
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry


Added on  2023-06-15

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Leadership ManagementData Science and Big Data
Unit 19
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_1

Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_2

Title: Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry............3
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a
literature review...........................................................................................................................3
P2 Appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research..............5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
P3 Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods.................................................8
P4 Appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data...........................................8
Theme 3: Strategy used by Visit Britain for improving their business performance and activity
after Covid-19............................................................................................................................19
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................20
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience......20
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................20
P6 Reflection on the effectiveness of research methods............................................................20
P7 Alternative reserach methodology........................................................................................20
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................23
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_3

Title: Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry
Covid 19 crises has impacted the tourism industry in a very drastic manner and therefore
the following research conducted is based on the impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity
and performance of tourism industry. Literature review, research methodology data analysis and
interpretation, questionnaire, conclusion and recommendations are all covered in the below
P1 Research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a
literature review
Research aim
To identify the impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism
industry: A study on Visit Britain
Research objectives
To identify the impact of Covid-19 crisis in Tourism
To determine the ways that would be used by tourism industry in overcoming the impact
of Covid-19 crisis
To examine the strategy that would be used by VisitBritain for improving their business
performance and activity after Covid-19
Research questions
What is the impact of Covid-19 crisis in Tourism?
What are the ways that would be used by tourism industry in overcoming the impact of Covid-19
What are the strategy that would be used by VisitBritain for improving their business
performance and activity after Covid-19?
Literature review
Impact of Covid-19 crisis in Tourism
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_4

According to Lim, W.M., (2021), there is viewed that the pandemic COVID-19 has
created an enormous challenge and also created a major crisis in the economic, health and
all the other areas as it constrained and spill over a major impact on all the different sectors.
One of most effected sector through this global pandemic situation is Tourism industry. As
there is been seen that the government after the striking of pandemic has created a strict
guidelines and a complete restraint in moving out which enormously impacted the tourism
sector and there is a complete decline of the tourist to reach to nay place. Their is been seen
that it implies to have the complete fall of the GDP as no revenue were being generated due
to the complete restriction and this impacted the economic condition of the countries. Their
is served that millions of jobs were in high risk as the tourism is completely shut down
through which so many employee lost their jobs and were laid off. Most of the areas and the
borders were closed and through which so many people were not being allowed to move
out of borders which created a terrible crisis and affected the global tourism in the world
(Yeh, 2021). Their were seen that ll the funds and the general business allocating budgets
were affected and the tourism sectors suffered major loss as they were not being able to
give the salaries to their work force all the suppliers, their management and the devices were
completely being out of reach and that affected and created a major issue through all such
side striking of the pandemic. Thus, even though the tourism sector always being one of the
third highest areas to help in generating the revenue of the country faced the complete loss
in their economic revenues and the GDP through which they had faced the lockouts and the
major downfall as this is one of the most affected sector through all such COVI-19 impacts.
Their can be seen enormous fear in the eyes of the tourist while planning to go to any further
place and this is mainly due to the pandemic and its striking condition s through which all
the main effective areas are idealized. This will impromptu and affected the tourism world to
be majorly affected. Their is lack of resources and the facilities as they were not being able
to reach to the tourist and this somehow affect the main areas and the concerned elements.
COVID-19 has made the drastic affect and impacted whole of the tourism sector with the
major areas and loss (Donthu and Gustafsson, 2020).
Ways used by tourism industry in overcoming the impact of Covid-19 crisis
As through the viewpoint of Anguera-Torrell, and et. Al (2021) their can be analyses
that some of the major ways are being provided through which all the tourism industry can
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_5

manage and overcome the impact that they had faced through the Covid-19 like, they can
build and manage the effective tourism through which all the sustainable tourism can be
achieved as all the tourism company should attain and take adaptive measures through
which all the co-operation and the general building of the resilient can be managed. All the
strategies are to be applied in order to manage the effective promotion through which the
public will gain confidence on all the tourism sector. They should also attain all the safety
measures by keeping the health records and proper sanitized environment through which all
the issues related to the health and the other factors will not arise. Their is needed to manage
the innovation and the technical advancement as which focus on social distancing and also
manage the no contract serviced which are to be given to the customers (Kreiner and Ram,
2020). This will their by maintain the trust and will also provide the positive aspect through
which the individuals will somehow gain the trust on the places. All the main precautions
and the health measures with the proper medical facilities are required to be opted by all the
tourism sector as that will manage and helps to prevent any of the serious issues. Other then
this the digitization is need to be kept on priority and all the management bare needed to be
attained through it. All these will manage and build the trust in all the people and they will
feel safer while being traveling or even in addressing any of the areas. In order top manage
and generate the stability in the loss suffered earlier the tourism industry can also provide
some of the attractive offers through which the tourist will be attracted and will rely on te
places and the offers (KHADKA and et. al, 2020).
Strategy used by Visit Britain for improving their business performance and activity after
As per Nayak, J., and et. al., (2021) it is important to manage and maintain the effective
strategies through which all the growth and the generation of revenue can be reframed. in order
to manage and enhance the growth and the revenue there is required that Visit Britain should
impose some varied nature as they should manage the staff welfare as they are the important
asset in all the companies and the organisation so they are required to mange the training and the
staffing to be done in systematic manner. The Visit Britain can manage the suitability through all
the positive outcomes ans also shift themselveLim, W.M., 2021.s toward the sustainable tourism
as this will bring confidence to all the tourist ans will led out to manage and maintain all the
growth and values. The exports and the proper generation of the revenue are to required to frame
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_6

and attain in England as that will mange the profitability (Khalid, Okafor and Burzynska,
2021). This will also make them to manage their spend to be on the tourism sectors. They can
somehow try to make some effective websites in an attractive manner in which some of the
exciting offers are being given through the online sources and the other working. Visit Britain
can also manage the effective relation with all the tourist as they can apply and maintain the
approaches in the pandemic through which the tourist will gain trust towards them. All the global
boost and the promotion of local tourism can be applied so as to manage and gain the general
advancement through which the up lining applicabilities and the effective areas through which
the growth and the suitability can be reframed. All this will manage and provide the trust and the
revenue generation with the stability in the economic areas (Abbas, and et. al, 2021).
P2 Appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research
Research philosophy
The current research uses the interpretivism philosophy because it is based on the
qualitative aspect. Interpretivism covers the individuals observervations and understanding of the
reality which is often qualitative in nature. Positivism philosophy is not used because it covers
the independent knowledge and scientific testing phenomenon (Kumar, 2018).
Research approach
The current research uses the inductive approach due the real time observations made on
the research topic. Inductive approach initiates with the observations that the investigator uses to
formulate a new theory. Deductive is not used because it refers to the specific hypothesis
development based approach covered in the literature review and it is observed by the researcher.
It is checked and also holds a particular context based on the topic.
Research Strategies
The strategy of the research is selected based on the data required for the research and
according to the purpose of the study. The current study uses the surveys and systematic
literature review as a strategy to conduct the research (Snyder, 2019).
Research Choice
The current research uses the mixed method that are the qualitative and quantitative in the
form of literature review as well as the primary research as well. Mixed method is used when
two or more methods are used to conduct the whole investigation mainly termed as the
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_7

qualitative and quantitative methodology. Mono is not used because it is used when only one
method is used in the entire study.
Time Horizon
The current study uses the cross sectional research which is a short time period research
as it uses the surveys. It is a short term conducting of the research and it is for the single point of
time. Longitudinal is not used because it is a long term conducting of the research and it is for
the several years (Ledford and Gast, 2018).
Techniques and procedures
The current study uses the primary method from where the data is collected from
different sources with help of questionnaire.
Timeline and Activity
List of activities Duration
Aims and Objectives 1 Week
Literature Review 2 Week
Research Methodology 1 Week
Submission of research proposal 2 Week
Data Collection 1 Week
Data Analysis 5 Week
Conclusion and recommendations 3 Week
References 4 Week
Submission of final report 2 Week
Gantt chart
Milesto Projective W W W W W W1 W1 W1 W1 W2 W2 W2 W24
Impact of Covid19 crisis on business activity and performance of tourism industry_8

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