sBlood Pressure:This disease is seen in the every class people that include rich, middleand poor as its symptoms include hypertension and fluctuation of sugar level. It can be arrive at any stage after 14 years and nowadays it becomes more common in people. Intermediary determinants/Social determinants of health: Psychosocialfactors:Thesefactorsincludethesocialsupport,disruption, working environment, status of people and social integration of people. As it defines the general factors at the societal level that is related with social structure and procedure of encroach on the individual. In Morgan community people, it describes the individual level process and also impacts the mental states. These factors influences the physical body that is influenced by social factors that impacts the mediate the psychosocial understanding to Morgan people. INTRODUCTION Community assessment is a procedure which is useful in determining the strong aspects, requirements, needs and challenges of the particular community. Its assets definestheskills, abilitiesand talentsof individualsand resourcesthatare contributed by local institutions to community. This need is considered as the systematic procedure in order to identify and recognise the requirements and desirable conditions for the basic requirements. MAIN BODY Identification of demographic health needs of Morgans By considering the population of Bridgend, Wales and examining their economic characteristics, Morgan community is broadly discussed as it describes an area which is useful in understanding the trends that are related with growth, income, demographic area and quality needs of population. Health needs are the factor that impacts the overall working conditions and demographic areas and their concerning change to determine the kinds of health and social services which is required by community. Identificationof2keyissuesorareaofinterestbyconsideringsocial determinants of health model It require through understanding regarding the impact of community which include values of community, issues and other attributes. By comparing it with the interest of other area suitable framework is opted in order to understand the arising issuesandattitudeofMorgancommunity.Thisactivityprovidesolid understanding regarding the determination of issues and attitudes. Diabetes:It is considered as the major problem in Morgan community people as it arises because of lack of insulin in their body. Data of health in Wales is developed by many bodies with different purpose as this health issues impacts all the age groups of Morgan people and significantly impairs the quality of life and its consequences that can be fatal.