
(Solution) Consumer Behaviour : Assignment


Added on  2021-04-16

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Running head: CONSUMER BEHAVIOURCONSUMER BEHAVIOURName of the student:Name of University:Author Note:
(Solution) Consumer Behaviour : Assignment_1

CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR1Consumer behaviour refers actually to the buying behaviour of the ultimate consumer,present in a market. there are many factors, characteristics and specifications influence thedecision of the individuals in buying a product. This also influence the shopping habits, brandawareness and purchasing behaviours of the people based on which the marketers planmarketing strategies. A consumer’s purchasing decision is regulated by numerous factorsemerging from social, political, economic and psychological aspects (Gifford and Nilsson2014). The buyers visit the retailers after they are convinced with the need and validity of theproducts. Before the products are purchased there are several steps that the consumers followunintentionally. Moreover, their buying decisions are led by culture, social class, membershipgroups, family, personality and the current cultural trends matching with situationalenvironment. Therefore, the companies use social networks and other platforms foradvertising campaigns more efficiently and organising way so that they meet the needs of thecustomers to increase their sales. The behaviour of the consumers depends on the various factors which the marketersneed to understand deeply. These behaviours can be applicable either for individualconsumers, or in context of any consumer groups. For instance, there are great influentialfactors which encourage the people to buy. One of them is their friend’s recommendationsanother is their family traditions that influence them to select one particular brand for use.Consumer behaviour includes the usage as well as disposal of the products and thestudy the factors that the method used for purchase of any product. Product usage is of thegreatest attention for the marketers, as it can impact on place where and how the product isbest placed and how the marketers can reassure bigger consumption. As there are numerousenvironmental problems that effect from the product disposal, it can be an area of gainingknowledge. The customer behaviour includes various services, ideas along with tangibleyields. The effect of the customer behaviour in the social order is also of utter significance.
(Solution) Consumer Behaviour : Assignment_2

CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR2For instance, the aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easycredit, may have a serious repercussion for both the national health as well as economy.Therefore, the marketers need to study the various factors of the consumer behaviours beforethe reach for the target market.Social classes have been defined as the groups which are more or less homogenousbut ranked against one another in order to form a social hierarchy. It is the social class thatbrings together the individual values, lifestyles, behaviours and interests into one. Everysociety in the world possesses some kind of social groups and these are important for theretailers and the organisations because they follow the similarities of demand pattern. Somestudies have found out that identification of this demand pattern of a social class help thesellers to tailor their marketing activities (Peek et al. 2014). Moreover, this social classeshave particular social perception of any brand or a retailer. This regulate the buyingbehaviour as well as purchasing habit of that particular class. Different social class hasdifferent lifestyle that affect often change their purchasing behaviour. The consumers from alower economic class can be extra focused on the price of a product whereas a purchaser ofhigher economic class will be interested to judge other elements like quality, features,innovation even the societal benefit he may gain from that product. Proper understanding of consumer choice is vital for understanding the consumerbehaviour. The more the sellers understand the process of the consumers’ choice orpreference making, better the companies will understand the factors of buying decisions andmarketing mix will be designed (Sparks, So and Bradley 2016). There are 5 stages ofconsumer choice which the consumers follow unconsciously while making purchasingdecisions. These are demand recognition, searching information, assessment of thesubstitutes, buying choice and post buying behaviour. These consumers can have differentsocial classes or families with different attitudes or perceptions and even different
(Solution) Consumer Behaviour : Assignment_3

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