
Celebrity Influence on Consumer Behavior


Added on  2020-01-28

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Languages and CultureStatistics and Probability
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TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 4: Results and Discussion.......................................................................................................14.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................14.2 Respondents Profiles..............................................................................................................14.3 Raw data findings (Find mean scores differences UK vs Chinese using Hofstede Model)..24.4 Independent T-Test to determine whether findings are statistically significant in line withHofstede’s research......................................................................................................................3Mean Scores for identified Themes and Dimensions..................................................................44.4 Computing correlation between factors that affects the nationality....................................19References..........................................................................................................................................22
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CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION4.1 IntroductionData analysis is one of the most significant sections of the study because it presents theanalysis of data which are collected through primary and secondary sources. According to thepresent study, researcher focuses on analyzing the gathered information related to the differencesin response towards advertising language seen in Misguides adverts on social media platform: Across-cultural study between British and Chinese. Further, the result presented in this chapter arethe outcomes generated of the primary research questionnaire which was based on the questionsused on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions research. In this section, researcher concentrates onrespondent’s profile, as well as make use of statistical t-test by the means of SPSS against eachof the six cultural dimensions being investigated. 4.2 Respondents ProfilesNationalityRespondents%China4053UK3547ResidenceRespondents%China3344UK4256AgeRespondents%18-25567526-33172334-492350+00On the basis of above demographic table it has been evaluated that, around 75 number ofparticipant completed the questionnaire for the current study across both countries. However, inwhich 53% of respondents were from China and remaining 47% were from UK. Whenrespondents were asked about their current residents, 33 out of 75 stated that they live in Chinaand remaining 42 in United Kingdom. Lastly, when respondents were bifurcated on the basis ofage criteria, 75% of them falls under the age category of 18-25 and 23% of falls in between 26-33 and only 3% of people were from the age of 34-49 and lastly, there were no respondents whoare 50 plus in terms of their age. 1
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4.3 Raw data findings (Find mean scores differences UK vs Chinese using Hofstede Model)Present study focuses on cross-cultural study between British and China. Thus, to analyzevarious dimensions of culture Hofstede model has been employed by the investigator so as toidentify the total average scores for each dimensions between both the countries. DimensionsUnited KingdomChineseIndividualism8920Uncertainty Avoidance3530Indulgence6924Power distance3580Masculinity6666Long term orientation5187 (The Hofstede Model, 2016)On the basis of above tabular illustration of varied dimensions of Hofstede model meansscores of different dimensions have been evaluated. In terms of individualism, with the score of89 the UK is amongst the highest of the individualist scores. This clearly indicates that Britishpeople are highly individualist and private people and want to live their life on their own termsand stipulations. While on the other hand, individualism score of 20 indicates that Chinese aremore of collectivist society in which people act for the interest of group not necessarily for theirpersonal benefits. Further, China with low score of uncertainty avoidance indicates that, people focuses onadherence of laws and rules that may be flexible to suits the situations towards the fact of life.However, Chinese are adaptable and entrepreneurial and their language is vague. On the otherhand, relatively low uncertainty avoidance of 35 indicates that people are quite happy to wake upnot knowing what day will bring for them and they are habitual to change their plans andfunctioning as per the situation. However, with high level of individualist and low uncertaintyavoidance encourages creativity and need for innovation within the country (The HofstedeModel. 2016). Socializing of small children is one of the major challenge that people faced and facing inthe present world. However, with high score of indulgence 69 in UK indicates that, Britishculture is considered as indulgent. High score shows that people have desires in terms ofenjoying their life and having fun. British people are positive in nature and have the tendencytowards hopefulness. On the other hand, China can be defined as retrained society which can bejustified with the low score of 24 in indulgence dimension. However, this indicates that people2
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have the tendency to skepticism and pessimism. Further, Chinese people does not spend much oftheir time on leisure and fun. In terms of power distance, with 80 score China is way ahead of UK. This indicates thatsocieties in China accepts the inequalities among the people. Herein, individuals are influencedby the formal authority and people are forced not to make aspirations beyond their ranks. Whileon the other hand, with 35 score people of UK believes that inequalities among the people shouldbe minimized. In the country sense of fair play is promoted in which people believes that eachindividual should be treated equally and should be given same importance. In case of masculinity dimension score of both the countries is identical at 66 whichindicates that societies in both the nations are highly success oriented and driven. However,Chinese and British people live in order to work and have clear performance ambition (TheHofstede Model. 2016). Lastly, long term orientation shows how every society have to maintain links with itsown past while dealing with challenges of the present and future. With the score of 51 for UK inthis dimension indicates the dominant preference in its culture cannot be determined. Whereas,with high score of 87 for China in this dimension indicates that people of the nation believe thattruth depends upon the situation, context and time. 4.4 Independent T-Test to determine whether findings are statistically significant in line withHofstede’s researchIn this section, researcher used the series of independent t-test through SPSS in order todetermine whether findings are statistically significant in line with Hofstede existing research.Further, to do so average of each dimension of Hofstede has been compared with the average ofdata gathered through online questionnaire.Hypothesis:H0: There will be no difference in the participant response between both culture towardsMissguided’s use of language in advertisementsH1: Because of cultural differences, there will be a difference in response betweenparticipants of both cultures towards Missguided’s use of language in advertisements Mean Scores for identified Themes and Dimensions DimensionsUnited KingdomChinaIndividualism3.4921.724Uncertainty Avoidance 3.551.973
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Indulgence2.642.52User experience 2.522.55Advertisement2.141.92Celebrity oriented/ non-celebrity orientedadvertisements3.462.21Formal/informal use ofwordings2.982.91Dimension: IndividualismGroup: Country (China = 1 and UK = 2)Group Statistics:Group StatisticsWhat is your country of NationalityNMeanStd. DeviationStd. ErrorMeanI seek others’ advice whenmaking a purchasing decisionChina401.53.554.088United Kingdom353.401.218.206I am likely to share adverts I find motivating with my family or friendsChina401.78.800.127United Kingdom353.291.226.207I am likely to use a brand recommended by family/ friendsChina401.70.648.103United Kingdom352.66.938.158I worry about what others think of my fashion choicesChina401.73.877.139United Kingdom353.941.282.217I follow certain trends because of what others may think of meChina401.88.822.130United Kingdom354.171.043.176Independent Test:Independent Samples TestLevene'sTest forEquality ofVariancest-test for Equality of MeansFSig.tdfSig.(2-tailed)MeanDifferenceStd. ErrorDifference95%ConfidenceInterval of theDifferenceLowerUpper4
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