
Critical Review of Journals


Added on  2022-12-15

4 Pages946 Words269 Views
Running head: Critical Analysis of Journal Articles
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Critical Review of Journals_1

Critical Review of Journals1
Comparison of two article:
The primary objective of this paper is to effectively elaborate and compare two
journal articles which are based on the Leadership quality in the organizational field. After
successfully evaluating the research paper by D. D. Warrick it has been observed that this
article has effectively elaborated the concept of leadership as well as how this can be
beneficial to improve the organizational performance. A detail investigation of this article has
provided me a knowledge about the importance of leadership in the organization as
leadership represents the ability to effectively manage the organization decision as well as the
work flow in order to enhance the utilization of the employs present in the workplace which
helps the organization to influence their success. While considering the paper by Nasser
Alnasseri it has been observed that the authors has mainly focused on the organizational
culture, organizational workflow as well as the importance of leadership in the effectiveness
of the organization. While elaborating these two research paper it has been noticed that in the
paper of D.D Warrrick, the author has effectively explained the concept of culture matters by
stating that significance of a good culture in the organization structure is highly important as
it due to this the organizational environment as well as the attitude of the employs can be
enhanced in order to motivate the workflow. Similarly, in the research paper of Nasser
Alnasseri, the author has mentioned that in the organizational workflow as well as
organizational productivity improvement. While describing this the author has effectively
related the concept of organizational culture with the organizational effectiveness. The
discussion includes a detail elaboration about the significance of organizational culture which
stands to represents the overall impression of an organization which is highly important to the
industrial position as well as the organizational identity. Followed by the above discussion
this research paper has effectively discussed as well as linked the relationship between the
organizational culture and effectiveness where it has primarily focused on the key element of
an organization to incorporate the effectiveness into the organizational activities and how
these elements are related to the organizational culture as well as the leadership ability.
Whereas in D.D, Werrick paper is quite different from this research paper Warrick has
mainly focused on how the organizational culture is important to an organization in order to
enhance their work, due to which in the next section the author has included a detail
discussion on the necessity of organizational culture on the organizational performance where
it has mentioned that in order to incorporate a healthy organizational culture into the an
organization must include effective leaders for their activities. Along with that this paper has
also differentiated the concepts of high performance culture as well as the low performance
cultures in which one of the most significant aspects which has been identified is about the
organizational mission, vision, strategies as well as the goals where there is a huge influence
of a good leadership ability. Apart from the identification of the identification of the major
areas Warrick has also include a detail elaboration related to the awareness which leaders
must be aware of in order to incorporate effective culture into the organizational structure.
Apart from discussing the concepts of the culture and organizational effectiveness Alnasseri
has included the detail elaboration related to the research model by which the researcher
determined the results related to this topic. In the research model there are three fields which
includes the strong organizational culture, construction firm abd the leadership style.
Following these field the researcher has followed an effective data collection method to
conclude the approached research. After the completion of the data survey the researcher has
effectively plotted the results into the specified fields. Whereas, in the Werrick’s paper he has
mentioned specified several guidelines in order to build effective organizational cultures
which includes the importance of leadership, clear understanding about the present work
environment, identification of several areas like communication between the employs,
employ trainings, as well as the employ engagement. Thus, lastly in can be concluded that
Critical Review of Journals_2

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