
Crime Theory


Added on  2023-04-20

6 Pages1388 Words407 Views
Running head: CRIME THEORY
Crime Theory
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Crime Theory_1

Answer 1:
Democracy like all other forms of government is the breeding ground for corruption (Plato
and Polybius). Power and Corruption as expounded by John Dalberg-Acton are
proportionate, as power increases so does corruption. A merit-based system for selection of
employees in public positions was developed as an antipatronage movement to establish
qualified and competent individuals in positions of power. This is the best method of
recruitment to curb corruption, favouritism and nepotism. Officers are motivated to work for
the benefit of the public and prevent propagation of previous corruptive practices
Having lost the opportunity for employment to another individual with political
connections, I was motivated to work in a sector that will encourage and appreciate my talent
and expertise like the private sector, whose sole goal is profit maximization and hence they
appreciate merit.
In politics like in most spheres of life the distinction between good and bad gets
blurred. A relative in a powerful position is an asset, especially when I believe in my own
skill set and abilities. I believe I deserve a stable and worthy job, using a powerful connection
is just a means to reach the end, a well-deserved and worthy end.
Answer 2:
In the movie All the King’s Men (2006) we see the lead Willie adopt measures to
enter politics after he has been defeated. His character soon transforms into a man who is
consumed by the power he possesses. In the firsts instance Willie is merely a bait employed
to split the votes to further a bigger political agenda. However once in power Willie adopts
unfair means to help his son and retain his own position all of which lead to a suicide and his
assassination. There are instances of bribery, blackmail, intimation and patronage in various
aspects of the movie. An investigation is initiated to identify possibility of ‘graft’ in Willies
spending, the same however reaps no benefit.
Crime Theory_2

Answer 3:
Nash Equilibrium presumes following a predetermined action without any external
enforcement. Following a decided course of action is beneficial for both parties even when
there is no external enforcement body (Morrow, 1994). In the given example of Lisa and Lori
it is mutually beneficial for both to stick to their plan. The theory perfectly fits with crimes
that are related to the internet. What is interesting to note is the total benefit of the conspiracy
outweighs any personal gain.
The equilibrium also fits the prisoner’s dilemma (Rapoport, Chammah & Orwant,
1965). As per this Scenario both A and B are convicted for the same crime and there is no
concrete evidence against either at the time of arrest. If both decide to stay quiet and support
each other they each get a sentence for one year, if both turn against each other they both get
an individual sentence of 5 years, however if one snitches on the other they go scot free while
the other must serve a sentence for 15 years. It is mutually beneficial if both stick to their
original plan and say nothing. All the other instances have dire consequences.
This equilibrium and example help establish the link between corruption, fraud and
trusted people within an organisation. While investigating white collar crimes attention must
be paid to the liberties and powers that are assigned to employees, the same must be regularly
monitored and supervised. No one should be put in a position where they have unlimited
power and such authority is unquestioned. A strong whistle blower policy should be in place
to detect and deter such crimes.
Answer 4:
Antipatronage Corruption Control aimed at placing competent and exemplary citizens
in government positions. This had a monumental impact in reforming the American
government and establishing integrity and professionalism as integral parts of a governmental
Crime Theory_3

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