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Exhibitions and Conferences in London


Added on  2022/12/23

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This article explores the exhibition and conference sector in London, including its key purposes, specific venues, resources used, and recommendations for future events. It provides valuable insights for students studying event management or tourism. Find study material on Desklib.

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Conferences and Exhibitions
in London
Table of Contents

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MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................3
Exhibition and conference sector in London.......................................................................................3
Key purpose of exhibitions and conferences at London.....................................................................4
Specific venues used by the exhibitions and conferences...................................................................6
Resources used by the exhibition in London......................................................................................7
Evaluation of the resources................................................................................................................7
Recommendations for future events..................................................................................................7
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Exhibitions and the conferences play a major role in tourism in which large groups which
are planned in advance are brought together. The event industry term is considered as the
umbrella term for the vast scope of meetings and events and profession and also termed as the
event or meeting industry so that the affiliation with the rodents can be avoided. This industry
consisting of the exhibitions and the conferences is considered as the most profitable sectors as
the travellers travelling for the purpose of these events who typically spend a large amount of
budget on-site (Bowen, 2020). This industry in London, UK is one of the massive industries by
any measure as it supports 570,000 full time equivalent jobs and is worth 42.3bn. This was
observed that the 35% of the UK visitor economy is accounted by events. The report will shed
light on the exhibitions and conferences sector in London (Spies-Gans, 2018). It will also
highlight its key purpose along with its positive and negative impacts. The report will also
mention the various important venues which are used by the exhibitions and conferences in
London. A particular exhibition or conference will also be highlighted along with the resources
used in it. Recommendations will also be provided for the further resources which can be used at
the future events.
Exhibition and conference sector in London
Conferences and the Exhibitions play a major role in the event industry.
Conferences are considered as gathering of many people, who gather for talking about a
specific topic or subject. At the conference, various innovative ideas are thrown about a specific
topic and also information is shared and exchanged among the experts involved in the
conference. There are various types of conferences including the academic, business, trade and
unconference. All these types of conferences are held in London frequently (Nolan, 2020). The
example of academic conference is the 31st International academic conference which was held on
May 29-31, 2017. This was held at University of London, UK. The Aesthetics Business
Conference was a conference held on June, 20 at Royal College of Physicians, London. The
trade conference named London International Trade Fair was held on 24 May 2020 at The
Bentley Hotel London, UK (Seidlová and Chapman, 2017). This is how; there are various types
of conferences held in London at different locations regularly.
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Exhibitions are especially organised for building brand awareness, getting leads for the
products and preparing for the product release. It helps in generating brand hype, drawing
attention to the displays, putting exhibitors on the map for their target audiences etc. There are
various types of exhibitions such as art exhibitions, thesis displays, technology fairs, healthcare
and patient fairs and business to business exhibitions. The example of Art Exhibition is Kimono:
Kyoto to Catwalk which was held from Feb, 2020 to 21 June 2020 at V&A, South Kensington,
Cromwell Road, London.
Exhibitions are considered as the trade shows where the organisation promotes its major
products and services to the community and the people. These are known as the hyper-focused
events which help in drumming up the business and also help the employees in networking and
building the lasting the professional relationships. The exhibitions mainly deal in featuring the
product demonstrations for debut the new products and services. Examples of exhibitions in
London are Forest for Change, Jean Dubuffet, Mushrooms, Mars & Beyond, London Textile fair,
pure London, Salon International, The Cleaning Show, Unleash, Digital Health Technology
Show, The Cloud & Cyber Security Expo Team, Childcare & Education Expo, European Coffee,
Tea & Soft Drinks Expo 2021, B2B Marketing Expo, Pure London Exhibition, Professional
Beauty London, Natural & Organic Products Exhibition, MODA exhibition etc.
On the other hand, conferences take the meetings to the higher level and the main aim is
designing to share the knowledge for the large corporate group. These not only include the major
members of the organisation but also the general public and the guest speakers. Conferences are
usually sponsored and organised by trade associations and the industry publicans for presenting
and discussing the technologies, ideas and the other topics. For example, Online Marketing
Conference, Catholic Charity Conference, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Mental Health
Conference, Leading Strategic HR Transformation etc. (London, 2019)
The exhibition sector is responsible for providing only the infrastructure whereas the
conference depends on the venue for providing the comprehensive services including the
communication, audio, venue layout, information systems and many more (Huang, 2020).
The exhibitions and the conferences are the public gatherings which are used for
presenting and discussing the information about a particular field or services or products or even
the particular segment of the industry. These gatherings mainly serve to be educational, allow the
rivals and competitors for interacting and announcing the new products.

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Key purpose of exhibitions and conferences at London
The main purpose of exhibitions and conferences is to launch new products, to expand the
knowledge and then finding solutions to the problems, strengthening the relations with existing
customers, helping the SME’s in establishing themselves and many more (Crump, 2018). These
are the general purpose of exhibitions and conferences but they both have some purpose in
specific which are as mentioned below:
Key purpose of exhibitions
The main purpose of the exhibition is providing platform for promoting the service and products.
The products and the services are promoted to those groups who have no or little knowledge
about the same. Some industry exhibitions may be responsible for holding the numerous forums,
industry and seminars. The industry can be further understood, and more information can be
gained through the conference. Also, the purpose of the exhibition can be examining the needs of
the local market, finding suitable agents and distributors, establishing and maintaining the
company’s image, selling the products to the right customers, establishing the trade cooperation
with others etc. (Nzioka, 2019). The major example of exhibition in London is Forest for
Change: The Global Goals Pavilion which was held from 1 June to 27 June at Somerset House.
The main purpose of the event was looking towards a greener future with dramatic outdoor
installation. More than 400 trees took over the courtyard of art’s venue which highlighted the
climate change, road to sustainability and inequality. This is how this exhibition aimed to aware
the community to save trees and save the environment (The best art exhibitions in London:
Kimono, 2020). This impacted the community in positive ways as it will make majority of the
people aware of the need to save environment through saving trees and forests as this can help in
bringing greater positive changes in the country (Welthagen, 2019).
Key purpose of conferences
The purpose of conferences is providing opportunities for the particular segment in order
to meet and discuss on the broad range of subjects. These are mainly for the benefit for the
community, and this must be kept in mind. The participants are welcomed but there is also need
for improving the communications which is realized after the conferences (Jarry, 2021). This is
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why conferences are the gathering of the people with the common background or interest in
which the main purpose is to allow the people for meeting one another and learning about and
discussing the issues, opinions, ideas and work which focuses on a topic of the mutual concern.
Example of conference can be FACE which is the premier scientific conference of UK which
will be organised on 25-26 June 2021 in London. This will feature the latest clinical information,
updates in the aesthetic treatment field and also the practical tips. It has been dominating the
premium UK market of the medical aesthetics due to its 150 national and international speakers
and the format of comprehensive agenda (Nzioka, 2019). This can help in developing more jobs
and also helps in bringing revenue to the country.
Impact of exhibitions and conferences in London
For example, the main purpose of The Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition 2021 is the
London’s leading event especially for the non-surgical medical aesthetics whose main aim is
providing the opportunity for the medical aesthetic professionals so that they can come together
for two days where they can learn, discover business and network. This event was held on 12
March 2020 at the Business Design Centre in London.
The advantage of exhibitions is raising the awareness as it helps in raising the profiles and
getting the advertising and sponsorship opportunities. This also helps in meeting face to face
with the potential customers thereby building relationships. On the other hand, the main
advantage of conferences is that they help in knowing about the competitors. New products can
be introduced and offerings can be explained in person. As the exhibitions give various
opportunities to meet with the potential customers, the marketing lists can easily be buildand the
qualified sales lead can be generated (Welthagen, 2019).
The main disadvantage of the exhibitions is the high costs which include the standing
space, build, stand design, travelling and accommodation for the staff and many more. Also, the
exhibitors need to strive much hard to get the attention of the potential customers, so they need to
face a tough competition from its competitors. The major disadvantages identified in case of
conferences is that after investing much for these events, there is no guarantee for the sales lead
which means the results are not guaranteed (Veitch, 2017). The exhibitions may also not have
enough delegates to make the presence worthwhile if there are no big speakers or the right
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publicity. Therefore, they need to research thoroughly before choosing for the exhibition at a
particular event.
Specific venues used by the exhibitions and conferences
The venues play the major role for organising the exhibitions and the conferences. Venues
are decided must be such that it can attract the targeted customers and can satisfy the majority of
the people in the community. Every country and the city have some venues which are majorly
made for events, conference, exhibitions etc. The most famous venues in London which are
especially made for exhibitions, conferences etc. Including the White City, Alexandra Palace,
Lord’s Cricket Ground, 8 Northumberland Avenue, Magazine London, BMA house, The
Porchester hall, Printworks London, Copper Box Arena, Business Design Centres, Noho studios
and many more. This can be observed that there are many places or venues in London which are
meant for organising the exhibitions and conferences and to bring together the people for special
purpose. This is how exhibitions also play a significant role in economy of UK for generating
Among all the venues, the major and the largest venue is the Excel which is considered as
the home of leading events in the world. This is also known as Exhibition Centre London which
is an exhibition and international convention centre located in the Royal Docks Area of
Newham, London. This is owned by the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company. It was
opened on November, 2000 and expanded in 2010 (Welcome to Excel London, 2021). The
complete space of the venue is 100,000 m2 having a parking of almost 3,700 vehicles. It has 60
racks for the bicycle facilities. The building consists of two rectangular, column free, sub-
divisible halls which are of 479,493 square feet which also gas catering facilities and information
points on either side. Also, there are three sets of function rooms, one above the western end of
Central Boulevard, another overlooking the water and third on the building’s north side. These
are used for the purpose of smaller meetings, presentations, seminars, exhibitions, conferences
etc. There are more than 30 bars and restaurants, six hotels and 3,700 spaces for parking in the
campus (Excel London Hospitality, 2021). This venue has hosted more than thousands of events
of every type including the concerts, conferences, weddings, exhibitions etc. Among which it
included the Worldskills London 2011, British International Motor show etc. This is located on
Docklands Light Railway which can be accessed via two DLR stations. One is the custom house

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for the west entrance and platinum suite and prince regent for the east entrance and ICC London.
The venue also focuses on sustainability and CSR and due to which it takes various initiatives for
reducing energy usage, enhancing the recycling efforts and increasing business transparency.
Packages offered for this venue are reviewed with the guidelines of Government which are
communicated by the clients directly and through website.
Figure 1: Excel London
Source: Excel London, 2021
Many such events in London have established themselves to be one of the strong bases for
the international trade. London is also considered as the #1 EMEA cities in terms of events
activity and meetings. The venue for the Aesthetic Conference & exhibition which is going to be
on 12-13 March 2021 is Business Design Centre (52, Upper St, The Angel, London N2 0QH,
London, UK). The venue is chosen for the ease of the participants to come and the event can also
involve the various business bodies. This exhibition will help in providing the opportunity to
gather the medical aesthetic professionals for two days of research and connecting with more
people. This will give an opportunity to learn from the leading experts such as laser, skin
rejuvenation, energy devices, stem cell hair regeneration etc. (Aesthetics Conference &
Exhibition, 2021).
There is also another event names World Chemistry Conference and Exhibition which is
going to be held on 12-14 April. Its venue is Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London
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Heathrow in Heathrow Airport, Middlesex, Bath Road (Building A, West Drayton, UK). This is
chosen such that large number of delegates and dignitaries (approx. 100-500) can come and will
be using the opportunity for exchanging their new ideas and application experiences face to face
and also helps in establishing research or business relations thereby finding global partners for
future collaboration (Smith, 2020).
This is how, it can be analysed the venue for the exhibitions and conferences are organised
at a particular venue according to the purpose of the event and the people targeted.
Resources used by the exhibition in London
The different type of resources is used for the exhibitions and conferences which take place
in London. The resource for London is open and also at the time of pandemic the events are
hosted in the Covid-Secure venue which falls in the category of exemption for the face to face
gathering. The major resource used is the room capacities which are used for the accommodation
of the people even in the pandemic by following the 2m social distancing rule. Using this
resource, 2000 meeting, almost 100 conferences and AGMs can take place at the Resource for
London every year. Along with the rooms, the other resources can be the flexible office space,
training, conference and meeting rooms, exhibition space, Personnel, Accommodation and
Travel, Speakers, Food and Beverage, A/V equipment, Wi-Fi, Production materials, marketing
and promotion materials, entertainment materials etc. The resources used by the Aesthetics
Conference & Exhibition which is the UK’s leading clinical conference and exhibition which
brings the Aesthetics journal to life will also be using many resources. Along with the general
resources it will also be using the COVID-19 safety measures and resources as it will be going to
be held on 12 March when pandemic will be present. So, the resources are used according to the
current things going on.
Evaluation of the resources
The major event which is going to be held in Excel is the Publishing Show 2021 which
will be held on 22-23 June 2021. The industry is facing issues in understanding the audiences
monetising content, building communities, transitioning to digital and many more. This event
will explore and address in-person, themes and topics. More than 60 people with brightest minds
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will be speaking through whom the valuable insights can be gained which can help in developing
the brands and growing the business (The Publishing Show, 2021). The registration and the
tickets are completely free of cost. This is majorly for the B2B and B2C publishers, content
providers, newspapers and suppliers. The exhibition can be evaluated by analysing the three
steps including the before, during and after the exhibition. This must be analysed that the
exhibition and conference was aimed for the non-surgical medical aesthetics so before the
exhibition this aesthetics did not get the opportunity to come together which lacked in discovery,
business, learning and networking. The resources like the threads, injectables, laser, peels,
energy devices etc. can be helpful in researching about the non-surgical medical methods
(Nzioka, 2019). After the exhibition, various ideas, opinions, and perspectives can be found.
Recommendations for future events
The future events including the conferences and the exhibitions must make use of the
advanced technologies so that the methods and the resources used can be innovative and creative
and will also be the centre of attraction of the public and committee (Jones, 2017). The event
managers or the exhibitors must not always decide a cost to be taken from the attendees. It must
be free of cost so that more people can make use of the gaining from the event and can be
facilitated from the same. Furthermore, it can be recommended that hybrid events can also be
held at the venues like Excel, new capacities can be developed so that social distancing norms
and procedures can be followed, facial recognition must be established for contactless check in
as this will help in preventing the spread of infections and also technical resources must be
innovated according to the digital trends.
The above report focussed on the introduction and the purpose of the events like exhibitions
and conferences. The main focus of the report was the destination London in which various
exhibitions and conferences take place regularly. It also analysed some events which took place
and will be going to be held in London. Resources used in such events were also highlighted
along with providing some recommendations.

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Books and Journals
Bowen, J.P., (2020). A Personal View of EVA London: Past, Present, Future. Proceedings of
EVA London 2020 30. pp.8-15.
Cieślikowski, K. and Brusokas, A., 2020. Selected attractiveness factors of academic
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Crump, J., 2018. ‘Our Struggle in London’: Primitive Methodists and the Metropolis. The
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Jarry, R., (2021). Museum diplomacy in the digital age: by Natalia Grincheva, London and New
York, Routledge–Museum Meanings Series, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, 158 pages,
ISBN (paperback): 978-0-815-36999-8| ISBN (ebook): 978-1-351-25100-6, $32 USD.
Jones, C.A., (2017). The Global Work of Art: World's Fairs, Biennials, and the Aesthetics of
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London, A., (2019). British Art Studies September 2019 London, Asia, Exhibitions, Histories
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Nolan, E., 2020. The supply and design of different types of venues for business
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Society: Comparing Policy Responses in London and Paris. In Inequalities in the UK.
Emerald Publishing Limited.
Smith, J.P., (2020). Music and the New Global Culture: From the Great Exhibitions to the Jazz
Age by Harry Liebersohn. German Studies Review. 43(3). pp.617-619.
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Spies-Gans, P.A., (2018). Exceptional, but not exceptions: public exhibitions and the rise of the
woman artist in London and Paris, 1760–1830. Eighteenth-Century Studies. 51(4).
Veitch, M., (2017). Urban Art Hotels and Gentrification: A Comparative Analysis of Toronto
and London, Ontario. International Journal of Canadian Studies. 56. pp.17-46.
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Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition ,(2021). [ONLINE]. Available through :<
2021.html >
Excel London Hospitality, 2021. [ONLINE]. Available through :<>
Excel London, 2020. [ONLINE]. Available through: <
The best art exhibitions in London: Kimono, 2020. [ONLINE]. Available through :<>
The Publishing Show, 2021. [ONLINE]. Available through :<
Welcome to Excel London, 2021. [ONLINE]. Available through :<>
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