Time Constrained Assessment for BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
Added on 2022-11-30
21 Pages4563 Words74 Views
DATE: MAY 2021
TIME ALLOWED: THREE Hours within the scheduled 24 Hours
(this time includes completing the assessment
and uploading to Blackboard Turnitin
submission point)
PAGE / WORD COUNT:12 Pages(note that pages/words in excess of
this will not be marked)
Instructions to Candidates
1. Assessment specific instructions (amend and add points as
Student instructions for examination replacements on 8 May 2021
1. This is an Open Book Time Constrained Assessment.
2. You should ensure that you are able to sit in a quiet undisturbed
place, with internet access, power and a reliable PC/laptop.
DATE: MAY 2021
TIME ALLOWED: THREE Hours within the scheduled 24 Hours
(this time includes completing the assessment
and uploading to Blackboard Turnitin
submission point)
PAGE / WORD COUNT:12 Pages(note that pages/words in excess of
this will not be marked)
Instructions to Candidates
1. Assessment specific instructions (amend and add points as
Student instructions for examination replacements on 8 May 2021
1. This is an Open Book Time Constrained Assessment.
2. You should ensure that you are able to sit in a quiet undisturbed
place, with internet access, power and a reliable PC/laptop.
3. In advance of the assessment, you should ensure that you have a
copy of any software you intend to use, such as Word or Excel
and free scanning software if required. Microsoft Office
applications (Word and Excel) can be downloaded from your
online student area.
4. You have Three hours to complete this open book time
constrained assessment. We will use Blackboard Tracking to
determine when you accessed the paper. As you have now
downloaded the paper, you will now have hours to undertake
your attempt and submit your answers.
5. The time includes :Three hours to complete the assessment, and
one additional hour to download the paper and to upload your
answer file into Turnitin submission point.
6. To allow for any additional issues with tackling the online
assessment, including time difference from your location and the
UK, you have been given 24 hours window to start and finish your
assessment. This allows for a range of scenarios that may affect
7. If you are entitled to additional time on a support plan, you can
have the additional time on top of the Three hours for completing
the assessment. If this presents difficulties, alert your module
leader and the staff who co-ordinate your support plan.
8. If you experience a technical issue with your exam, please contact
IT Services via
Web link: http://www.derby.ac.uk/its/students/help/
Telephone No:
Please provide them with the module code and title and a
description/screenshot of the error or problem.
9. Academic support – You may seek academic support from the
assigned invigilator/module tutor for the following:-
Clarification of unclear or contradictory text within a
Clarification of marks available for a question or section of a
Clarification of symbols, equations, constants and fixed
values where provided within the exam paper and/or exam
The assigned invigilator/ module tutor does not have to answer
your question if they determine that it would provide you with an
unfair advantage or it is outside of the parameters defined above.
10. As with any other assessment submission, you are responsible
for submitting your work on time. If it helps, you could set a timer
for the duration of the assessment to remind you how much time
you have left.
copy of any software you intend to use, such as Word or Excel
and free scanning software if required. Microsoft Office
applications (Word and Excel) can be downloaded from your
online student area.
4. You have Three hours to complete this open book time
constrained assessment. We will use Blackboard Tracking to
determine when you accessed the paper. As you have now
downloaded the paper, you will now have hours to undertake
your attempt and submit your answers.
5. The time includes :Three hours to complete the assessment, and
one additional hour to download the paper and to upload your
answer file into Turnitin submission point.
6. To allow for any additional issues with tackling the online
assessment, including time difference from your location and the
UK, you have been given 24 hours window to start and finish your
assessment. This allows for a range of scenarios that may affect
7. If you are entitled to additional time on a support plan, you can
have the additional time on top of the Three hours for completing
the assessment. If this presents difficulties, alert your module
leader and the staff who co-ordinate your support plan.
8. If you experience a technical issue with your exam, please contact
IT Services via
Web link: http://www.derby.ac.uk/its/students/help/
Telephone No:
Please provide them with the module code and title and a
description/screenshot of the error or problem.
9. Academic support – You may seek academic support from the
assigned invigilator/module tutor for the following:-
Clarification of unclear or contradictory text within a
Clarification of marks available for a question or section of a
Clarification of symbols, equations, constants and fixed
values where provided within the exam paper and/or exam
The assigned invigilator/ module tutor does not have to answer
your question if they determine that it would provide you with an
unfair advantage or it is outside of the parameters defined above.
10. As with any other assessment submission, you are responsible
for submitting your work on time. If it helps, you could set a timer
for the duration of the assessment to remind you how much time
you have left.
11. You may submit your answers using Word or PDF. For
handwritten work, you should only use black or blue colour pen
and should not use pencil. You may submit only one single file to
Turnitin. For example, for Turnitin if you do some working in
Excel that you want marking and/ or scanned drawings, ensure
you cut and paste them into Word. Please do not email lecturers
with additional workings or explanations, everything you want to
be considered for marking must be a single file. There can be no
exceptions to this.
12. If handwritten workings are used - these must be in black or blue
ink and legible. You may either scan or photo them and paste
them into a single file. The writing must be legible (you may want
to trial this beforehand). If the work cannot be read, it cannot be
13. You should name you answer file to include your student ID and
module code, e.g. 6HX503_123456789.docs. DO NOT type
your name in the document or in the file name. This is to ensure
that we can mark your submission anonymously.
14. Once completed, upload the file in the Turnitin Link provided on
the Blackboard module page, within the 24 hours. This is your
responsibility. Please ensure that you save your work regularly
during the assessment in case of problems. You will only be
able to upload your file once (you cannot resubmit).
15. By submitting this assessment, you are declaring that this is your
own work and has not been copied (in part or whole) from any
other source except where appropriately acknowledged.
handwritten work, you should only use black or blue colour pen
and should not use pencil. You may submit only one single file to
Turnitin. For example, for Turnitin if you do some working in
Excel that you want marking and/ or scanned drawings, ensure
you cut and paste them into Word. Please do not email lecturers
with additional workings or explanations, everything you want to
be considered for marking must be a single file. There can be no
exceptions to this.
12. If handwritten workings are used - these must be in black or blue
ink and legible. You may either scan or photo them and paste
them into a single file. The writing must be legible (you may want
to trial this beforehand). If the work cannot be read, it cannot be
13. You should name you answer file to include your student ID and
module code, e.g. 6HX503_123456789.docs. DO NOT type
your name in the document or in the file name. This is to ensure
that we can mark your submission anonymously.
14. Once completed, upload the file in the Turnitin Link provided on
the Blackboard module page, within the 24 hours. This is your
responsibility. Please ensure that you save your work regularly
during the assessment in case of problems. You will only be
able to upload your file once (you cannot resubmit).
15. By submitting this assessment, you are declaring that this is your
own work and has not been copied (in part or whole) from any
other source except where appropriately acknowledged.
DATE: MAY 2021
Instructions to Candidates
1. 25 Questions to be answered out of 30.
2. Each Question carries 4 Marks.
3. Each Question should be limited to One Quarter to a Third of a
typed page with Half a Typed Page as Maximum.
4. The total number of pages for the whole exam is 9 typed pages
plus 10% which 1 additional page to make 10 pages.
5. For each set of questions, the initial question carrying the stated
marks is the lead/ base question.
6. The final/second question(s) is/are the follow up question(s) and
have slightly more marks since these cover inter-alia: the related
experience, application and discussion/evaluation as applicable to
the first question.
DATE: MAY 2021
Instructions to Candidates
1. 25 Questions to be answered out of 30.
2. Each Question carries 4 Marks.
3. Each Question should be limited to One Quarter to a Third of a
typed page with Half a Typed Page as Maximum.
4. The total number of pages for the whole exam is 9 typed pages
plus 10% which 1 additional page to make 10 pages.
5. For each set of questions, the initial question carrying the stated
marks is the lead/ base question.
6. The final/second question(s) is/are the follow up question(s) and
have slightly more marks since these cover inter-alia: the related
experience, application and discussion/evaluation as applicable to
the first question.
(a) What really is a budget and a Financial Statement in the
context of civil engineering and construction?
A project budget can be generated by assessing estimated
revenue and expenditures over the project's life cycle.
Related projects are compared.
The amount of money available is assessed.
Examination of specifications prior to construction.
Preliminary concept alternatives are analyzed.
(1½ Marks)
(b) Describe how these can be applied practically to HQ and site
conditions in a construction and consulting firm
Each project has a clear objective or goal that must be
met within a certain time frame and budget. Six criteria must
be rigorously tested in order to achieve these goals. Scale,
complexity, efficiency, effectiveness, completion time, and
expense are the factors to consider. The final number is
determined by the preparation, monitoring, and execution of
these criteria, and it is here that a design and installation may
create a meaningful impact based on his abilities, knowledge,
and skills.
(2½ Marks)
(Total 4 Marks)
(a) State the Management of Health and Safety Regulations
(1 Mark)
The Act describes the various responsibilities that
companies have toward their workers and communities, as well as
the responsibilities that employees have toward themselves and
one another.
(a) What really is a budget and a Financial Statement in the
context of civil engineering and construction?
A project budget can be generated by assessing estimated
revenue and expenditures over the project's life cycle.
Related projects are compared.
The amount of money available is assessed.
Examination of specifications prior to construction.
Preliminary concept alternatives are analyzed.
(1½ Marks)
(b) Describe how these can be applied practically to HQ and site
conditions in a construction and consulting firm
Each project has a clear objective or goal that must be
met within a certain time frame and budget. Six criteria must
be rigorously tested in order to achieve these goals. Scale,
complexity, efficiency, effectiveness, completion time, and
expense are the factors to consider. The final number is
determined by the preparation, monitoring, and execution of
these criteria, and it is here that a design and installation may
create a meaningful impact based on his abilities, knowledge,
and skills.
(2½ Marks)
(Total 4 Marks)
(a) State the Management of Health and Safety Regulations
(1 Mark)
The Act describes the various responsibilities that
companies have toward their workers and communities, as well as
the responsibilities that employees have toward themselves and
one another.
(b) Explain this legislation with respect to construction projects
and discuss and evaluate how effective this has been and
stating any recent review if any.
(3 Marks)
Maintaining stable and clean practices requires effective
activity control and professional site monitoring. The greater the
risk, the more hazard management and monitoring are needed,
particularly in construction activities.
(Total 4 Marks)
(a) Describe HRM in some detail.
Human resource management (HRM or HR) is a holistic
solution to managing employees effectively in an enterprise or
organisation so that they can help the company achieve a
competitive edge. Its aim is to optimize employee efficiency in
support of a company's strategic goals.
(2 Marks)
(b) Further describe contract of employment and explain further
what a written contract of employment entails with clear
succinct examples with respect to civil engineering and
construction projects.
Further describe contract of employment and explain further
what a written contract of employment entails with clear
succinct examples with respect to civil engineering and
construction projects.
(2 Marks)
(Total 4 Marks)
(a) List the factors affecting the duration and costs of
construction projects.
Place, labor, climate, Social factors
(1 Mark)
and discuss and evaluate how effective this has been and
stating any recent review if any.
(3 Marks)
Maintaining stable and clean practices requires effective
activity control and professional site monitoring. The greater the
risk, the more hazard management and monitoring are needed,
particularly in construction activities.
(Total 4 Marks)
(a) Describe HRM in some detail.
Human resource management (HRM or HR) is a holistic
solution to managing employees effectively in an enterprise or
organisation so that they can help the company achieve a
competitive edge. Its aim is to optimize employee efficiency in
support of a company's strategic goals.
(2 Marks)
(b) Further describe contract of employment and explain further
what a written contract of employment entails with clear
succinct examples with respect to civil engineering and
construction projects.
Further describe contract of employment and explain further
what a written contract of employment entails with clear
succinct examples with respect to civil engineering and
construction projects.
(2 Marks)
(Total 4 Marks)
(a) List the factors affecting the duration and costs of
construction projects.
Place, labor, climate, Social factors
(1 Mark)
End of preview
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