
Construction Work Safety


Added on  2023-03-30

18 Pages3059 Words407 Views
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Construction Work Safety_1

Executive Summary
The issue of maintenance of public hospitals has been regarded as a serious issue in
Australia. Lack of attention to the management of maintenance in these hospitals is evident with
the deterioration of the building itself.Some of the challenges include leaking roofs, narrow stairs
that needs expansion work, very dim energy saver bulbs that leads to straining for workers to see.
Outdated florescent tubes in the corridors that have been left dark thus people easily fall at night.
The sockets pinpoints were not compatible with most of the phone chargers and laptop chargers.
This induces stress on the workers who rely on their phones for frequent communication. This
has subsequently led to reduced health care services. The main aim of this particular paper is to
properly assess the case study involving maintenance practice at the Fiona Stanley Hospital in
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Hospitals and other buildings of healthcare are regarded as the most complex indoor facilities
that have numerous users. In fact, as far as the construction industry is concerned, hospitals are
regarded as the most difficult indoor facilities to maintain. This could be as a result of the
complex nature of the engineering services required. Considering that poor maintenance may
result in a constant breakdown, the maintenance must, therefore, be more reliable.
Literature Review
Fiona Stanley Hospital is located in St Paul MN Australia. It is actually a free-standing
taken to be part of the Health East Care System known for the provision of safety nets to the ICU
patients under step down program. The health facility has been deteriorated and is currently
renovation swell s expansion program to accommodate the ever increasing number of the
patients(Zhang et al 2015). The common defects which necessitate maintenance include the
structural defects which identified as cracks, faulty electrical wiring, dry rot wood. The
construction work involved demolition of a section of the building while incorporating the
practices of safety in the site. The prominent cracks on the walls were attributed to the effects of
the humidity.
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Figure 1: Internal cracks in hospital wards(Zhang et al 2015)
Figure: Demolition of a section of the hospital(Zhang et al 2015)
Maintenance is referred to as a mishmash of actions both administrative and technical with
inspections that anticipates restoration or maintaining the state of an item to the desired standards
of operation. Some scholars gave an elaboration on maintenance to mean mishmash of actions
performed to restore or retain the desired conditions of items. Others defined maintenance as any
operation in place to maintain, restore, improve or keep each of the building parts, its
environment, and services, to the desired current standards as well as to prolong the value and
utility of the structure(Zhang et al 2015). According to some scholars, maintenance can be
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