
(PDF) Cross-cultural management in practice


Added on  2021-04-21

8 Pages1960 Words51 Views
Languages and Culture
Running head: CROSS CULTURAL PRACTICECross cultural practiceName of the student:Name of the university:Author note
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1CROSS CULTURAL PRACTICEIntroduction Culture refers to the uniqueness and information of a specific group of people, language,religion, cuisine, attire, social habits, music and arts (Connolly & Harms, 2015). It can bedefined as the social manner and interactive behavior found in the human society. Culture variesfrom one location to another and from one person or groups to the other. This essay will focus onthe different aspects of culture and cultural diversity by contrasting between South Indian andAustralian culture.The difference between South Indian culture and Australian culture will be discussedthroughout this essay. The importance of culture on an individual’s life will be highlighted as itinfluences the regular practices. Use of different theories will make the understanding of cultureeasy through this essay.BodyPersonal cultural backgroundI belong to a south Indian middle class family and respect my cultural values. The familyvalues in my hometown are in total contrast to that of the western culture. There is huge diversityin culture and ethnicity, which is loved by everyone around the world. For educational purposes,I had to move to Australia where I am doing master degree in social work. While staying inAustralia I had experienced cultural diversity, as I was accustomed to a different kind of life inIndia. My cultural perceptions have helped me in guiding behaviors, other expectations,attitudes, assumptions and values. As I belong to a middle class family, therefore my habits weregrown as per the heredity of my ancestors. The reason behind this is that culture is learned andadopted among the generations.
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2CROSS CULTURAL PRACTICEIn my growing stages, I was not much aware about the cultural diversity as I was onlyconfined to my hometown. When I moved to Australia, my preconceived notions startedchanging. I had an idea that caste system such as Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and theShudras only exist in India. However, the discrimination in Australia was of a different kind. Asthey were white skin people, therefore they looked down upon the darker skin people and treatedthem as untouchables (Ife, 2012). The aboriginals and Torres Strait islanders are also humiliatedin Australia due to their skin color and heritage. This was out of my expectation from the peopleof Australia and started changing my opinion about them.My cultural experience was enhanced and I had understood that the attitude of acommon person makes the difference between the two cultures. I realized that in Australiapeople are more cooperative and show concern towards others unlike India (Mattsson, 2014). Itmight be that people in India are helpful too but they cannot be trusted. For instance, in Indiawhen a stranger came forward to help me when I as lost in the crowd, I could not trust himcompletely and thought that he has some wicked idea in his mind. The critical race theory can be discussed here as it evaluates the society and culturerelative to the categorization of power, race and law. This theory has been used because it refersto the combined struggle for racial justice for future improvement. The most common form ofargument about this theory is raised while defining the traits of race and racism. It aims to revealthe individual patterns of omission and the activities taken as granted for the privilege of race(Joseph & Murphy, 2014). AASW code of ethics
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