
Conflict Management Strategy for Scottish Parliament Project Assignment


Added on  2021-01-02

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Conflict ManagementStrategy for ScottishParliament Project
Conflict Management Strategy for Scottish Parliament Project Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11.Develop a conflict management strategy, by using one or a combination of conflictresolution approaches, to resolve the issues that you identified above.......................................12. Communication implications of conflict management strategy..............................................33. Significance of strategies and its implications on communication.........................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Conflict Management Strategy for Scottish Parliament Project Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONConflict management is defined as the practice in order to have ability of identifying andhandling the conflicts in sensible manner (Soliku and Schraml, 2018). Thus, conflict in ScottishParliament Project is natural part. It is also important that there are some people who understandconflicts and also who has knowledge of resolving them. Thus, in the following report conflictsbetween two members of Scottish Parliament Project has been discussed. Furthermore, variousstrategies has been discussed in terms of managing conflict. This report is also based oncommunication implications of strategy related to conflict management. In addition to this, thisreport also highlights on evaluation of these strategies and implications of communication hasbeen discussed. Jameson model has been used in this report as it has been mentioned with variousstrategies that may help them to resolve and manage the conflict. This model also containsvarious reasons that may create conflicts and also discuss ways in order to overcome suchconflicts and later leads the members in order to build healthy relationship.1.Develop a conflict management strategy, by using one or a combination of conflict resolutionapproaches, to resolve the issues that you identified above.Based on Scottish Parliament Project and 4 sources of conflict between MrArmstrong(Project manager) and Mrs' Doig (project sponsor). Basically four interpersonalconflict were discussed between them (Barrett, 2015). The first conflict is based on personaldifferences due to difference in their backgrounds, experiences, perception and anticipation.Second was lack of information, role incompatibility, and environmental induced stress. Fromthe analysis it has been found that the main cause of the project failure was the poorcommunication among both of them. According to conflict management strategies of Jameson'smodel. Interest based theories under this model, as interests are the needs, desires, concerns andfears that underlie their position. As noticed that Armstrong was concerned for the insufficienttime that had allocated for the planning and design phase in result producing a tight workprogram that seems to be impossible to achieve according to him. On the other hand Doig wasconcerned for early completion and occupancy of the parliament building as it is their politicalobjectives. 1
Conflict Management Strategy for Scottish Parliament Project Assignment_3

There are two essential paradigms of negotiations; position based and interest based. Inposition based negotiations, substance is crucial. Both parties i.e. PM and PS concentrate on theactual item being negotiated about. Further, in position based negotiations, the other party is seenas enemy to overcome (Brett, 2017). Both of them tend to be self serving in an effort to seevictory over the other. However, it has been observed that interest based strategy also focuses onthe significance of relationships, particularly if both sides work independently, they rely on eachother to attain a goal or objective. The main principle of interest based strategy negotiation is toemerge a good understanding of PM and PS interests and to create a creative option that willmeet those interests. Furthermore, the chances of introducing a good relationship with the otherparty can be increased by this approach and attaining outcomes that are mutually beneficial. The interest based negotiation started with preparation then leads to a very particularprocedure to reach mutually accepted solutions. Based on the 4 sources of conflict, it can be seenthat at any time conflict can occur either in the negotiation or preparation process. At the time ofpreparation, strong differences can lead to dispute with in the negotiation team. Moreover, notall negotiations focus on reconciling interests. Reconciling means disclosing other's deepconcerns, thinking for solution and making trade off (Filippini, Koller and Masiero, 2015). Onefactor that significantly impact process frames is whether parties approach their dispute in termsof interests, needs, rights or power. At points it has been visible that one focuses on determiningwho is right and others focuses on who is more powerful. Other 2 strategies mentioned in thearticle of Jameson's are right-based strategies and power based strategies. The nature of the procedure used to resolve a dispute relies, to a large extent on the wayin which the conflict is framed. As noticed in 4th source of conflict, reaching agreement based onrights is often tough, where parties basically turn to a third party to decide who is right.Therefore, very one common rights-based procedure is adjudication. This refers to a process ofdecision making that include a neutral third party with the right to determine a binding resolutionthrough some form of judgement. Mr' Armstrong must present the argument and evidences to athird party who hands down a binding decision (Ghavami, Taleai and Arentze, 2016). Then comes the power based negotiation that needs to be applied in third source i.e. Roleincompatibility. In this strategy of negotiation includes an exchange of threats, and powercontests, in which Doig and Armstrong take actions to see who will prevail. The conflict solvingprocesses related with the different ways of framing dispute all include transaction costs and2
Conflict Management Strategy for Scottish Parliament Project Assignment_4

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