
Consumer Behaviour and Insight Solved Assignment (Doc)


Added on  2021-02-20

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Consumer Behaviourand Insight
Consumer Behaviour and Insight Solved Assignment (Doc)_1

Consumer Behaviour and Insight Solved Assignment (Doc)_2

INTRODUCTIONConsumer behaviour is the experimental learning which is executed to interpret theactions of the consumers in the marketplace while they devising a decision to buy a product. Themain purpose behind conducting this study is to ascertain that which factors have great effect onthe judgement of customers related to choose products from available alternative brands. In orderto understand all these aspects in the deep manner the chosen products of Land Rover which isScoop car. This report will cover about that how the customers decision facilitate towardschoosing a product and the importance for the marketers to map the path of the customersdecision-making. Along with this, the usages of various approaches and methods of research forknowing the decision making procedure in both B2B and B2C concept will be define. TASK 1P1Consumers are the crucial asset of the business as the attainment of whole activities of theorganisation depends on them. In this aspect, it is requires for Land Rover to evaluate thecustomers decision making process as it will help them in determining the of necessity anddemands of the customers so that they will be able to operate their operations accordingly andcan attain desired results(Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, 2015). A customer is going throughvarious stages while making the determinationregarding to acquire a product. All these stages aredefine below:Consumer decision making stages are as follows :Pre-Purchase: Before purchasing a product a customers is underlying from variousstages which are follow:Need recognition:It is the initial level of the customers decision-making process inwhich they will determine that which product they want in order to fulfil their needs. Theboth internal and external factors have great impact on this as in this first is related to theneeds of them and other pertains the effect of outside resources such as advertisement andreviews. For purchasing a car a customer must focus on formulating effective decision sothat the best option can be selected by them which can provide huge benefit to them. Searching and Gathering information:At this stage, consumers will give their focus oncollecting the information of several options so that they can find best option for them.1
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During this phase of customers decision-making process they will evaluate all the positiveand negative aspects of their purchase through social media, newspaper and othermethods. This will help the customers to make a decision regarding to purchase a car thatthey should buy it or not and it will provide them their expected results or not(Gangale,Mengolini and Onyeji, 2013). Analysing the alternative: The customer in this step will evaluate all the varied optionswhich are available in the market. So that they can select a most appropriate option forthem on the basis of product price, quality and other essential factors. It will help theconsumers to choose a top-grade car for them which will be able to render them theexcellent facilities at affordable price. Purchase: After going through above mentioned stages customers will ascertain thatwhich car they want to buy and from where it is purchase in order to satisfy their desires.The customers decision at this step might facilitate from the marketing campaigns,personal contacts and recommendations from other persons which they already use theservices. Post purchase evaluation: In this last stage customers examine the purchased productthat how much the product is giving satisfaction and value to them in terms to fulfil theirneeds and requirements. In the case if the Scoop car will be able provide highersatisfaction as per their expectations then it will direct lead the positive impact on thecompany profitability(Chamlertwat and et. al., 2012). Hence, it can interpreted that before making decision related to purchase a productcustomer must undergo from all the preceding stages so that best decision can be taken. P2 Customers are most essentialcomponent of the enterprise as they are the only reason thatbusiness able to get success in the market. So in this facet, a business manager needs to map pathof the purchase and evaluate their decision-making process of customers as it will enables themto ascertain that how they can enhance the customers experience and helps them in identifyingthe impact of environment factors on their decision. The business manager of Land Rover can usebelow describe four stages as it will assist them in assessing the customers behavior and theirdecision-making process: 2
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