
Critical reflection in social work Assignment


Added on  2019-12-28

12 Pages3817 Words646 ViewsType: 646
Healthcare and Research
Critical Reflection Piece(Social Work)
Critical reflection in social work Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSCritical Reflection ...........................................................................................................................3Introduction..................................................................................................................................3Critical reflection / Incident ........................................................................................................3Challenges I came across ............................................................................................................4What I have learned about domestic and family violence in relation to social work..................6How some of my theoretical assumptions in regards to critical social work was reflected .......7Some of the Theoretical perspectives observed...........................................................................8Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................9References......................................................................................................................................112
Critical reflection in social work Assignment_2

CRITICAL REFLECTION IntroductionThis reflective piece aims to shed light on my experience while on placements, why andhow this has shaped my own personal understanding of a social worker. The first two headingsbased on reflection while third heading on theory. The first heading to present- aim to talkabout my reflection, including a brief description of the organisation, Details of context in whichcritical incident occurred, clarify the critical incident and why I felt the incident was critical tomy development as a social worker and which aspects were most challenging. The secondheading is a discussion on what I have learnt because of the incident and what I have learnedabout social work theory, how it has improved my learning in social work professional. Thethird heading present discussion more based in theory, analyse how critical incident hasstrengthened, challenged and reflected some theoretical assumptions developed prior toplacement.Critical reflection / Incident At week two of my first social work placement, I had the opportunity to be part of acomplex care team meeting (triage) and came across a case that has given me goose bumps. Itwas the good experience for me because I got opportunity to work with the care team. I went tothe placement agency after reading the article in the new paper. I belonged from the socialbackground and I have good interest in this field. I always want to serve the society memberswell. When I went to the placement agency they have taken my interview and given me chanceto work with the care team (Triage). The case which I had to handle was the lady who has faced the sexual harassment. Myresponsibility was to investigate the case of lady and find out the causes that has created difficultsituation for her. The case is of a deceased female client that had passed away recently on the6/3/17 due to possible domestic/sexual violence which was referred to as being recurrent by herspouse, the case was under coroner’s investigation and her body was stored in the morgue untilinvestigations were being carried out. I was under the assistance of care team where my role wasto assist the manager and support in investing the case so that I can present evidence and can3
Critical reflection in social work Assignment_3

apply in court to give punishment to the criminal. Apart from this I had to find out the causes andconditions which is faced by the lady in her home. My investigation also included body check upof the girl so that I can found out the pain which she faced while death and asked question withthe other groups as well. It was in the social care team working as social worker which works for improving socialcondition of the society so that no one gets suffer from the harassment and do not get distressed. Challenges I came across The event was very interesting where I had to height light the major evidence in front ofauthorities. Critical learning event was very good and it has given me new opportunities that hasalso given me experience so that I got to know about issues in the society. It was critical for mebecause being a social worker I had to communicate with primary social worker team who haspresented the case in front of me. In addition, being social worker I found it difficult to engage avictim of violence to promote safety for their child while being subjected to violence themselves,hence, it is important to promote safety not only for the child but also for the victim, ensuringchild’s safety is not compromised(Melchiorre and Vis, 2013). This led me realize, that as aprofessional my direction is not to judge people but to approach in a non-judgemental manner totackle challenging situations in my profession.Raised in a culture that believes that burial of adead body is practices within hours or days, heightened me to seek more details. I approachedthe primary social worker that presented that case and asked her more questions. As the caseunfolded I got to find out that the deceased client has a 70 yr old husband who is suspected ofhaving dementia and is currently deemed cognitively impaired. The couple had no childrentogether, however the 70 yr old man has two children from a previous marriage and bothchildren provided no support to the parent and step parent and showed a lack of support andengagement with the services at this stage. The lack of support and engagement from thechildren made me feel annoyed and disappointed which led to pre-judge and assume the childrenwere neglectful and uncaring people. The two children report to have had limited contact withfather and report to have a poor relationship with the deceased patient secondary to familyconflict. Nevertheless, Hoyle (2008) states that studies have shown that violence of any form cancause not only physical health issues but also mental health issues such as depression, eatingdisorders, anxiety, self- harm behaviours and suicide for its victims, Power et al 2014 adds4
Critical reflection in social work Assignment_4

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