
Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making


Added on  2022-12-27

11 Pages3026 Words95 Views
Professional Development
Assessment 2: Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making
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Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making_1

Critical thinking is that part of human psychology which enables us to analyze facts and
situations in logical and coherent manner to form judgment. It forms a rational interconnection
between the different facts and aids in decision making procedure. This aspect of psychology
engages us in independent thinking and developing reflective thought process. Critical thought
process not only instills analytical thinking but even develops creativity, problem solving
mentality, and requires appropriate approach of communication (Jackson, 2014).
Critical thinking has huge impact on decision making process. This procedure is an
integral element of managerial job and part of modernized organization structure. Each and every
administrative individual, even we are expected to deliver sound judgments (Meltzoff & Cooper,
2018). The verdicts should not be biased and shall take into consideration larger good for the
company. Thought process of the executive and dynamics involved in team players affect the
decisions being made. The process of managerial decision making includes selection of a course
of act, among all possible options in order to work out an inference for a certain situation
(Shpeizer, 2018).
Our article will emphasize on our learnings from the workshops, which emphasized the
role of critical thinking in managerial decision making. Further we will highlight the different
dynamics of decision-making process and the manner how the theories of decision making
influenced our personal acts while working in teams.
Critical thinking and its effect on managerial decision making
Various theories are framed by the scholars on different factors that influence the
decision-making process. These elements include psychological aspects, organizational
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environment and cohesiveness of the team players. Further sections will analyze few of the
theories that impacted our group activity.
We have decided to discuss about self-awareness and its role in decision making, which
is taught in week 4 of our workshop. Self-awareness is described as “know thyself” in ancient
Greek Aphorism. Since the last century, scholars have been studying the concept of self-
awareness. According to our study, it is the most empowering aspect of individual success. It is
essential for the leaders to comprehend their powers and flaws to drive our personality and
values. Their attitude towards themselves outlines their persona, which in turn influences their
authority to make decisions (Clark, 2018).
We learnt that self-awareness and decision-making process are inter-connected
psychology of human behavior. It forms the core strength of good manager and their leadership
abilities. Knowing about your own desires, flaws, core abilities, and attitude helps in creating
opinion about a given problem, thereby aids us in making judgments (Butler, 2012).
Johari window was formulated by Luft and Ingham that assisted us to assess their
coordination with other persons and with themselves. While conducting this study, associates
and the subject is provided with set of adjectives, and are asked to select those specifics which
describe the subject. The collected details are mapped on a grid (Clark, 2018).
Table 1: Johari Window
Particulars that the person
Specifics that the individual
does not know about
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Features that others know Open Blind
Not known by other
Hidden Unknown
(Source: Author)
We have gone through all the four arenas of the grid. Open arena decides how much I
revealed about myself to others and what my peers have comprehended. Hidden area are the
fears that I want to hide as I feel it will negatively affect my image and authority in the
organization. There are few aspects which can be observed by my associates but unknown to
myself, which forms blind area. Unknown arena defines that portion which is not known by
anyone. Blind and hidden arenas portray ineffective persona for good leadership. More openness
in leaders is favored as good leadership ability (Clark, 2018).
Self-analysis is very crucial for critical thinking and making rational decisions. Self-
esteem is derived from the value one gives to themselves. It interprets the area where we feel we
are good at. Albert Bandura propagated the theory of self-efficacy, which determines the strength
to believe in their ability to succeed. This philosophy advocates that executives who have
confidence in attaining certain performance are not influenced by the environment and make
their decisions more judiciously and courageously. Daniel Goleman stated emotional intelligence
is end product of social awareness, self-awareness, self-leadership and relationship management
(Clark, 2018).
These theories of self-awareness were chosen by me for the article as it guided us when
we were working in teams for the assignment. During the completion of the project we explored
each other’s blind spot, and understood who had better leadership skills. Further I was able to
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