
An Assessment Cover Sheet for a High School


Added on  2022-10-11

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An Assessment Cover Sheet for a High School_1

In this essay the analysis will be based on the welfare laws relating with the family
and children in Australia. Analysis will be conducted on the basis of the literature and then
the conclusion will also be drawn out of it. Then a relevant welfare law i.e. the Family Laws
Act 1975 would be applied to conduct the in-depth research upon various provisions which
are implemented for families and children. This Act i.e. the Family laws act was concerned
about all the matters relating to marriages, divorce, matrimonial cases, responsibilities of the
parents towards their children as well as all the financial matters which are arising out of the
breakdown of de facto relationships and other related matters.
Due to the division of influence between the Commonwealth and the Australian states
under the Australian Constitution, the Act at first could manage youngsters conceived or
received distinctly inside a marriage. It was not until later years that the Family Law Act
managed matters identifying with ex-marital kids. Be that as it may, the states alluded these
forces to the Commonwealth and, until the 2006 corrections to the law, were altogether
situated under Chapter VII of the Act. For confinements on acknowledgment of true couples
inside and outside of Australia as mentioned under s51 (37) of the Australian Constitution Act
(Alexander, 2015).
Thus the following were the changes which were brought via amendment of 2006 into
the act in relation to the matters dealing with the children: first one is that a movement
towards obligatory intervention (under the watchful eye of Court procedures can be recorded,
with an end goal to guarantee matters don't arrive at prosecution), second focuses on
providing more prominent assessment of issues including family viciousness, kid misuse or
disregard. Third one emphasizes upon giving more significance being set on a kid's family
and social associations, and lastly an assumption that guardians have equivalent parental duty
and that to approach child rearing time etc. (Welbourne & Dixon, 2016).
An Assessment Cover Sheet for a High School_2

According to John Dewar the laws relating to the family are very sensitive matter of
the community, which keeps on changing or needs regular amendments in accordance with
the needs varying needs of its people. He had basically worked for settling down the issues
relating to part 7 of the Act, which were dealing with the disputes which were basically
revolving around the making of arrangements for children (Davidson & Bunting, 2017).
Whereas Swain & Thornton had worked for implementing those provisions of the act which
were dealing with matters relating to spouses, matrimonial relationships, divorce and
parenting goals (Swain & Thornton, 2011). The given act is basically divided into 8 parts and
total 90 sections which deals with all the matters which are related to the family and the
children. The parents share a very beautiful and essential relation with its kid. The children
needs love and support of the children for leading a healthy and well-balanced life.
Section 61A to 61F deals with the responsibility of the parents towards their children.
Under these provisions the parents having the authority of children are to necessarily obey
certain duties along with that they are also given powers and other responsibilities in this
context (Davidson & Bunting, 2017). The Family Law Act gives the Court the right to cause
requests to control abusive behaviour at home, to discard marital property (counting assets,
for example, superannuation), parental duty, the living courses of action of youngsters and
money related support for previous life partners or kids. The Court holds its capacity to hand
down reformatory endorses in various zones where gatherings do not obey the Court orders.
In the most extraordinary cases, as affirmed by the 2006 Amendments, this can incorporate
sentences of detainment (as long as a year), fines, work requests, securities and such. Much of
the time, be that as it may, the best technique for punishing an individual is to grant legitimate
expenses against them. Indeed, the 2006 Amendments urge this to be utilized as an approval
where individuals make ill-advised or false charges about another person under the steady
gaze of the Court (Black, 2019).
An Assessment Cover Sheet for a High School_3

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