Unnecessary Steps in iTunes: Impact on Customer Satisfaction
Added on 2019-09-16
14 Pages4206 Words523 Views
ContentsIntroduction...........................................................................................................................................2Aim........................................................................................................................................................2About the report.....................................................................................................................................2Set of Limitations..............................................................................................................................2Experimental Design.............................................................................................................................3Set of Participants..................................................................................................................................3Considerations...................................................................................................................................3Selection............................................................................................................................................3Test Process...........................................................................................................................................3Tasks.....................................................................................................................................................4Usability Metrics...................................................................................................................................4Prioritization of Issues...........................................................................................................................4Summary of overall findings.................................................................................................................5Performance Data..................................................................................................................................5Usability Issues......................................................................................................................................6Recommendations...............................................................................................................................10Evaluation Discussion.........................................................................................................................10References...........................................................................................................................................121
IntroductionITunes is among the most popular music players, media management and digital content e-tailing platform in the world today. It has been on a steady rise since its inception nearly adecade ago. The rise in popularity was mainly attributed to the fact that it was a simple andintuitive player offering features and benefits that surpassed its competitors. However, overthe years it has grown into a mature platform offering many different features and solutionswhich it may not have been originally designed or thought for. As a result, it has becomebundled with several functionalities and performs several additional tasks than it used to doearlier. While the interface has grown revamps and overhauls several times since itsinception, many people find iTunes today a lot more difficult to handle than they used to. Thepaper will present a usability testing of iTunes with a pre-defined set of users and would alsopresent a summary and analysis thereafter.AimThe main aim of this usability testing is to assess the usability of iTunes from the perspectiveof general users performing typical tasks. At the end of this test, a conclusion can be drawn tothe degree of usability of iTunes and what are the recommended solutions for the overallusability problems reported.About the reportSet of LimitationsThe nature of this study is qualitative and exploratory and therefore, the primary goal is not tofocus upon the results that are generalized. Also, the objective is not to compare and rate thesystems on the basis of the information collected. The main objective is to come up withadvanced insights in the mechanisms that users adopt to evaluate their experience. It is alsoexpected that a framework will be obtained for evaluation of user experience and the samemay be applied in the evaluation studies (Kim, 2015)carried out in the future. Theparticipants involved in the research were the students from the field of Information Studies.It might appear that the results obtained at the end of the research may be biased for the savvyusers on the basis of their area of expertise. However, a number of trends and patterns that arerevealed from the interviews highlight that user satisfaction and heuristics have a highercorrelation with the persona type as compared to system expertise. 2
Experimental DesignA random method of allocation was chosen for the number of participants to understand andvalidate the different experimental situations. The method was adopted to estimate theusability as the interface interaction issues could be easily understood. Heuristic evaluationwas not carried out since the full proof evidence of the usability issues was required. Set of ParticipantsConsiderationsThe age group preferred for the study will be young adults and the ones in late twenties. Theactual audience may differ from the preferred group; however, this age group was preferredas it was assumed that they will provide (Lee and Price, 2017)enhanced contribution in theusage of the improved delivery mechanisms. The gender of the user and the visually impairedusers were not the factors that were involved. SelectionThe selection of audience was done through the Facebook groups in a random manner with acomplete count as five. An even gender distribution was carried out and the participants werealso required to gain certain knowledge regarding the iTunes environment. The participantshad an experience on the iTunes environment and a majority of them did not have anadvanced technical knowledge. There were two participants that had a strong technicalbackground and the others did not have a sound knowledge of the technical gadgets. Theaverage age of the participants was observed as 30 with the youngest participant as 24 yearsold and the oldest as 32 years old. In a span of seven days, five people took part in the usertests. Two users out of five were new to iTunes with less than songs in their library while twowere advanced users having over 1,000 songs in the library. One of the users wasintermediate user that had more than 1,000 songs. Windows was the primary operatingsystem for four of these participants. The range of time spent in the usage of iTunes alsovaried with one user having less than five months of experience while the other had over 24months of experience.Test ProcessThe test process would be carried out using audio-visual means over the internet. A liveTeamViewer session would be used to observe the user’s interaction with the system. Theestimated and actual duration of the tests would be noted. It would be made sure that theusers have latest version of the application. The tests would be carried out during weekends3
and based on user’s obligations. Notes would be taken during the test and appropriatefeedback from the users would be noted.The primary task of the observer was to capture the notes regarding the experience andreaction of the test user along with the (Chapter 14: Usability testing and field studies, 2009)first impression of the software. The notes were taken with the aid of pen and paper and therewere no audio/video recordings taken. Such a practice was taken so that the users werecomfortable. The users were also asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their experience along with aninformal discussion regarding the experience with the software. TasksUsing iTunes to play musicLoading music files to iTunesCreate a PlaylistSync a Playlist with an iOS DeviceManage an iOS device using iTunesUsability MetricsSuccess Rate In a given scenario, was the user able to complete the assigned task?Error Rate Which errors tripped up users most? These can be divided into two types: critical andnoncritical. Critical errors will prevent a user from (Isaac, 1995) completing a task, whilenoncritical errors will simply lower the efficiency with which they complete it. Time to Completion How much time did it take the user to complete the task? This can be particularly usefulwhen determining how your product compares with your competitors (if you’re testing both).Prioritization of Issues0 Superficial usability problem: may be easily overcome by user or occurs extremelyinfrequently. Does not need to be fixed for next release unless extra time is available. 4
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