What is the syntax to send 50 ICMP ECHO requests to the host labgw.tc4.space using the mtr program?
On a Windows system, what is the option to renew the DHCP-assigned addresses for all of the device’s network interfaces? Hint: Remember that for Windows the command switch (option), may use a forward slash (/), instead of a rather than a hyphen (-)?
What is the syntax (on a Windows system) to show the network statistics about each packet transmitted by a host, separated according to protocol type (IP, TCP, UDP, or ICMP) with a list of routing table information? Hint: this command requires some hyphen (-) based options (also called flags, or switches).
What is the name of a Windows utility similar to mtr?
What is the syntax to redirect the stdout and stderr of the "cat foo > bar" command to the bar file without stdout or stderr displaying anything to the screen?
is an open source Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows (but also works in Linux / Mac OS X / FreeBSD). This tool c