
Property Management Research Analysis


Added on  2020-03-01

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Page 1 of 43CPPDSM4049 Implement maintenance program for managedpropertiesParticipant Assessment Information and ToolsAustralian College of Buisness and TrainingABN: 871 401 337 95 Provider no.: 40493Level 7, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000Phone: +61 2 9222 1802 Fax: + 61 2 9222 18 05E-mail: inof@auscbt.com.auWebsite: www.auscbt.com.auContents 1.Purpose of this document2.Competencies to be assessed3.Knowledge evidence4.Ofundation skills5.Performance evidence6.Employability skills to be assessed7.Context of and specific resources for assessment8.Mtheods of assessment9.Reasonable adjustments in assessments10.Perceived academic misconduct11.Assessment tools 11.1 Assessment tool 1: Portoflio of written answers 1.2.Assessment tool 2: Observation Checklist12.Procedures of assessment submisison13.Recognition of prior learning Appendix I. Program & Trainee InformationAppendix II. Results SheetAppendix III. Assessment Submisison Cover SheetAppendix IV. Workplace Observation Checklist1. Purpose of this documentThis document provides an introduction to the assessment and procedures for evaluating a participant’s achievement of competencyin ‘CPPDSM4049 Implement maintenance program for managed properties’ unit of competency. It incorporates details on the competency, knowledge and evidences a participant should be able to demonstrate to be deemed competent in this unit. This document also includes the assessment tools through which a participant wouldbe assessed in the unit. Australian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 2 of 432. Competencies to be assessedThe NSW Office of Fair Training requires (along with other conditions) proof of successful completion of the ofllowing five core units and 19 elective units (the total being 24 units)in order to award an individual with Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate).5 Core units 1.CPPDSM4007A - Identify legal and theical requirements of property management to complete agency work2.CPPDSM4008A - Identify legal and theical requirements of property sales to complete agency work3.CPPDSM4009 - Interpret legislation to complete agency work4.CPPDSM4015B - Minimise agency and consumer risk5.CPPDSM4080A – Work in the real estate industry19 Elective Units1.CPPDSM4003A - Appraise property2.CPPDSM4005A - Establish & build client/agency relationships3.CPPDSM4006A - Establish & manage agency trust accounts4.CPPDSM4049 - Implement maintenance plan for managed properties5.CPPDSM4010A - Lease property6.CPPDSM4011A - List property for lease7.CPPDSM4012A - List property for sale8.BSBRKG304- Maintain buisness records9.BSBLED401 - Develop teams & individuals10.CPPDSM4056A - Manage conflict & disputes in the property industry11.BSBSMB406 - Manage small buisness finances12.CPPDSM4022A - Sell & finalise the sale of property by private treaty13.CPPDSM4020 - Present at tribunals14.CPPDSM4016A - Monitor & manage lease or tenancy agreement15.CPPDSM4017A - Negotiate effectively in property transactions16.CPPDSM4019A - Prepare for auction & complete sale17.CPPDSM4014A Market property for sale 18.CPPDSM4036A Broker sale of industrial, commercial and retail property 19.CPPDSM4013A Market property for lease This assessment will address the requirements of Module two: CPPDSM4049 Implement maintenance program for managed properties unit. There will be a series of face to face activities that will be conducted over the whole program. These will contribute to your assessment of competency in this unit. Your active participationin the group activities and your general communication will all contribute to a successful assessment of competency.The participant (You) should be able to demonstrate competency in the ofllowing elements/skill sets and performance criteria to be deemed competent in this unit. These are listed below. The full unit of competency can be accessed form https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CPPDSM4049.The ofllowing elements and criteria need to be met in order to achieve competence in this unit.Element Performance Criteria:Australian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 3 of 431. Determine property maintenance requirements.1.1 Property reports, maintenance specifications, feedback form tenants, owner instructions and other relevant documentation are obtained and analysed to establish property maintenance requirements .1.2 Industry benchmarks are reviewed to determine maintenance intervals and other requirements.1.3 Work health and safety (WHS) and other legislative requirementsare interpreted and incorporated into maintenance requirements.2. Develop property maintenance program.2.1 Property maintenance program is established in line with owner instructions, legislative requirements, and agency practice.2.3 Reliable and efficient maintenance mtheods are identified in line with agency practice.2.3 Maintenance costs are established.2,4 Contract specifications for maintenance services are developed and incorporated into tender documents, where appropriate2.5 Safety and security requirements are incorporated into maintenance program.2.6 Criteria for selecting tradespeople and other service providers to provide repair and maintenance services are established.2.7 Register of tradespeople and other service providers is compiled and maintained.2.8 Property maintenance schedule is established.2.9 Systems for recording and implementing property maintenance requirements and reporting to owners are established.2.10 Aspects of maintenance program requiring specialist advice areidentified and asisstance is sought as required.3. Establish key register.3.1 Key register system is established, administered and maintained.3.2 Security of register and keys is maintained.4. Implement property maintenance program.4.1 Property maintenance program, including agency fees, is presented to owners for discusison and approval.4.2 Property maintenance program is implemented in line with ownerinstructions, legislative requirements, and agency practice.4.3 Regular reports on property are provided to owners.4.4 Agency fees for property maintenance services are recorded andbilled to owner5. Monitor security of managed properties.5.1 Security risks associated with managed properties are identified and documented.5.2 Causes and potential impact of security risks on agency, clients and other stakeholders are determined.5.3 Property security measures are established in line with terms of the property management agreement, owner instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice.6. Review property maintenance program.6.1 Property maintenance program is reviewed in consultation with client.6.2 Outcomes of review are prepared in required format, style and structure and presented to owners within agreed timeframes.6.3 Recommendations for improving property maintenance program are presented to owners and other relevant people in line with agency practice.6.4 Documentation on property maintenance is produced and maintained uisng buisness equipment and technology.Australian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 4 of 433. Essential knowledge to be assessedStudents must demonstrate the ofllowing knowledge:baisc knowledge of property contracts and administrative requirements relating to implementing a property maintenance programbuilding codes and Australian standards relating to implementing a property maintenance programbuilding construction practices relating to implementing a property maintenance programcommon building stylescommon building faultscommon hazards to public and personal safety associated with particular types of maintenance work in buildingsindustry benchmarks and theical standards for property maintenance procedureskey register, including:oits purposeooperating proceduresorisks associated with its inadequate managementmanagement strategies relating to different types of reisdential, industrial, commercial, rural and retail propertywork health and safety (WHS) issues and requirements relating to maintenance programs for managed propertiesproperty maintenance:omtheodsoprogramsorequirementsoschedulesproperty safety and security requirementskey requirements of federal, and state or territory legislation and local government regulations relating to:oanti-discrimination and equal employment opportunityoconsumer protection and trade practicesoemployment and industrial relationsoenvironmental issuesofinancial servicesoindustrial relationsoleases and tenancy agreementsoWHSoprivacyostrata communitiesotaxationprocedures for reporting repairs and maintenance to ownersrisks and risk management strategies associated with property maintenanceregister of tradespeople and service providers, including:oits location and procedures for accesisng itocontact details of those on the register and the services they provideoprocedures for selecting registered tradespeople and providerssystems for implementing property maintenance requirementsprocedures for tendering repair and maintenance work to be undertaken at managed properties.Australian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 5 of 434. Ofundation skillsStudents must demonstrate the ofllowing skills:maintain current knowledge of property maintenance standards and industry benchmarkscalculate the cost of property maintenance activitiesmonitor property maintenance costs against budget projectionscalculate and interpret data on property maintenance costs, such as the annual level of maintenance expenditure required to sustain a property at its current condition.ask questions to clarify owner’s property maintenance requirementsnegotiate contracts with tradespeople and service providers for proviison of property maintenance and repair services.read and review property maintenance programsextract information form complex documents, such as legislation, regulations, building programs, and property maintenance reports and specifications.prepare routine documentation, such as property maintenance reports.5. Performance evidenceA person demonstrating competency in this unit must satisfy all of the elements, performance criteria, ofundation skills and range of conditions of this unit.The person must also develop and implement a maintenance program for one of the ofllowing managed properties:buisness propertycommercial propertydevelopment property, including subdiviison and multi-unit istesholiday rentalindustrial propertyinvestment propertyperiodic rental propertyreisdential propertyretail propertyrural propertystrata community.In doing the above, the person must:determine property maintenance requirements for managed propertiesdevelop a property maintenance program for managed properties that includes procedures for selecting maintenance contractors and maintaining safety and security of clientsestablish and maintain a key register for managed propertiesmonitor security of managed propertiesapply knowledge of agency practice, theical standards and legislative requirements associated with establishing, implementing and reviewing a maintenance program for managed propertiesreview the property maintenance program for the above managed property.6. Employability skills to be assessedThis unit assessment contains the assessment of employability skillsas well. For details on employability skills assessment requirementsplease refer to http://employabilityskills.training.com.au/Australian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 6 of 437. Context of and specific resources for assessmentTo support the assessment process and delivery of this unit you will beprovided access to appropriate documentation and resources normallyused in the workplace including the ofllowing:Access to suitable ismulated or real opportunities and resourcesrequired to demonstrate your competence in this unit.Access to a register provider of assessment services.Access to appropriate support to undertake assessments Where applicable, phyiscal resources would include equipmentmodified for people with disabilities.Assessment processes and techniques would be culturallyappropriate, and appropriate to the language and literacy capacityof the candidate and the work being performed.8. Mtheods of assessmentA range of mtheods as ofllowing will be used to assess your competence in this unit: Completion of written answers in a portoflioObservation of skills and knowledge in a Real Estate workplace9. Reasonable adjustments in assessmentsACBT fully adheres to the principles of the Disability DiscriminationAct, 1992. Wherever feaisble and practicable the trainers andassessors of this unit will take into conisderation your special needs,which may arise because of your phyiscal or psychological disability orbecause of deficiency related to language and numeracy skills. However, while making such adjustment the integrity of the unit and itsrequirements will not be compromised (this means you have todemonstrate the achievement of required skills and knowledge at thespecified standards). Reasonable adjustment will be made on case-by-case baissconisdering your personal istuation. 10. Perceived Academic misconductACBT is committed to academic integrity and the promotion of theicalperspectives and standards in all its training and assessment services.It expects its participants to respect these values. Academic misconduct may include plagiarism, cheating and colluisonincluding other unwanted academic behavior’s in undertakingassessments. Academic misconduct, depending on the seriousness,could lead to a warning, ‘Not Yet Competent’ grade, reprimand,replacement examination and even suspenison or expulison. These rules apply in the context of the assessment of this unit. Please refer to the Participant Handbook for more information onacademic misconduct and do not put yourself in any form of difficultyby pursuing the activities which are perceived by the College asuntheical. 11. Assessment ToolsAustralian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 7 of 43Instructions for assessor:The ofllowing range of assessment tasks are to be undertaken over the given 18-month period during the face to face classes and workplace, with the view of creating opportunities for the participant to build confidence in implementing a maintenance program for managedproperties and for their performance in the work place and in class reflects the scope addressed in the training package as well as the requirements of a functioning real estate workplace. As these assessments are part of a structured learning experience the evidence collected must relate to a number of performances assessed at different points in time and separated by further learning and practice with a deciison of competence only taken at the point when the assessor has complete confidence in the participant's competence.Participants must provide correct answers in 100% of the short answerquestions and scenario. Answers must be marked according to the guidelines provided in CPPDSM4049 Implement maintenance program for managed properties – Assessor Guide.A random sample of 10% of completed assessments will be thesubject of moderation by external assessors on a quarterly baiss. It isan expectation of ACBT that you will be part of that moderation activityas part of your profesisonal development.Instructions for Participants:These assessments are to be undertaken over the given 18-monthperiod during the face to face classes and workplace, with the view ofcreating opportunities for you to build confidence when implementing amaintenance program for managed properties and to ensure yourperformance in the work place and in class reflects the scopeaddressed in the training package as well as the requirements of afunctioning real estate workplace.The purpose of this assessment is to test your theoretical and practicalapplication of skills and knowledge in a real estate workplace. The college has provided the necessary workplace resources andmaterials to undertake this assessment. Before you undertake thisassessment make sure you have clearly understood the markingcriteria and requirements for this unit which should be read beforeclass and is discussed in class by your trainer/assessor. Unlessotherwise stated, this is an open book assessment.The outcome of this assessment will be either ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Not YetSatisfactory’. If your result is ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ you will be advisedby your trainer/assessor about the options available to you. You willreceive feedback and results of this assessment within three (3) daysof your submisison.You have rights to appeal against the outcome of this assessmentofllowing College appeal procedures if you are not happy with youroutcome. However, it is advisable to talk to your trainer/assessor first.Participant’s Full Name I agree that I am ready to be assessed Participant isgnatureAustralian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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Page 8 of 43DateAssessment Tool 1 Australian College of Buisness and Training (Provider no. 40493)
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