
Content Analysis of Transcripts


Added on  2023-01-23

8 Pages1654 Words90 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: CONTENT ANALYSIS 1
Content Analysis of Transcripts
Content Analysis of Transcripts_1

Table of Contents
Preparation of the data.................................................................................................................3
Defining the themes.....................................................................................................................3
Developing coding scheme..........................................................................................................3
Pre-testing the coding scheme.....................................................................................................4
Coding the text.............................................................................................................................4
Validity and Reliability of coding...............................................................................................4
Inferences from the themes..........................................................................................................5
Presentation of results..................................................................................................................5
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Preparation of the data
The objective of the study is to understand the transcripts and performer content analysis of the
interviews conducted on different participants. The topic selected for interviewing the
participants is about the corporate culture and the college-to-work transition process understand
the relation between the two. The interviews conducted show that qualitative data was procured
from the participants by way of asking questions and their experiences of working in their
present organisation. All the participants discuss about their working experience and the factors
that motivate them to work along with the support they receive while working. The participants
were also asked about the time duration of leaving their college and working in the organisation.
All the relevant questions have been asked to the participants to understand their present
Defining the themes
The common theme identified in this analysis is the experiences of the participants of working in
the corporate culture setting and their transition process from college to work. The first two
interviews move to follow-up interviews with the three new hire participants. The analysis is to
understand the process participants have undergone the time they have left their college till the
time they have been working in their present organisation. The most common answer provided
by the interview was that they like their job and enjoy working in the corporate culture the
company provides. Most of the participants where happy working and getting exposure in the
field of expertise but as mentioned by the participant 4, felt she was still under the process of
adjusting with the company.
Developing coding scheme
The content analysis has utilised the deductive approach by use of qualitative comparative
analysis (Glaser, 2016). The qualitative comparative analysis refers to documenting the different
configurations of the conditions that has been observed from the interview (Greckhamer, Furnari,
Fiss & Aguilera 2018). It helps in identifying different conditions and not just a single cause. As
identified in the interviews, the participants have shown different feelings of working in the
organisations and how they have transitioned from college to their work. All the participants
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