
Computing Technologies in Society


Added on  2023-06-15

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Computing Technologies in Society
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Section 1
Question 1:
a) Plagiarism: It is stealing and writing of another author’s thoughts and ideas and
present it as the own original work. It is also considered as academic dishonesty. The written
sentence is considered as plagiarized when it is not crediting the source. Gawali and Thakore
(2017) stated that plagiarism is unauthorized use and close of language along with thoughts of
other author.
b) In order to avoid plagiarism, it is required to backup own words as well as thoughts
with support from the author. When the user can find information perfect to prepare the research
report, it should be make sure that the writer cannot copy more than two words in row from the
text itself (Bansal, Mahajan and Bhushan 2015). The writer should paraphrase the entire sentence
based on its own understanding. Good referencing helps to consider and analyze the writings of
author and avoid of possible accusation of plagiarism.
Question 2:
The digital technologies eroded the personal privacy values by following three ways:
i. The confidential information which is shared with other by using email are hacked by the
ii. Tracking of online activity is an issue as tracking cookies save the web browser and save
personal information such as address, passwords in addition to credit card number for
particular website (Freed et al. 2017).
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iii. The banking details are also stolen such as bank account number, password at the time of
performing online transactions.
Question 3:
Following are two potential ramifications which are associated with increasing use of the
biometric data for doing the personal identification:
i. There is lack of existing data which deters capability to use for the background
checks of the individuals (Uzo 2015).
ii. The biometric information is shared throughout use of software and it is kept into
the computer. It makes the data vulnerable to copy from the computer system to
access it anytime by unauthorized person.
Question 4:
Social implications of driverless vehicles for transport purpose are that this type of
vehicles is improving the travel safety with its automated vehicles and expectations of accidents
are reduced to 80%. There are access to the cheaper travel with people are saving their time
(Harper, Hendrickson and Samaras 2018). There is removing of driver cost due to use of
automated vehicles for delivery of goods. Those driverless cars are less expensive for operation
as compared to public transport vehicles. It also allows greater investment into mass transit
Question 5:
The main concerns regarding implementation of RFID are ethical issues which concern
about identification of the human beings. RFID implants make people track without any
requirement for misuse of the data and information. The ethical implications of implantation of
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RFID into the human body are that in recent days, passport used of embedded chips, therefore it
is possible that related information are read by the business and government bodies which is
considered as identity thieves (Ahson and Ilyas 2017). The data which are stolen are being
acquired with the new content of owner. RFID devices are created of technology layer which can
generate information related to people, customs as well as past. The ethical issues which are
related to chipping of RFID are privacy; health related risks, as well as medical hazards. The
ethical problem with RFID implants are concern regarding governments start regulation on
implantation of the RFID.
Question 6:
There is constant argument to why people are not caring about the fact that computer
security is the main concern. Based on the perspective of erosion of privacy, as per my point of
view, the statement should be referred as: “arguing that you are not caring about right to privacy
as you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you do not care about security of
information as you do not have nothing to keep safe as far as security of the data is also a
concern.” The statement “If you’ve nothing to hide, you’ve nothing to fear”, it means that if
there are nothing to be considered wrong, then if there is honest person, there are no such reason
for any fear possible for investigation about the person. As for example, when person gets
knowledge on the privacy, then closed source software is being used in the computer for the
privacy reasons. The statement “nothing to hide” states that the surveillance programs are not
threatening the privacy unless it uncovers of illegal activities. The person those favors to the
argument stated that “there is nothing to hide”, and there are no expression of opposition to the
surveillance. The individual with this argument stated that the person should not be worried
about the surveillance when he or she has nothing to hide. The problem with the statement is that
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“nothing to hide”, nothing to fear”, it debates about rights towards the privacy as well as free to
speech which ignores complexity of relationship between the individual as well as information
related to the individual. “Nothing to hide, nothing to fear”, is myth, a Trojan horse which falls
back on fear to justify the schemes of surveillance.
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Section – 2
Question 1:
Title of the chosen project: Drone
Question 2:
Following are the project objectives of drone project:
To provide opportunities to access new competencies related to use of drone technologies
To understand the working of drone
To analyze the features and applications of drone
For this project, drone is selected as now-a-days, drone is most advanced devices into
aeronautics electronics as well as robotics (Shaw 2016). The project develops and improves
transmission along with maintenance by development of areas of interest with Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drone (Vizcaino 2016). UAV is provided efficient mean not to enforce
the rules of traffic as well as support the traffic police on the ground. This project work also
provides efficient information to the traffic.
Question 3:
I decided not to work into project group as I want to control this assignment as not to
interest to create network of people and take follow up as it was not opted for the task into group.
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Section- 3
1. Copy of discussion board postings with indication of posting date
Activity 1.1
Class Introduction:
Date: 30 January 2018
Greetings Everyone
I have a presence of mind and able to exercise discretion when a need arises. I work as a
technical director for a local company for over 3 years now. In my responsibility as a director, I
am involved in business oriented technical professional, distinctive on capitalizing on technology
to enhance overall capabilities while wielding expertise in design, production and distribution of
technical accessories. I analyze user requirements and usability metrics to ensure customer
satisfaction, with emphasis on technical soundness and resource efficiency. Work-related
projects have brought me to cities like Beijing, Shanghai China and Tokyo Japan.
I am an independent and reliable person. In my studies, I show keen interest, and I am very
decisive in a quest for academic growth. My strongest academic abilities lie in calculations and
computing. I am confident that a University of Derby education along with the contributions on
this forum will inspire me to do greater things.
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Activity 1.2
Date: 31/01/2018
"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."
Do you agree with his statement?
Different people have different references and different ways of evaluating the above statement. I
would like to disagree with Scott.
I understand that Scott McNealy made this comment nearly a decade ago, what scares the
daylight out of him was the idea of a planned socialist economy driven by a bureaucratic
government of appointed officials knowing about his personal information and their surveillance
on his activities. I believe he was bothered by the wealth of personal information big
governments like USA access and monopolize whereas the case is different and few for small
governments. Some of the ways the big governments extract this information are physical (health
care, insurance, education) and online (cookie proliferation, seizing cloud data, location data
Nowadays, some big corporations that usually disclose personal information to big governments
are gradually beginning to protect their customers from an unnecessary intrusion of privacy. We
see new improvement from Facebook; they now ensure that privacy and security of sensitive
documents sent to them by users are received from a secure connection by default. User
information is encrypted and read by team members only whom automatically delete personal
information after 30 days. Facebook's subsidiary cross-platform instant messaging app called
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