
Moral Panic


Added on  2020-10-23

11 Pages3910 Words60 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and ResearchPolitical Science
Criminology - Youth
Moral Panic_1

Table of Contents
Media terminology.......................................................................................................................2
Sub cultures.................................................................................................................................4
Minimal age of criminal responsibility........................................................................................5
Contemporary youth justice policy..............................................................................................6
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Moral panic is a feeling of fear, which is spread among large number of people that some
evils exists that threatens the well-being of the society. The phrase called, ‘moral panic’ and
development of the sociological concept has been able to get credit from a South African
sociologist (Stanley Cohen) who was able to deliver adequate amount of knowledge about the
subject in his book published in 1972, called, “Folk Devils and Moral panics”. Moral panics
generally occur due to arousing social concern over one or the other issue. It is usually the work
of mass media or moral entrepreneur to ensure that these threats are being taken care of, so as to
initiate well being in the society.
Media plays an important role in spreading information with respect to social or moral
distress. It indulges in disclosing the facts and figures to the general public so as to generate the
situation of stress, concern and panic as well. Stanley Cohen have been able to state that the
situation of moral panic arises when any individual, situation, episode or condition emerges to
become as a defined threat to societal interests and values (Densley and Stevens, 2015). There
are certain examples used for moral panics. These are, ritual abuse related to women and
children, widespread abduction of children by predatory paedophiles, the war of drugs, etc.
Stanley have been able to specify five core stages of moral panic situation. These are:
Someone or something are defined to be a threat to societal norms or affecting community
Threat is then generally depicted by media in certain simple as well as recognizable format.
The portrayal being made from the side of the media arouses public concern to some extent.
After analysing that there is certain issue, it leads to get certain response from the authorities
and policy makers so as to sort out the issue being arising in the society.
Addressing of moral panic situation can lead to bring certain changes in the existing norms of
the society (Cohen, 2011).
Hypodermic needle theory is applicable on the concept of media role in moral panic. The
theory is inclusive of model of communication which suggests that if an intended message is
directly received, then in that case, it is generally wholly accepted by the receivers. It is implied
to mass media as it has direct, powerful as well as immediate effect on its audiences. There are
various factors contributing to it These are, fast arise and acceptance of radio, television and
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other media related instruments, persuasive industries, such as, advertising and propaganda
related companies and high degree o acceptance of various other mass media by the general
Self-fulfilling prophecy is also linked to moral panics, where, prediction is directly or
indirectly caused so as to present it to be true. These statements are generally false in nature in
the very beginning which helps in evoking an altogether new behaviour with the aim to make the
altogether false conception to come true. So as to initiate positive behaviour in the environment,
certain untrue statements are used for better representation of truth and its adoption by the
Bringing changes in the legislation is a wake of moral situation which can help in handling it
down to the maximum. The situation arises due to ill consideration of certain statutes which may
not be effectively prepared. Moreover, root cause of development of moral panic is due to
ignoring the initial phase of any type of panic situation. Experts tend to initiate the steps that can
help in controlling the situation to the maximum by promoting education and awareness
regarding subject matter. Ineffective legislation can lead to build panic situation in the society. It
becomes important for the government to rule out the rules and regulations that can be initiated
in the society so as to bring situation of moral panic under control (Connell and Connell, 1978).
Media terminology
Polysemy is one term that is commonly used in media representation. The news, being
published by the media, may have greater impact on the audience. In case of youth related moral
panic situations, it becomes important to choose right kind of headline and image for the content
so that it is ensured that right crux of the news has been transferred to the ultimate audience.
Since, there are various moral panic situation displayed in the form of social issues, which owns
maximum coverage due to indulgence of youth in it. These situations are, HIV / AIDS, Heroin
and crack Cocaine distribution, Acid raves or knife crime etc. Due to involvement of crucial
social issues, it become important for media coverage personnel to ensure that right
representation of news or content has been initiated for maximum amount of benefit out of it
(Jefferson, 2014). There are certain words that may lead to bring negative feedback of image in
the minds of the readers. It becomes important for media coverage personnel that right kind of
words are used so as to ensure that appropriate content is given for reading to the readers and not
the offensive one.
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