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Creative Menu Planning Report - Desklib


Added on  2023/06/18

AI Summary
This report provides insights on Creative Menu Planning for a cafe that includes menu development, costing, pricing, and recommendations to meet business objectives. It covers customer and business requirements and KPIs to measure success. The report also suggests different approaches to menu costing and pricing. The menu is planned and priced according to customer requirements. The report recommends menu testing to meet business objectives.

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Creative Menu Planning

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Table of contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
1. Set two business objectives for the cafe..................................................................................6
2. Produce plan for menu development including KPI to measure success meeting customer
and business requirements...........................................................................................................7
3. Produce costed and priced menu that meets objectives and customer requirements...............8
4. Key considerations for costing and pricing menus and analyse different approaches to menu
costing and pricing.......................................................................................................................9
5. Recommendations on the problems identified to be solved to meet business objectives.......9
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Menu planning is the framework in which different items and ingredients are written to
provide the customers varieties in food (Vo, 2020).
The report will analyze principles framed for designing the menu planning for the cafe along
with this different types of menu will also be framed and analyzed by providing the
recommendations of how they will meet future trends. Furthermore, two business objectives will
be framed for cafe which will help in measuring the KPI for the business. Menu will be framed
with the costing and pricing of how different items will be provided to the customers. An
approach will also be explained for costing and pricing of menu along with recommendations to
identify the problem and evaluate the menu.
Questions a and b
PRINCIPLES How it meets
How it meets
How it meets
1) Menu Balance In a La Carte, the
main thing which is
seen is the basic
requirements which
are framed so that
they meet the
expectations and this
helps in knowing
what the customers
actually need in the
menu list so that they
are able to order what
they need and this
helps in maintaining
the scale of the menu.
In Beverage menu,
the customer
requirements are
specified to what they
wish in the menu lists
(NEBİOĞLU, 2020).
The beverage menu
helps to fulfill the
customer and
requirements on the
scale which helps in
providing the
essential items which
are required by the
In Table d’Hote, the
basic business and
requirements are
fulfilled by providing
the menu in which
the there is a list of
entire dessert,
appetizer etc at fixed
price. This helps in
knowing the scale of
business and overall
the growth and
development of the
cafe which has this
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2) Availability of
The ingredients
which are available
in this menu range
from lower to higher
prices. The customers
in this menu have
wide variety of items.
The beverage items
are the items which
include the drinks
alcoholic and non –
alcoholic and this
helps in knowing
what is the scale
through which the
requirements are
The ingredients in
Table d’Hote include
the value in which all
the items which are
displayed in the cafe
fulfill the customer
requirements and the
business essentials
(Jadhav, 2021).
3) Truth in -
The truth - in - menu
of a La Carte incurs
to the customers and
the business
requirements which
helps in knowing the
truth in menu
which can be
displayed on an
effective scale
(Shrestha, 2017).
The truth – in - menu
helps the menu of
beverage to fulfill the
needs and
requirements of
customers through
which all the aspects
of the providing the
drinks are fulfilled on
large scale.
The truth – in – menu
helps the Table d’
Hote menu in
knowing and making
them available the
menu which creates
trust for the
customers in their
services being
rendered to them.
4) Emphasizing
The variety helps the
customers in
fulfilling their
requirements in the a
La Carte and this
helps the
enhancement in the
business as well.
The variety of items
which are provided in
the beverages menu
helps in knowing
what actually the
customers demand of
(Wilson and,
The variety provided
in the Table d’Hote
helps the customers
in knowing what can
be the requirements
and the fulfillment of
the items can be done
which helps in
knowing the scale of
the customers
satisfaction on large
5) Striving for
Balance in the menu
helps to make the
business effective
Balance in the menu
is maintained for the
customers which help
Maintaining balance
in the menu for the
customers helps in

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and efficient and this
creates value through
which the customer
and business
requirements can be
analyzed and
evaluated (Adeole,
in knowing what is
the basis through
which all the aspects
of knowing the
requirements in the
business are fulfilled
on large scale.
knowing what is the
scale of the business
and this creates value
through which all the
items of menu are
displayed effectively
and efficiently.
Q c: How do customer and business requirements impact on menu design?
The customer and business requirements impacts the menu design on the basis of how the items are being displayed
in the menu along with its price which helps in knowing the scale through which all the essential elements at café
which helps in regulating the business at vast scales. The menu design is framed according to the business and the
customers’ requirements which help in knowing what the scale of the business is and how the customer demands are
put forth for measuring the success of the business (Lee and, 2020). There are different types of menu’s which
are being displayed in front of the customers which are defined as children’s menu and senior’s menu in which the
children’s menu consist of the items which are edible by the children and easy for them to swallow. The seniors
menu has different variety of dishes and items which are being displayed in front of them for the basis of knowing
what can be provided to them.
Q d: Recommendations on how menus could meet future trends
Recommendations on how menus can meet future trends are described as follows –
Elevated desserts should be included in menu so that customers are delighted to eat
delicious flavors when provided effectively (Searchinger and, 2019).
Pantry meals should be thing which should grab customer attention.
Menus should include various types of items which are according to wishes of customers.
1. Set two business objectives for the cafe
The two business objectives for the cafe are mentioned as follows –
To increase profits by 52% within next 6 months.
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This objective can be achieved by decreasing production cost and increasing sales which helps
the business in knowing what can be various factors through which the aspects of cafe business
can seek growth and this helps in increasing profits which is the goals to be achieved within 6
months (Jakeš, 2020). The objective which is been set will help cafe business in gaining more
customers as this is target which is been set for business to flourish significantly. The terms and
conditions of cafe should be negotiated for past 5 years to get lower prices and payment terms
which are favourable from the side of suppliers.
To increase the number of breakfast customers.
This objective helps in clarifying that what is the basis through which customers scale for
perspective of knowing the number of customers for the breakfast so that cafe is able to initiate
the growth and development of this factor on with new framework to attract and engage more
customers (Fauzia and, 2020). This also will help the customers in knowing various
facilities which cafe is ready to deliver and serve at their best. Along with this business
requirement with this aspect to be initiated can be fulfilled for the longer run. Therefore, the
basic and the main thing is concerned for the cafe to enhance its business on large scale.
2. Produce plan for menu development including KPI to measure success meeting customer and
business requirements
For meeting the customers and business requirements, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are
helpful in providing the scale through which all the aspects of how the cafe is seeking growth
and what are the key essential elements which helps the business to grow on the scale that more
number of customers are attracted towards knowing the basis of the business which is being
formed. The key performance indicators helps in identifying the goals and objectives of the
business which were being framed and with help of this, the main aim and the target till that
scale is to be achieved. Key performance indicators are formulated so that the cafe increases the
profits by 52% within the next 6 months and with help of this, the main concern of how the
business is taken into consideration is also achieved on large scale (Koikov and, 2018).
By identifying the key indicators for success to be measured basic form in it is to identify
what is the scale through which customers are attracted and engaged in imbibing the services of
the cafe at large scale. The business of cafe largely depends upon the profits and how to enhance
and increase the number of customers for breakfast which helps in knowing the basic of what are
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the key requirements of the customers and the cafe which is considering and focusing on the
needs and demands of the customers and for this the business is taking the new steps.
3. Produce costed and priced menu that meets objectives and customer requirements
For meeting the objectives and customer requirements menu is being planned and priced which
fulfils the customer requirements and according to that the pricing is being done.
Toasts and Sandwiches
Bacon or Sausage Sandwich
Bacon and Sausage Breakfast Muffin
Avocado and Poached Egg on Toast
Baked Beans on Toast
Healthy Grilled Breakfast
Eggs Florentine
Eggs Royale
Eggs on Toast
Boiled Eggs and Soldiers
Therefore, this is the menu which is being planned for the customers for the cafe so that they are
able to analyze and evaluate the very basic form in which the cafe is providing the items to the
customers (Fauzia and, 2020). The business objectives of the cafe are being framed so as to
identify and make the scale through which all the possible benefits of the cafe and business are
being covered and this helps the business in seeking the various effective sources of change so
that the performance scale of the business achieves the objectives which are being framed on
large scale. The customer requirements are fulfilled on large scale by following basis through
which the menu is being priced and planned for providing them the breakfast items which is one

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of objectives to be fulfilled for them. This also helps the customers in knowing what are the
sources through which all the purpose of being effective and efficient are taken into
consideration for business.
4. Key considerations for costing and pricing menus and analyse different approaches to menu
costing and pricing
Key considerations for costing and pricing of menus is that the items which are displayed in
menu work on basis of what are requirements of the requirements of customers and in what ways
there can be changes which can take place for which business of cafe can grow and develop by
engaging more number of customers at large scale (Juliana and, 2021). When basic needs
and requirements of the cafe are fulfilled by menu planning, it helps customers in knowing what
is scale through which all the possible business changes and innovations can be done so that
objectives are also accomplished and the cafe provides the needful of opportunities to be fulfilled
for both business perspective and customers’ perspective.
The approach to menu costing and pricing is mentioned as how business seeks the basic
and main requirements of how the main items are put into the menu to make it available to the
customers (Greene, 2018). The approach which is being used in the menu costing and pricing is

Pricing by Demand Analysis – With the help of the demand of customers the main thing which
is being analyzed and identified is what are the needs and requirements of the customers on large
scale and this helps in framing the scale through which all the aspects of costing and pricing of
the menu is being done. The market and the customers intentions are studied which helps in
knowing what the purchase intentions of the customers are.
5. Recommendations on the problems identified to be solved to meet business objectives
There are various recommendations which are provided for evaluating the menu produced and
the problems which are identified are also known –
Menu testing should be done so that the cafe is able to take the view points or
perspectives of the customers (Kenzhegaranova and, 2020).
In the menu planning process, the menu can be tested by hosting a tasting party,
consulting the experts of the restaurants, doing a drop of lunch etc.
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The menu testing should be done in proper manner which helps in knowing the basis
through which the aspects through which the changes can be taken place in framing and
forming the menu can be done.
To meet the business objectives, the cafe must take concern of how the profitability and
expansion can be done so that the business can take creative ways through which menu
planning and customer satisfaction can be attained (Schwartz, 2017).
The problems which arise in planning the menu can be done effectively and efficiently.
Therefore, these are the ways through which the menu planning can be done on an effective and
efficient manner and these recommendations will help in making and framing the scales through
which all the possible menus are added and by initiating the ways through which the menu can
be developed at large point through which all the points and perspectives can be taken into
consideration for the business to be significant and grow and develop more in proper manner.
Thus, it is concluded from the above report that principles are framed for designing the
menu planning for the cafe along with this different types of menu are also framed and analyzed
by providing the recommendations of how they can meet future trends. Furthermore, two
business objectives are framed for cafe which helped in measuring the KPI for the business.
Menu was framed with the costing and pricing of how different items will be provided to the
customers. An approach was also explained for costing and pricing of menu along with
recommendations to identify the problem and evaluate the menu.
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Books and journals
Vo, H.V., 2020. Healthy eating lifestyle guideline with exemplified menu planning based on
food science and nutrition.
NEBİOĞLU, O., 2020. Review of Menu Management Process Model with A Case
Study. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR).8(2).pp.203-234.
Jadhav, M., 2021. Merchandising of menus.
Shrestha, R.K., 2017. Menus of price-quantity contracts for inducing the truth in environmental
regulation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.83.pp.1-7.
Wilson, B.M. and, 2018. Bundling the way to bankruptcy: economic theory should inform
the design of sugary-drink menus used in research. Psychological
Adeole, B.A., 2017. Promoting Healthy Menu Planning Practices among Families in Lagos
State (Doctoral dissertation).
Lee, C.H. and, 2020. Customer requirement-driven design method and computer-aided
design system for supporting service innovation conceptualization handling. Advanced
Engineering Informatics.45.p.101117.
Searchinger, T. and, 2019. Creating a sustainable food future: a menu of solutions to feed
nearly 10 billion people by 2050. Final report. WRI.
Jakeš, T., 2020. [NEOBHÁJENO] A Business Plan for a Café.
Fauzia, A. and, 2020. Consumer needs and consumer satisfaction in the creation of co-
working space café business concept. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science (Vol. 425, No. 1, p. 012032). IOP Publishing.
Koikov, V. and, 2018. Implementation of a KPI for assessing the effectiveness of the
national health research system. European Journal of Public
Fauzia, A. and, 2020. Consumer needs and consumer satisfaction in the creation of co-
working space café business concept. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science (Vol. 425, No. 1, p. 012032). IOP Publishing.

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Juliana, J. and, 2021. Using Contribution of Menu Engineering in Upscale Restaurants to
Enhance Sales Volume. International Journal of Social and Management
Greene, D.L., 2018. Why CAFE worked. The Theory and Practice of Command and Control in
Environmental Policy.pp.93-111.
Kenzhegaranova, M. and, 2020. MANAGING CHANGES AT A CATERING
BUSINESS. Suleyman Demirel University Bulletin: Social Sciences.52(1).
Schwartz, J., 2017. Back to the Future: National Food Conservation Recommendations from
1917-18. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.49(7).pp.S58-S59.
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