
Mental Health Intervention for Mary Angelou


Added on  2020-04-13

12 Pages2876 Words62 Views
Running head: COUNSELING FOR GRIEF AND LOSSCase study Name of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
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1COUNSELING FOR GRIEF AND LOSSExecutive summaryThis report deals with the chosen character Mary Angelou who was an American poet andhas never were being lazy in her life. Now that she is 81years, old and her health conditionsare deteriorating day by day, she suddenly get a fake news of her death and found herrelatives and dear ones getting worried if she is alright. This has induced grief in her becauseshe will be stepping to 82years of ager and she wants to keep on working. Keeping in mindtwo sessions of therapy the following report deals with detailing the idea of the two sessions.In the following report, it was found that the first session is mainly for engaging andconnecting the client along educating her on her problems. Followed by this the interventionsare decided which are mainly psychodynamic and CBT/REBT therapeutic interventions.There are chances of obstacles that can arise during the sessions like from the client’s sideshe might resist change or not work within the sessions and from the counselor’s sidediscrimination or stigmatization might act as disadvantages which needs to be controlled.Lastly, self-care is important for the client as it can benefit both her mental as well as herphysical health.
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2COUNSELING FOR GRIEF AND LOSSTable of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Presentingissuesfortheclient...................................................................................................3Engaging andconnectingtothe client.......................................................................................4Caseplanning.............................................................................................................................4Theoreticalideas supportingthe therapeuticprocess.................................................................5Interventions...............................................................................................................................6Obstacles anticipated..................................................................................................................7Potential techniques to overcome the obstacles.........................................................................8Strategies for self-care................................................................................................................8Conclusion..................................................................................................................................9References................................................................................................................................10
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3COUNSELING FOR GRIEF AND LOSSIntroductionIn counseling, grief can be considered as a notable element within any given modalityor consolidative therapeutic sessions. However, the elderly people experiences grief in adifferent way than the adults. Older people think more about death than living as life is allabout the reflection than about looking at the future. Grief counseling to the elderly peoplemainly focuses on guiding those individuals to overcome their feelings of sadness as well asdepression. Counseling can be done in professional one to one setting as well as it can takeplace in-group situations (Supiano and Luptak 2013). In this report the first two sessions ofthe client Maya Angelou’s grief counseling therapy is stimulated. PresentingissuesfortheclientThe client in the session was by profession an American poet named Mary Angelou.She had an untold story, which she unfolded in her autobiography as an American Negro, awriter, a single mother, performer and a poet. From her autobiography it is known that shewas raped in her childhood and after the victim was sentenced to death she did not speak forfive years because she though as she confessed his name so her own voice killed that man.She became a single mother and has hardly being inactive. However, now that she hasreached her old age, she has been suffering from health issues like chronic obstructivepulmonary disease and one of her lungs being collapsed. However, recently, there was fakenews of her death in the media and this incident where she had to hear her own death newsmade her become very upset. Her grandchild as well as other family members from Europeand Africa ringed her in tears just to confirm the news if she is alive. Thus, at the age of 81years after leading a life that she considers full of daring acts, she still hopes to work as muchas she can. Thus, for this client her grief is surrounding the fear of her health as well asbecause of the slowly approaching death.
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