
Construction Management


Added on  2023-03-31

25 Pages4524 Words475 Views
Leadership ManagementDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataEnvironmental Engineering
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Construction Management_1

Table of Contents
Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................................3
1.1. The concept of strategic management..................................................................................3
1.2. Aim and Objective................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2..........................................................................................................................................4
KIER Group’s profile......................................................................................................................4
2.1. Vision of KIER Group..........................................................................................................4
2.2 Mission of KIER Group.........................................................................................................5
2.2.1External environment scanning.......................................................................................5
2.2.2 Porter’s generic strategy.................................................................................................6
2.2.3PEST Analysis.................................................................................................................6
2.2.4 PORTER’S FIVE FORCES...........................................................................................9
2.2.5SWOT analysis..............................................................................................................10
Chapter 3........................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Core Competences and Capabilities...............................................................................11
3.2 VRIO Framework............................................................................................................12
3.3Value chain analysis.........................................................................................................12
Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................14
4.1Blue Ocean strategy..............................................................................................................14
4.2BCG growth matrix..............................................................................................................15
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4.3Hoshin Kanri (3 years strategic plan)...................................................................................15
4.4McKinsey’s 7S......................................................................................................................16
Chapter 5........................................................................................................................................17
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Chapter 1
1.1. The concept of strategic management
Strategic management of the business operations are reliant on the different activities that
are planned by the ventures. The development of the business operations are related to the
continuous planning, monitoring and analysis of the different necessary modificationss.
Continuous planning and development of the organization influence the same in continuing with
the efficacy of the operations in adherence to the corporate goals of the venture. The concept of
strategic management practices of an organization is reliant on the effective functioning of the
systems in adherence to the objectives of the venture. Hitt and Duane Ireland (2017) opined that
the strategic management practices of an organization involves a combination of best practices
that might be considered by the businesses while operating in different markets. The different
modifications that are planned by the organizations are reliant on the strategic reforms that are
made by the same.
The strategic reforms that are often implemented by the optimizations are dependent on
the efficacy of the operations while adhering to the assessment of the business position and
issues faced by the same. The development of the strategic abilities of an organization would
influence the same in improving the potency of improving the efficacy of the operations in
support of the objectives of sustenance. Therefore, the implementation of the strategic
management initiatives by organizations influence the same in improving the potency of the
same while operating in different markets.
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1.2. Aim and Objective
The aim of the research is to develop a coherent understanding of the market position of
KIER group and the different strategic management procedures that might be considered by the
same while improving the health and safety related operations for transforming the same into a
zero-accident construction company by 2035 (Meyer, Neck and Meeks 2017). On the other
hand, the research will also enumerate a list of recommended activities that might be considered
by the concerned organization in order to develop a situation of incremental values each year.
The research will enumerate the different procedures that might be considered by the
organization with the aim of improving the prospects of growth and expansion in the different
Chapter 2
KIER Group’s profile
The concerned organization, Kier Group Plc is an UK based construction, services
and property development corporation who maintained the efficacy of the operations in
adherence to the demand of the consumers. The concerned organization was founded on the year
1928 with the aim of improving the construction based operations in adherence to the demand of
the consumers. The revenue and net income of the organization was £4,493.3 million and £88.5
million respectively in the year 2018 (Bettis et al. 2014). The different modifications that are
being planned by the organization supported the same in improving the propositions in
adherence to the demand of the consumers. Simon, Fischbach and Schoder (2014) noted that
the effective functioning of a organization is reliant on the effectiveness of the workforce. Kier
Group holds a total of 20,064 skilled employees which supported the venture in improving the
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potency of the same while operating in different market contexts (Engert, Rauter and
Baumgartner 2016).
2.1. Vision of KIER Group
The vision of Kier Group is to become a world- class customer centric venture through
the development of a wider range of operations in adherence to the developmental aspects of
modifications. The key modificationss that are considered by the organization are related to
investments made by the same in the properties, residential constructions and the development of
the service sectors.
2.2 Mission of KIER Group
The mission of Kier Group is reliant in the minimization of the different accidents that
might challenge the potency of the venture. The minimization of the workplace accidents while
undertaking the constructions would influence the venture in improving the potency of the same
in continuing with the efficacy of the operations through maximized involvement of the
stakeholders. The organization aimed at minimizing the rate of accidents by the year 2035 with
the aim of improving the potency of the same in continuing with the efficacy of the operations.
2.2.1External environment scanning
The external environmental considerations that are commenced by the organizations
influence the same in improving a suitable understanding of the different issues that might be
encountered by the same while operating in the different markets. The revenue raised by the
construction organizations in Great Britain has risen by £109,387 million (Foss and Hallberg
2014). Baumgartner and Rauter (2017) stated that the construction industry experienced
continuous growth by 6.2% while compared to the different other industries. The continuous
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