
Conflict Resolution - Desklib


Added on  2022-10-10

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Conflict Resolution - Desklib_1

Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution serves as means of two or more parties that are disagreeing to find a
peaceful solution. The resolution can be done formally or informally as stipulated in the Thomas
Kilman conflict resolution model (Wolfe et al., 2018). In this particular case study, Kelly and her
preceptor, Jack, are having a disagreement regarding the handover of patients. As Kelly prepares
her handover, she forgets essential details about her patients that she is supposed to tell the
afternoon staff who are supposed to take over. As a result, Jack tells the staff crucial details
regarding the patients that Kelly left out earlier. Jack then pulls Kelly aside and advises her that
she needs to improve on her handover. Kelly gets upset and tries to justify her actions by telling
Jack that she only forgot to say two things. As a result of this altercation, a conflict, which needs
to be resolved, develops. This conflict occurs in day 3. In day 1 and 2, everything seems smooth
between Kelly and Jack; hence, there is no conflict.
Informal ways of resolving conflict
This conflict can be resolved in a variety of ways that are both formal and informal. First,
Kelly and Jack can collaborate in resolving the conflict. Kelly should calm down and try to
understand what Jack is telling her. She should also admit her mistake and apologize to Jack. On
the flip side, Jack should understand that anyone can make a mistake; therefore, Kelly is not
unique. He should also give her time to adapt to the new surroundings. If these two parties, Jack
and Kelly, can collaborate effectively, then this conflict will be resolved (Almost et al., 2016).
Avoiding is one of the best ways of resolving conflicts. It means withdrawing or ignoring
a conflict. If Jack had not told Kelly about her mistakes, Kelly would not have protested, and
therefore, no conflict would have ensued between them and thereby nothing to resolve. Also, if
Conflict Resolution - Desklib_2

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