be a large initiative taking
place with active involvement of the members of a broader community. The study delivers an
important understanding of the concept of community development and along with that, the
study identifies the basic principles and the theories that shape up the concept of the
community development. In addition to this, the study provides a detailed elaboration
regarding the importance of the social work in the today’s world. The elaboration of the
importance of the community development has a specific focus on the Aotearoa New Zealand
for understanding the effects of the same on the people and the society.
Principles of Community Development_3

Concept of the Community Development:
As mentioned earlier, the community development is primarily a set of processes or
actions that are mutually accepted by the members of the community for achieving a common
objective. According to the esteemed opinion of Ledwith (2015), the core values or basic
objective of the community development activities is pretty significant. Ledwith (2015),
further added that the community development is deep-rooted with the belief or acceptance of
the fact that each and every members of the society have the rights to access the wealth,
health, well- being, justice and opportunity. Gilchrist and Taylor (2016), highlighted a pretty
triggering fact with the claim that the community development is primarily based on the
recognition of the fact that some set of people, groups and some communities are less
prioritized and are largely burdened by the methods or procedures which are utilized for
shaping the structures and society. The community development is an accurate process for
challenging this imbalance within the society.
With a precise understanding the base of community development, it is important to
identify the support services that community development deliver to the society. As per the
esteemed opinion of Ife (2013), the community development has the potential to help the
communities of different places and identities for utilizing their own assets for the much
required betterment of the community life and the life style of the members of the
community. The concept of the community development is pretty significant in helping the
public agencies and the communities for working together for the desired enhancement of the
quality of the services and the processes that are followed for the formulation of the
decisions. Other than this, Jutte, Miller and Erickson (2015), mentioned that the fundamental
values of the community development are equality, human rights, respect for diversity and
social justice. As the concept of the community development is based on the acceptance of
the fact that a large section of people in the societies or the communities are oppressed or less
Principles of Community Development_4

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