
Critical appraisal of Prognostic studies Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-05-27

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Running head: CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF PROGNOSTIC STUDIES1Critical appraisal of Prognostic studies[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees][Institutional Affiliation(s)]Author Note[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]
Critical appraisal of Prognostic studies Assignment PDF_1

CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF PROGNOSTIC STUDIES2Critical appraisal of Prognostic studies1.Was the defined representative sample of patients assembled at a common(usually early) point in the course of their disease)?What is the best? Where do I find the information?The study done for end-stage renal disease fordiabetic patients needed to be a cohort study for uniformity and clarity of information. Thisis to reduce errors in prognosis and to make sure the same environment and treatment courses taken are uniform as well. Patients from different units may experience poor prognosis than those in primary care institutions. The methods section does clearly explain on the units of dialysis used. It also provides information on the study protocols and considerations used {e.g. Mass Body Index (MBI), methodologies of acquisition of information and the timeline of all procedures. It also puts down the determining factors for various conditions and classification of extent of the diabetics and renal diseases. This paper: Yes  No  Unclear Comment:2. Was patient follow-up sufficiently long and complete?What is the best? Where do I find the information?Some test like the albuminuria tests, GFR andblood tests need to be done in a day for correct data to be collected. This requires the patient’s presence and thus there is importance to make sure that consistency of tests is kept for collection of correct data and recording of correct information. If there are some delays or changes made, there should bea proper documentation with proper explanation of the same and alternative measures provided. Under the methods section in the patients and data collection, information is provided on thediagnosis tests conducted and which criteria was used (e.g. WHO study Group). It also shows other tests conducted and determination of diabetic neuropathy. This paper: Yes  No  Unclear Comment:3. Were outcome criteria either objective or applied in a ‘blind’ fashion?What is the best?Where do I find the information?The prognostic study requires detailed and objective measures taken in every step from diagnosis, results and even tests undertaken. This is due to the fact that lack of detailed procedures could cause readers and users of the outcome of the prognosis to use the information for different situations and cause irreparable damages. The methods and results section give a detailed account of the patients tests and classification of the outcome based on either age, gender and previous health conditions enlisted in the methods section. They give account of the prognosis from start of the study to death for all candidates. This paper: Yes  No  Unclear Comment:4. If subgroups with different prognoses are identified, did adjustment for important prognostic factors take place?
Critical appraisal of Prognostic studies Assignment PDF_2

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