
Creating an Inverted Index


Added on  2023-04-21

12 Pages2086 Words131 Views
Creating an Inverted Index_1

Question 1...................................................................................................................................................3
Creating an inverted index......................................................................................................................3
Remove stop words.............................................................................................................................3
Porter Stemming algorithm.................................................................................................................3
Merged list..............................................................................................................................................4
Posting file...........................................................................................................................................5
Boolean Model and vector Model...........................................................................................................7
Question 2 IR evaluation.............................................................................................................................8
Creating an Inverted Index_2

Question 1
Creating an inverted index
Document 1
Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and
systems to extract knowledge and insights from data in various forms, both structured and
Document 2
Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the
intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems
Document 3
Information systems is the study of complementary networks of hardware and software that
people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data
Remove stop words
Document 1
Data science interdisciplinary field scientific methods, processes, algorithms systems extract
knowledge insights data various forms, structured unstructured.
Document 2
Data mining process discovering patterns large data sets involving methods intersection
machine learning, statistics, database systems
Document 3
Information systems study complementary networks hardware software people organizations
collect, filter, process, create, distribute data
Porter Stemming algorithm
Document 1
Data scienc interdisciplinari field scientif method process algorithm system extract knowledg
insight data variou form structur unstructur
Document 2
Data mine process discov pattern larg data set involv method intersect machin learn statist
databas system
Document 3
Informat system studi complementari network hardwar softwar peopl organ collect filter
process creat distribut data
Creating an Inverted Index_3

Merged list
Meged sorted list Merged Sorted List with within document frequency
Term Document Term DocumentFrequency
algorithm 1 algorithm 1 1
collect 3 collect 3 1
complementari 3 complementari 3 1
creat 3 creat 3 1
Data 1 Data 1 2
data 1 Data 2 2
Data 2 data 3 1
data 2 databas 2 1
data 3 discov 2 1
databas 2 distribut 3 1
discov 2 extract 1 1
distribut 3 field 1 1
extract 1 filter 3 1
field 1 form 1 1
filter 3 hardwar 3 1
form 1 informat 3 1
hardwar 3 insigt 1 1
informat 3 interdisciplinari 1 1
insigt 1 intersect 2 1
interdisciplinari 1 involv 2 1
intersect 2 knowledg 1 1
involv 2 larg 2 1
knowledg 1 learn 2 1
larg 2 machin 2 1
learn 2 method 1 1
machin 2 method 2 1
method 1 mine 2 1
method 2 network 3 1
mine 2 organ 3 1
network 3 pattern 2 1
organ 3 peopl 3 1
pattern 2 process 1 1
peopl 3 process 2 1
process 1 process 3 1
process 2 Scienc 1 1
process 3 scientif 1 1
Scienc 1 set 2 1
scientif 1 softwar 3 1
set 2 statist 2 1
softwar 3 structur 1 1
statist 2 studi 3 1
structur 1 system 1 1
studi 3 system 2 1
system 1 system 3 1
system 2 unstrucur 1 1
system 3 variou 1 1
unstrucur 1
variou 1
Creating an Inverted Index_4

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