Reducing Childhood Obesity in the UK
Added on 2019-09-16
17 Pages4020 Words282 Views
ContentsHeath policy and childhood obesity.............................................................................................................2Key features of health policy.......................................................................................................................3How to reduce the childhood obesity...........................................................................................................5Introduction of soft drink industry levy...................................................................................................5Taking out 20% of Sugar in products......................................................................................................6Supporting innovation to help businesses to make their products healthier.............................................6Making healthy options available in the public sector.............................................................................6Help for the Cost of products...................................................................................................................7Encourage physical Activities.................................................................................................................7Healthy rating scheme for primary schools.............................................................................................7Making school food healthier..................................................................................................................8Encourage CMI (Case mix Index)...........................................................................................................8Clearer food labelling..............................................................................................................................9Breattie Model of Health Promotion..........................................................................................................10Stages model of policy making..................................................................................................................11Barriers in the Plan of Action....................................................................................................................12Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................13References.................................................................................................................................................151
Heath policy and childhood obesityHealth Policy- Health policy is basically a plan of action that is taken by the government orinstitutions to reduce the health inequalities in the people of the UK. These policies have manyimplications as well as the effects on the people of the UK. Every policy is related to thedevelopment of the people and people. Child development and methods to reduce the healthinequality has been an important subject matter of study. It is important to be careful withchildren especially during their earlier stages of life so as to ensure proper and healthydevelopment. Our main area of study talks about only two of these stages which would firstly bethe Pre-operational stage that is the stage that occurs in children from the age of two to sevenyears and the next stage known as the Concrete operational stage which occurs from the age ofseven to eleven. Whatever a child learns at his earlier stages is what remains with himthroughout his life in his sub conscious mind. However, students must interact with theirenvironment in order to adapt and learn [ CITATION Wil101 \l 1033 ]. Children ranging from theage two to seven are really curious about the world around them. They are always trying tofigure out how things work and how their actions can impact the world that is around them. It isthis stage that named as the pre-operational. This stage has been named so because at this stage,children are not able to perform mental operations or mental problem-solving activities.The next stage is the third stage of development and this stage occurs during the age of seven toeleven. It has been explained that during this stage the thinking process of children becomesmore rational. They start becoming mature and they start thinking like adults. In short, theirthought process becomes operational. This process of development of thought and rationalthinking is carried forward to the teenage years. In the first stage children create ideas of objects2
on the basis of their appearance. During this stage children begin to have a better understandingof mental operations, they think more logically about the events occurring around them, but atthe same time have difficulty in understanding hypothetical events. This stage includes abstractthinking that is looking for logic behind things that occur around them in the world.In today’s modern era, Obesity found as a very big problem that includes many drivers like ourbehavior, culture, genetics and environment. This problem is caused due the imbalance of theenergy as it is consumed more by food, but not releases the excess of energy through the use ofphysical activity. Physical activity is really beneficial for the health of the children as theseactivities are helpful in strengthening the bones and muscles, improve the sleep quality andmaintains a health weight [ CITATION SBo11 \l 1033 ].Key features of health policyThe National Healthcare System (NHS) is the system that helps in providing all permanentresidents of the UK that is free at the point of use and paid for from general taxation. However,the NHS takes care of the all classes of people. The main objective is to help the students learnproperly the working of the food chain so that they can practically apply it in their real lives andknow exactly who all participants in the food chain are and what products need to consume foodand who all are consuming and who all are the producers. In the National Service Framework forolder people, the Department of Health of the British government stated their goal to improve thequality of health care service provided to older people: 3
Improve standards of care: Generally, the health policy helps in promoting and improving thequality of in-home care through the new National Care Standards Commission, with the help ofbetter care and high standard [ CITATION Bar141 \l 1033 ]. Extend access to services: The NHS also focuses on extending the services for the old agedpeople aged over 60. These services are extended to improve the cataract services and theextension of the breast screening program. It is very important to take care of the needs ofCaregivers’. Ensure fairer funding of long term care: In nursing homes, the care is free for people this year.Develop services which support independence: This policy helps in developing the servicesthat are helpful for people to avoid hospital admissions and speed up the recovery programs. Thepromotion of the independence grant council helps in retaining the independence till the greaterage.Help older people to stay healthy: This policy also helpful in providing services not only thechildren, but also the old people aged 65 years and over. According to the health policies, someof the campaigns are helping to prevent deaths from many diseases. Disability Living Allowanceand Attendance Allowance are provided for disabled people. The Disability Living Allowance(DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA) are the allowances that are for the people with disabilityand they require a personal care and attention. These include extra costs for the personal care andsupervision of disabled people [ CITATION Pey11 \l 1033 ].This health policy is not helping shopping and housework. The NHS is mainly funded by generaltaxation, insurance companies and user charges. A NHS income comes from the drugs anddentistry services prescription and also from other fee and charges of hospitals. 4
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