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Leadership of a digital age


Added on  2023/01/19

AI Summary
This report discusses the importance of leadership in the digital age and its impact on business performance and transformation. It explores different leadership models and frameworks, self-awareness and continuous development, and contemporary issues in professional practices. The report also highlights the key leadership capabilities and behaviors, and their application in managing geographically dispersed teams. Additionally, it covers the role of digital leaders in the IT industry, their focus on innovation and collaboration, and the importance of networking proficiency and having a vision for success. The report concludes with insights on business transformation and the role of digital technical leadership in achieving organizational goals.

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Leadership of a digital age.

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................3
Literature and leadership model and demonstrate understanding between digital leadership
and enhance business performance and transformation.........................................................3
SECTION 2......................................................................................................................................6
Leadership capabilities and Behaviours ................................................................................6
SECTION 3......................................................................................................................................9
Business transformation.........................................................................................................9
SECTION 4....................................................................................................................................11
Personal Development Plan..................................................................................................11
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The digital age is called as information age which is defied as the time period starting
with the introduction of personal computer with subsequent technology introduced providing
ability to transfer information freely and quickly. The present report is based on “IT industry”
which is most famous industry knows a day's industry is on highest growth at the market place.
The report will analysis self-analysis in order to assess strength and weakness as a leader in
digital age by using different leadership models and frameworks. This report will discuss
importance of self awareness and continuous development by including various examples of
leadership capabilities and behaviours applied to the management. This will identifying various
contemporary issues from of professional practices. At the end of study will demonstrate critical
reflection on some practices.
Literature and leadership model and demonstrate understanding between digital leadership and
enhance business performance and transformation.
The digital transformation has been explored widely in different academic domains,
resulting in a crude overview of the field. Due to continuous development of technology, affect
of digitalization and digital transformation has once again re-emerged in the general business
reviews. As per the view of Bloomberg (2018)', has the further analysis digital transformation
throughout the future trends and emerging factors which are built upon the information system in
the dynamic research program. That program is established the context of digital transformation
and its relationship with IT. It is the process of converting information from analogue to a digital
As per the view of Nambisan (2017), the integration of digital technology into all the
areas of a business. Fundamentally changing operations and deliver value to customers. It is also
a cultural change which requires organization to continuously challenges the status quo. The
information system dynamic analyses transformational, through the five key trends are: Strategic
trends, it is the descriptive change in the business. This lead to proper networks, communities
and financial market for address changes properly. Societal and ethical trends, in the current
relations companies are continued develop IT for shifting their future norms. Organizational
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trends, this is the previous structure of companies are shifted in forms of their structure in proper
manner. Technological trends, are the informants have been becoming commonplace with the
digital and rapid development within the IT and innovative technology have the most important
to consider. At the end Regulatory Trends: as per the new standard it is required to ensure about
transitions with new technology and the new regulations structure are set in the place.
According to Parviainen and, (2017)', reviewed digital transformation in regard to
its effects on the business model, encouraging leaders to make focus on activities by using digital
technology and interaction. The adoption of digital processes and tools to achieve strategic
business goals. According to the information age, digital transformation will dominate business
strategy in the current year and management of IT industry is looks to act as strategic partners in
order to guide them through a series of significant changes.
Bones and Hammersley (2015)', reviewed that the digital transformation involve
reshaping of very context and structure of the organization. This has the strong implications on
the leadership theory to understand the abilities and capabilities in the change implements. The
leadership capabilities are important for the success of company. Leaders have ability to create a
transformative vision to encourage employees by engaging them. This help to make focus on
digital governance and building better technology for leadership.
Digital transformation involves a change in leadership, different thinking, the
encouragement of innovation and new business models, incorporating digitization of assets and
an increased use of technology to improve the experience of your organization’s employees,
customers, suppliers, partners and stakeholders. Joda and, (2017) stated that, the effects of
digital transformation extends beyond businesses to society as a whole. “Digital transformation
is the changes associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human
According to the view of Rosenbach (2018), transformational leadership view the whole
organization entity in which one can throughout motivation by including changes. This theory is
stated that the process through people interact with others as well as able to create a solid
relationship with result in the higher trust. This help to increase motivation in both manner
intrinsic and extrinsic leaders and followers. This is effective and valuable for the growth of
leaders by articulation of vision and stage of strategies uses in order to realize their vision. The
transform leaders follows by inspirational nature and attractive personality. The rules and

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regulations are flexible which provide proper sense of belonging for the followers through that
they are easily found out purpose of leaders. A leader is motivated as well as find the proper
growth opportunities and increase effectiveness and guides of organization by the values and
higher ideals sets as per long term vision by inspiring and incorporating members.
Grint and (2016), Stated that the transactional leadership theories also known as
exchange theory of leadership in respective manner. This is characterized by transaction between
leaders and followers. This fact that theory is created various positive values and manually
beneficial relationship. It is effective and best theory to be created the best result of work by
creating motivational values. Through that leader must find a means to align rewards (or Punish)
to their followers as per performing their task is in the effective manner. This help to create
various benefits by developing mutual reinforcing environment for individual. Theory help to
enhance business performance by providing positive values to employees.
On the other side Summers (2019)', cultivating a growth mindset, this is the strength
which is help to company have begun to increasingly value the concept of the growth mindset.
This is effective and valuable for the business and IT industry in order to take proper growth.
This refers to a person ability to enjoy challenges and potentials development of new skills. This
is the strength that gives positive review, rating their direct reports as more innovative,
collaborative and committed to learning and growing.
Another side Chen and Rybak (2017), stated that the prioritizing communication and
influence. This is another strength which is help to Leaders face other communication challenges
as well. For example, IT company priorities may shift quickly, some companies are moving
away from hierarchical structures which reduces the impact of the manager/direct report
relationship, and distributed teams mean that it may not even be possible to gather everyone in
the same physical location for meetings. This makes it harder for leaders to communicate and
influence people in their organization. Through that leaders can boost their communication skills
through using proper leadership styles and strength.
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Leadership capabilities and Behaviours
Illustration 1: Leadership capabilities and behaviour, 2020.
Leadership capabilities is an impelling capability which is useful in managing the
performance of the company, developing intellectual and professional staff force, giving and
taking feedback, etc. in turn helps in effectively dealing with the conflicts and stress
(Koryak and, 2015). It is considered to be an effective measure as it helps in relating to
the capacity in order to effectively communicate within various organizational structure.
This is considered to be as a key predictor of effectively making successful transition with
the executive roles. For Example: Key leadership capabilities are mainly linked with the
vision, innovation, creativity, empowerment, self leadership, inspiration, motivation,
influencing, collaborating, self awareness, accountability, intellectual honesty, teamwork,
inspiring change, higher competitive performance, etc. helps leaders to outperform and
improve the business practice within the organizational setting. Leadership behaviour is
considered to be very useful to understand which in turn helps in requiring consistent efforts
in order to outperform the several business activities and reach higher goals (Megheirkouni,
2016). For Example: Key leadership behaviour is mainly linked with solving problems,
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different perspective, result oriented behaviour, supporting, reward achievement, strategic
decision maker, building trust, encouraging innovation, adaptability to change, optimistic,
decisive, confident, etc. This is referred to be as an effective tool who in turn focuses on
attaining higher operational goals. These leadership capabilities and behaviour can be
effectively applied to the management of highly geographically dispersed team members. It
will help in performing all the activities with utmost accuracy and helps in carrying out
several business activities with high accuracy (Amsler and Shore, 2017). A digital leader is
considered to be an effective individual who tends to focus on effectively evaluating need of
new and advanced technology. This helps in creating greater impact on the high productivity
of the business and also focus on providing high quality services to the customers. The
digital leader of IT industry tends to focus on being creative and innovative which in turn
helps in adapting to the dynamic changing business environment in order to sustain in the
market for the long run. The digital leader tends to focus on adapting to the newer advanced
technology within IT industry which helps in effectively carrying several business
operations with utmost accuracy and efficiency (Storey, 2016). For example: Satya Nadella
the CEO of the Microsoft company tends to establish the fact that, “Every individual in the
company has the potential to tell me anything, that is the culture our company strives for”.
The digital leader in IT industry must be collaborative. IT departments must tend to focus on
collaborating with the digital marketing team in order to roll out improving user interface,
carrying successful promotional campaigns and gathering important data (5 TRAITS OF A
SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL LEADER, 2019). The digital leader of IT industry must tend to
focus on providing excellent customer experience by effectively implementing internal
communication process which is very useful in cross departmental sharing of ideas, insight
and information in order to foster a collaborative environment within IT industry. For
example: Dex Media's Intranet is considered to be an effective method where the
employees have “The Buzz” medium through which they can share opinions and ideas. This
helps in developing more forward looking, entrepreneurial and contemporary business
culture (Matt, Hess, and Benlian, , 2015). IT departments must tend to focus on successful
experimentation which in in- depth analysis of the particular customer data. The digital
leader must focus on innovating, experimenting and inspiring to attain higher productivity
and satisfaction. A digital leader must focus on effectively understanding the importance of

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networking proficiency. This in turn helps in creating partnerships, collecting vital
information and forging relationships in order to connect with large number of people across
IT industry. A digital leader must have a vision in order to stand out in the market for the
long run. A strong digital leader tends to focus on bringing fresh mind set on the table which
in turn helps in creating the innovative idea, which helps business to effectively evolve with
high degree of digital innovation and dynamic future change (5 TRAITS OF A
SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL LEADER, 2019). The key leadership capabilities and behaviour
which are needed in IT industry is mainly associated with the self- awareness, learning
agility, influencing power and effective communication. These leadership capabilities in
turn helps in attaining desired outcomes which leads to higher growth and operational
performance within IT industry. A digital leader must be curious to try new things, by
effectively challenging old systems and focus on examining the key issues from the
customer point of view. This in turn helps digital leader to emphasize on producing
innovative solution for the pain points of the customers. This can be effectively applied
within IT industry by effectively practising discipline, developing situational awareness,
focus on learning, resolving conflicts inspiring others and keep learning for the future
growth and innovation capabilities of IT industry (Kane and, 2015).
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Business transformation
Illustration 2: Unlocking success in digital transformations. 2018.
Digital technical leadership is referred to as a strategic way of effectively using the digital
asset of the business enterprise which is useful in achieving business goals and objectives.
Digital technical leadership can be effectively addressed at the individual and organisational
level. This leadership is very useful in fostering technological innovation and also helps in
effectively understanding the technology life cycle (Piccinini and, 2015). It also helps in
steering and initiating commercialization which helps in technology advances. It helps in linking
business with the technology strategies and also helps in effectively managing the research and
development by effectively understanding the technological revolutions. Business transformation
is considered to be an effective process which is very useful procedure of fundamentally
changing the process, system, people and technology across several business units. The key
contemporary issues faced by the technical leadership and management of the organization
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mainly consist of challenges associated with the company culture which in turn largely influence
the adaptation of new technological innovation within IT industry (Hess and, 2016). The
management of the company should effectively contribute towards the company process which is
very useful in determining unique experience. Boom in IT industry tends to impose major
challenge associated with the external and internal communication challenge. Improvement in
digital technical leadership in turn helps in business transformation by integrating with the
adverse needs and wants of the customers within IT industry. It helps in creating a better
working environment by cultivating towards a growth mind set. It is very useful in navigating
innovation which helps in meeting future prospects. Effective collaboration is effective Digital
technical leadership skills which in turn leads to business transformation.
Digital transformation by using internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence tools,
robotics, augmented reality, addictive manufacturing (3D printing), design thinking etc. to
transform the operations of the business and leads to greater success.
New ideas and new skills are required to take complete advantage of new technologies.
Digital capabilities have the potential to transform business processes and functions .It changes
the way we do business and deliver the required to generate value (Loebbecke and Picot, 2015).
In many ways the customer centricity can be improved dramatically . It is able to custom deliver
products and information in real time and at the convenience of the customer. Also the use of
live information can be made from diverse sources to read and react to demand propositions.
The needs of businesses are dynamic in nature, the needs of businesses can change in hours.
Leaders are faced by new unseen challenges frequently. This is a critical challenge faced in
technology practice. This can be seen from many different perspectives.
It is also helpful in making predictive insights to induce the power of foresight and
reactance to actively manage decisions, reduce delay and increase the margin of profit for all
kinds of uses .It is also helpful in cross platform collaboration to knit workpeople , suppliers and
means to renovate and provide meaningful value to the end user (Baym, 2015). Its best use case
is in human machine collaboration to effectively time people in the most precise manner to have
seamlessly integrated systems and flawless execution of given work and dramatically reduce
manual labour .Internet of things can be used to track performance and proactively managing and
dealing with the customer.

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Many firms use commonly available tools to build its customer interface which has a
high probability that customer has seen it elsewhere therefore it is vital to make a unique
customer experience. Similar interface is seen as lack originality and hard work. Leaders should
emphasize on making efforts to differentiate its services from other similar business. This can be
done by using creative marketing strategies that are intrinsically different from others (Grzesiak,
Grzesiak and Barlow, 2018). It is not only helpful in diversity but research has shown that it is
also helpful in better revenue generation.
Business model innovation should be at the core of every leader’s agenda to thrive in the
digital world to clearly set future goals and align current practises according to it. Every few
months thought and effort must be made to encounter challenges faced by the model due
contemporary problems. This will lay the foundation for model innovation and remaining
relevant. Some practises may seem perfect for the current revenue model but slight variations
must always be implemented to find an even better solution. New transformative innovation can
occur through cutting edge trends , technologies .
In this modern era leaders have to revamp entire value chain to supply goods at lower
costs and faster delivery speeds and lower margin of error. This can be done by digitalizing
major aspects of costs like tracking and data collection. This can be done electronically and is
almost real time feedback (Olcott and, 2015). Many replacement parts can be made
domestically by 3d printing and similar technology. Digitalization of products will help to give
exposure to existing portfolio and to apply existing knowledge to help gain new customers.
Some leaders has hazardly lay out overly broad or vague development strategies or simply
restate their performance goals to meet human resources requirements that individuals have
development plans in place. Unfortunately, these documents are soon forgotten or the
development strategies aren’t executed as they lack specifics, support requirements, or success
measures to make them compelling (Park, 2017). Hence they deliver no value in the long term
and should not be taken into practise.
It is safe to say that business outcome is more significant than business effort. A leader in IT
industry understands that and focuses on impact on measurable scales which should bring a
greater impact on the results.
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Personal Development Plan
Personal Development Plan is referred to as an effective planning which in turn helps in enabling
individuals to effectively take in charge of their own set of learning. Learning tends to
become a reactive and proactive process which in turn helps in effectively supporting
the immediate development needs in order to attain long term ambitious goals of the
individual person (Kaye, 2016). This is considered to be an effective tool which in turn
helps in enhancing the performance in the current role and effectively anticipating the
changes. It helps in effectively addressing the career aspirations in order to work
towards a future role.
A digital leader of the IT Company tends to effectively comply with several other objectives
which mainly includes:
Strategic thinking is considered to be one of the most crucial objective which in turn
helps in seeing the big picture in order to take broader business perspective.
Time management is considered to be one of the key objective which in turn helps in
completing all the goals within stipulated time frame.
Demonstrating active listening helps in paying attention to what others are trying to
Understanding, interpreting and using the number in order to improve the business
capabilities (Grzesiak, Grzesiak and Barlow, 2018).
The key objective is to improve my understanding on the IT industry and the key
competitors present in the market with the help of determining the customer knowledge.
Digital leader’s key objective is to collaborate and improve better relationships with the
peers. This in turn helps in developing better understanding and relationship in order to
achieve set goals.
Digital leader’s key objective is to manage talent by effective ability to hire, assess,
develop and promote the human resource for particular position.
Digital leader’s key objective is associated with remote management. It helps in
managing the reports and organizational structure. This in turn helps in attainment of
attaining IT industry goals and objectives.
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It has been critically examined that, I have effective communication skills, decision making
skills, technical and technological skills, cross functional perspective and knowledge, customer
knowledge, leadership presence, knowledge about competitors and IT industry. These skills are
very useful in attaining higher operational goals. This helps in navigating innovation and change
within the IT industry and also focuses on prioritizing and influencing communication within the
sector. These skills also helps in development and cultivation of the new mind set.
Time management The digital leader
of the company
shall focus on
making a time
frame and
evaluating where
they are wasting
time (Matt, Hess,
and Benlian, ,
2015). This in
turn helps in
shifting their
focus on more
value added
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately 1
month to develop
time management
Feedback will be
taken from the tutor
to effectively
determine if the
objective will be
achieved or not.
Talent management The digital leader
of the company
shall focus on
improving the
ability to hire,
assess, develop
and promote the
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately
1.5 months to
develop talent
management skills.
Feedback will be
taken from the
professional leaders
of the IT firm to
effectively determine
if the objective will
be achieved or not.

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human resource
for the set job
The digital leader of
the company shall
focus on managing
reports by effectively
making better use of
advanced technology.
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately 2
months to develop
remote management
Feedback will be
taken from the tutor
to effectively
determine if the
objective will be
achieved or not.
Collaboration The digital leader of
the company shall
focus on improving
relationship with
peers by effectively
understanding the
goals of other
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately 2
months to develop
collaboration skills.
Feedback will be
taken from the
professor to
effectively determine
if the objective will
be achieved or not.
Financial Acumen The digital leader of
the company shall
focus on using the
numbers in order to
have better
understanding over
the statistical data of
the company.
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately 3
months to develop
financial acumen
Feedback will be
taken from the
financial planner to
effectively determine
if the objective will
be achieved or not.
Active Listening The digital leader of
the company shall
focus on paying
attention to what
others are speaking. I
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately 1
month to develop
active listening skills.
Feedback will be
taken from the
professor to
effectively determine
if the objective will
Document Page
will also tend to focus
on developing my
direct reports (Amsler
and Shore, 2017). I
will also focus on
using active listening,
body language,
developing open
ended questions, etc.
helps in improving
such active listening
be achieved or not.
Strategic thinking The digital leader of
the company shall
focus on looking at the
big picture
(Loebbecke and
Picot, 2015). The
digital leader shall
focus on day to day
tactical business details
and focus on answering
to the questions like
“why”, “what” and
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately 1
month to develop
time management
Feedback will be
taken from the
professor to
effectively determine
if the objective will
be achieved or not.
Coaching The digital leader of
the company shall
focus on telling and
directing individual
to direct and develop
The digital leader of
the IT industry will
take approximately
1.5 months to
develop coaching
Feedback will be
taken from the senior
leader to effectively
determine if the
objective will be
Document Page
own report in to
attain organizational
goals and objectives
(Loebbecke and
Picot, 2015).
skills. achieved or not.
Development of these skills in turn helps in effectively carrying out several business
operations. It also helps in integrating advanced technology within the IT industry. This helps in
better future growth and innovation within the industry for long term sustainable growth.
It has been concluded that, Leadership capabilities helps in effectively dealing with the
conflicts and stress. Furthermore, it has been summarized that, Digital technical leadership can
be effectively addressed at the individual and organisational level. Business leaders also have to
ensure cohesive team work which can be done by staying connected in online groups for better
communication. It can be used for seamless collaborations, assignment of task, tracking progress
and intelligent data collection. This study has also developed a project development plan.

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