
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment


Added on  2023-06-04

24 Pages1941 Words294 Views
Disease and Disorders
Basic Statistics and
ICT Skills
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................18
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment_2

The Covid 19 has adversely impact the economic, social and healthcare of the UK. It has badly
affected the life of the people. During this period the investment and consumption decreased
suddenly leads to the decrease in the GDP. There was reduction in the economic activities that
leads to the sharp reduction in the job opportunities and low rate in the employment. With the
sudden spread of the virus, there was mismanagement in the healthcare. The counts in the
patients increased leads to the mismanagement in the healthcare(Abraham et.al., 2022). Because
the huge demands results in the shortage of nurses and doctors. This has forced the people to
maintain distance to reduce the spread of the virus . In case of mild infection, the home
quarantine with the treatment helps in treating the infection while in case of the severity it leads
to the death of the patient. With the passage of time, the deaths have increased. This period has
encouraged the online communication. With the online process, the world was interacting to
each other (Ali and et.al., 2020). Lack of entertainment, recreational activities has escalated the
mental problems among the people. There was decrease in the number of the labours due to
lockdown leads to the shutdown of the various industries.
The Covid 19 impact on UK
The United Kingdom's economy was systematically managed by the government and the
healthcare sector. The country was badly affected by the coronavirus. There was disturbance
everywhere as all the sectors were impacted by this. To reduce the movement of the people the
lockdown was imposed by the government in the whole country. Later on the elections were also
cancelled. With the uncontrollable spread of the disease, the government has declared it
pandemic (Alola, and et.al., 2021). The uncontrollable situation and the crises in the country
leads to the losses in the jobs, reduction in the gross domestic product by almost 30% and
decrease in the availability of the resources. There were closed down or the temporarily closure
of the factories and the industries. This was due to the strict lockdown in the countrywide results
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment_3

in the suffering among the people even for the necessities. With the spread of the virus, there was
even restrictions on the travelling. There was also no import and export of the services and the
goods. All these has resulted into the downfall of the United Kingdom 's economy (Birgin and
et.al., 2020). The government has drafted various policies, regulation and rules that are
benefiting the citizens and the organisations. The different regulations and rules were framed to
control the pandemic as the cases were increasing uncontrollably. With this the commercial
activities also experienced the remarkable decline by 60 %. Later on when the struggle was
increased countrywide, the government avail the basic necessities to the citizens of the United
Kingdom(Chen and et.al., 2020).
The line chart that shows the increase and decline in the number of deaths.
The impact of coronavirus on UK 's healthcare
One of the most impacted sector of the UK of Covid 19 is healthcare. As during this pandemic
there were shortages of beds in the hospitals, oxygen cylinders, equipment related to medical,
nurses, doctors and most importantly medicines. Because of all these the patients suffered a lot.
This causes delay or lack of treatments and results in the deaths. The government was struggling
to meet the medical requirements of the country. Along with the virus, the mental stress was also
escalating among the people. It is because of the loss of jobs, a large population was struggling
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment_4

to earn their living(Fernández and et.al., 2020). Patients who were suffering from the diabetes,
cancer or any other serious diseases were not able to get the proper treatment. As they were not
able to reached the doctors due to strict lockdown. Then the severity of the disease increased. In
many cases it results in the death of the patients because of the non assistance of the medical
Covid 19 impact in the unemployment
The employment in every country plays an important role for the country. As it totally impact
not only of the individuals but also of the country. It helps in upgrading the development of the
population by improving the life style. In the pandemic, the country has faced huge shutdown of
the factories, offices and businesses. The number of employed population suddenly increased
leads to the decrease in the investments of the UK 's citizens. It leads to the increase in the
unemployment rate. People were even struggling for the basic necessities. The unemployed
people were increased from the March to December 2020. This pandemic has drastically
impacted the life of the lower income group. These were involved in the construction sites,
factories, cleaners, assistants in the kitchen, waiters, staffs of the kitchen, etc. Even if the people
were working , their pay scale was decreased. As there income was dependent totally on the
businesses and the businesses were either shut down or closed for some time. The daily wage
workers and the labours working in the factories were struggling even for the food and
accommodations. At the same time the software developers, programmers of the computers,
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment_5

managers of the projects, accounts managers were less impacted as they were providing services
from the home. But this type of population hardly covers seven percent of the total population.
The country was highly impacted due to the ill- effects of the Covid 19(Ma and et.al., 2019).
Later the with various techniques like online job opportunities were increased, the economy was
started recovering and most importantly the successful vaccination has mitigated the impact of
the coronavirus. The education sector was boosted with the distance learning and also the
financial as well as professional services were provided with the help of the internet(Mandičák
and et.al., 2023).
The following report analysis the methods which are required to be followed for critical
assessment of the various conditions arising due to the COVID-19 pandemic together with the
impact of the war centred around Ukraine. The data analysed includes employability conditions
of the country, requisites which the legislation needs to adopt so as to mitigate the effects of both
the events in the health care sector(Ongo and et.al). Furthermore, it also examines the position of
the country in terms of the death toll which arose as a result of the pandemic and influence which
the war left on the economy, while adversely affecting the internal and external proceedings of
the government. It can be noted that through the analysis, the Gross Domestic Product of the
Impact of Covid-19 on UK's Economy, Healthcare and Employment_6

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