
New Zealand vs Hong Kong Business Analysis


Added on  2020-11-23

12 Pages2222 Words240 Views
Country Report Analysis
New Zealand vs Hong Kong Business Analysis_1

Table of Contents1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................32.0 Economic Environment.............................................................................................................32.1: Economic environment of New Zealand:-...........................................................................32.2: Economic environment of Honk Kong................................................................................43.0 Political environment and risk...................................................................................................53.1 Political environment of New Zealand.................................................................................53.2 Political environment of Hong Kong....................................................................................54.0 Business environment................................................................................................................64.1 Business environment of the New Zealand:..........................................................................64.2 Business environment of the Hong Kong:............................................................................65.0 Country choice...........................................................................................................................66.0 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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1.0 INTRODUCTIONThis report will carry on socio-economic, political and business environment of HongKong and New Zealand to understand a scope for selling of baby food products in any one of thisof country after complete recommendation on given location. The significance of this report isconsists of selling of the baby food products of B-Health to any of these country after brief levelof analysis about socio-economical, political and business environment of Hong Kong and NewZealand (Sebastian and et. al., 2013). B-Health is an Australian largest firm which majorly dealsin selling baby care product s or items with purpose to increase its reach and denomination ofservices. As, this report will focus on analysis of market potential of B-Health such as socio-economic, political and business environment to sell baby food products. This level of report isthe highly comprehended on level of critical analysis. Product profile is majorly consists of babymilk powder, milk crunch and eating powder.2.0 Economic EnvironmentThis is a level of environment which tells about economic condition such as interest rates,monetary & fiscal policy, currency regulation and exchange rates of an economy. In this report,two major countries such as economic analysis of two countries such as Hong Kong and NewZealand will be undertaken with major topics such as Snapshot of an economy, strengths andchallenges and major indicators such as percentage level of GDP of both the nation to analyzeselling of the baby food products of B-Health to be sell in these two given countries. 2.1: Economic environment of New Zealand:-Economy structure of the New Zealand is comprises of 53rd largest national economy in aworld, which has been measured by nominal gross domestic product and also ranked as 68th in aworld as largest for PPP(purchasing power parity). The major strength of this economy is majorsupport of financial base, which majorly comes from agriculture and tourism on a greater level.Challenges are dependence on one major source of income, that is agriculture (Katz and et. al.,2013). This economy is suitable to sell baby products of B-Health on higher domain and becauseof it reach nearer to Australian region. The unemployment in NZ is very least, because ofnumber one rank in ease of doing business. Inflation rate in New Zealand is recorded as 1percent in year 2017, which is reveals about the health and suitability of doing business of baby
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food product at a larger context. Population of New Zealand is almost 47.9 Lac as per census of2017. Sources: GDP graph of the New Zealand. 2018Illustration 1: GDP graph of the New ZealandIllustration 2: inflation graph of the New Zealand
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