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Cultural Awareness, Safety, and Competence: Assessment 1


Added on  2023/06/14

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This assessment covers topics such as cultural awareness, safety, and competence, diversity in an Australian context, legislation and policies, and the impacts of diversity on individuals and society. It includes discussions on the differences between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family groups and nations, as well as the importance of using imagery to embrace diversity. The assessment also identifies marginalized groups in the Australian community and the negative impacts they may face, as well as protective factors that can help them. Finally, it discusses the benefits of language and cultural interpreters in encouraging diversity.

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Assessment 1
Question 1 A
In your own words briefly discuss cultural awareness, cultural safety, and cultural
Cultural awareness:
Culture awareness: It is basically a programmes to promote culture diversity within
industry in order to understand different culture of people and background in order to
build healthy relation with them.
Culture safety: It is an environment that is spiritually, socially, emotionally and
physically safe for the people. As well as people do not feel any kind of assault and
challenges of denial of their identity (Kotze and Massyn, 2019). In other words, it can
be define as set of values and principles that determines values and attitude of all the
workers so that it can work effectively.
Culture competence: It is an ability of an individual to interact and develop meaning
full relation with people of different culture background. It mainly includes beliefs
and customs as well as behaviour of people.
Question 1 B
Reflect and list four (4) of your cultural or social values. Using this list identify any two (2)
of the four (4) biases that could emerge from your values to influence your thinking or work
Cultural or social values:
1.Personnel control over the environment.
2. Equality.
3. freedom
1.Ethical concept of right and wrong
2. discrimination on basis of caste and gender.
Question 1 C
Identify five (5) steps you could take in your practice as part of your role to support cultural
awareness, cultural safety, and cultural competence?
1. Maintaining culture gap through communication.
2. Celebrating traditional holidays and festivals in office
3. Collaborating with foreign company
4. Training their employees about culture and values that need to be followed in company.
5.Practicing good manner within organization.
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Question 2 A
Identify three (3) practices that can support the creation of a culturally safe environment for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Providing clear value and culture practice that is necessary for an individual.
Building culture awareness through storytelling and audio visual presentation.
Encouraging people to share their culture value among each other (Philip and Soumyaja.,
Question 3 A
List three (3) pieces of legislation or policies that have a significant impact on the lives and
wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, e.g. Stolen Generation Policy
NSW Protector of Aborigines 1909
Aboriginals Fire Arm Regulation Act 1840
Aboriginal Witnesses Act
Question 4 A
Briefly research and discuss your understanding of diversity in an Australian context.
(Approximately 30 words)
Culture diversity means every individual can contribute into building society with the help of
their culture and values. However, it is important in Australia as it helps in supporting racial
discrimination and promote innovation and creativity within the organization (Velten and
Lashley, 2018). Moreover, in every company it need to be follow as an order to give respect
to each person values.
Question 4 B
Briefly explain (1-2 sentences) six (6) different types of diversity and their characteristics:
Social and economic class
It is based on employee education and its financial status. It is basically a part of external
diversity that influence the decisions of employees (HASNAA and YASMINA,2021). Along
with this, a worker should not be selected on the basis of it rather need to be hire on the
work. Thus, treating employees with fairness and equality is important in workplace.
Question 4 C
Religion and politics
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Answer Religious diversity: This type of diversity refers to multiple religion and spiritual
beliefs in the workplace (Gomez and Bernet, 2019). Along with this, it means people have
their own belief in their religion and respect other person values and thoughts. World
diversity: it is known as worldview diversity as it is consist of both external and internal
factors as well as organizational diversity charachterstics. It is consist of political beliefs,
moral compass and outlook on life.
Question 4 D
Sexuality and gender
The employees should not be discriminated on the basis of their age and gender within the
organization. Along with this, if it is not followed properly then it can create issues within
the company and it will damage brand name of firm. Along with this, discrimination among
employees will lower their moral to work hard.
Question 4 E
Disabilities and Neurodiversity
This is type of diversity included employees that are physically injured or have variety of
condition related to cognitive abilities (Philip and Soumyaja, 2019). Along with this, having
variety of talent limits in workforce is known as ability and disability diversity. However,
organization should provide their employees with sensitive training or workshop that will
help in understanding the issues of disable people.
Question 4 F
This type of diversity is the concept of having wide range of generation within organization.
It has been divided into 6 parts such as traditionalist that are born in year of 1925 to 1942,
baby boomers are born in year 1946 to 1964 and they grow in time on development. Along
with this, Generation X is born in year if 1965 to 1980 known as latch key generation as it
often grew up with computer and internet (Felton-Busch and Larkins, 2019). Moreover,
millennials is known as people that are born in 1981 to 1996 and the last generation is
known as GEN Z born in year 1997 to 2013. Thus, all of them work together in order to
accomplish organizational goals.
Question 4 G
Culture, race, and ethnicity
Culture diversity is related to person ethnicity and its usually the set of norms that it
get form the society. It is very common in the organization as there are various
employees from different background.

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Question 5 A
Briefly discuss your understanding of the differences between the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander family groups (or clans) and nations? (Your response should be close to 100
Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander are tow indigenous groups in Australia. Along with
this, Aboriginal are indigenous people living in mainland Australia and Tasmania. It is
mainly nomadic and thrive mostly through hunting and food gathering. Moreover, there are
400 group such as koori, murri, yapa etc. That are spread across Australia. On the other
hand, Torres Strait islanders are who originated from a small islands between Queensland
and Papua New Guinea. Such people are engage in seafaring and trade with neighbour
island for earning income (Brzozowski, 2019). Along with this, it also thrive on hunting and
food gathering traditionally and are excellent in agriculture. The major difference between
both of them is aboriginal dreamtime stories mainly focus on rainbow serpent while Torres
strait islander dreamtime stories feature warrior and more focused on stars and sky. Along
with this, there is a difference in their language .
Question 6 A
Australia is a large multi-cultural Western country. Using your Learner Guide, respond to the
following questions:
List two (2) political decisions and policies that can influence many Australians in their
individual and professional work lives.
Equal opportunity in work place has influence Australians individually and also improved
their professionals work lives. Along with this, CLAD workplace policy means having
employees that are from different countries, have different culture background or people that
speak multiple language (Velten and Lashley, 2018). Moreover, this policy has promoted
cross culture awareness within organization as well as allowed individual to learn about
their values.
Fair work Act 2009: This policy was related to pay scale that is given to employees. Along
with this, organization cannot discriminated salary on the basis of gender or age and each
employee should be treated equally and fairly.
Question 6 B
Identify two (2) potential socio-economic impacts of diversity on individuals personally or in
their work lives.
It has impacted on organization both positively and negatively on work life of
individuals. Such as it has helped the company in increasing the company
productivity as it helps in boosting employees engagement (Kamales and Knorr,
2019). Along with this, it helps individual to understand each other values and
creating diverse environment in company.
It helps in improving culture awareness in workplace and allows organization to deal
with issues related to global market. However, due to threat like pandemic has
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affected economic culture as it has to pay more to employees in order to keep them.
Question 6 C
List three (3) ways Australia has changed due to cultural diversity.
It has helped the country in enhancing their economy.
Due to culture diversity Australia has an competitive advantage in attracting large
students that has contributed in improving education sector (Gomez and Bernet,
Multi culture diversity has encourage research and innovation as well as technology
has contributed in developing business sector.
Question 7 A
What is the name of the declaration adopted by the United Nations to prevent racial
Durban declaration and program of action.
Question 7 B
List four (4) calls for action that were a result of this declaration.
Racial discrimination
Related intolerance globally.
Question 7 C
What are the names of the state and national acts that regulate and enforce anti-discrimination
action for two (2) of the following:
Sexual discrimination
Racial discrimination act, 1975 (Australia)
Sex discrimination act .1984 (Australia)
Question 7 D
Conduct some research and briefly explain the consequence of a breach that has occurred due
to discrimination based on age, sex, race, or disability.
Disciplinary action against offender.
Legal proceeding against the offender.
Legal proceeding against employer of the offender.
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Question 8 A
In relation to human rights and human needs:
What are the four basic human needs?
What is the aim of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
In your own words, explain the human rights PANEL principle
The basic human needs are food, water, air and shelter to survive and if any of the
need is not fulfilled then human cannot survive.
Universal declaration of human rights is document that acts like a global road map
for freedom and equality and protecting right of every human being. Along with this,
aim of human rights is to protect rights of an individual from discrimination. It also
protect fundamental duty of individual form infrigment and to provide them freedom
(Hopf.and, 2021).
Panel: It is known as common principles such as participation, accountability, non
discrimination and equality, empowerment and legality. Moreover, in participation
everyone has a right to participate in issues related to human rights. Along with this,
in accountability require effective monitoring of compliance with human rights
standards and achievement. In case of non discrimination rights are eliminated with
discrimination. Everyone is entitled to claim their rights and freedoms and it is legally
recognised by legislative.
Question 8 B
Explain why it is important to use imagery and how this embraces diversity? Response
should be at least 60 words.
Answer: Images allows individual to understand things more easily as it is a cognitive
process that allows human to see mental image. Along with this, it helps individual to
identify things more effectively. Moreover, it helps in acknowledging and embracing
diversity as it helps in ensuring that people are valued and have same access to all
opportunity. It also provide protection for an individual who experience discrimination.
Question 8 C
Clients, employers, and employees all have rights and responsibilities to uphold a safe and
inclusive workplace.
Give an example for each
Client has an responsibility towards safe environment by eliminating potential
Employer: It has a responsibility to protect the right of the employees and not
discriminate among them (Gomez and Bernet, 2019).
Employees: It had to follow all safety norms while working in order to maintain
safe environment. Such as wearing helmet.

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Question 9 A
Identify four (4) groups that are considered marginalised in the Australian community?
Torres strait islander peoples
Older job seeker
Disable or mentally ill people
Question 9 B
Identify and briefly discuss 2 negative impacts that marginalised groups could face.
It suffer from discrimination and subordination as well as such people often
experience a number of complex issues that affect their earning capacity. Along with
this, due to high discrimination on basis of age, sex and colour affects their personnel
growth in the organization (Velten and Lashley, 2018).
It also have negative impact on their education, health and safety as well as have
limited access to basic services, lack of participation in decision making.
Question 9 C
Identify four (4) examples of protective factors?
Positive attitudes, values or beliefs.
Conflict resolution skills.
Good mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health.
Positive self-esteem.
Question 10 A
Briefly discuss how language and cultural interpreters can be of benefit and encourage
It will help in assisting with culture issue and provide clarity between language gap.
It helps in understanding meaning of words in moment and fulfil communication gap.
It also facilitates client interaction in many ways.
Question 10 B
Explain why it is important to use imagery and how this embraces diversity? (Please respond
in close to 60 words)
Answer Images allows individual to understand things more easily as it is a cognitive process
that allows human to see mental image. Along with this, it helps individual to identify things
more effectively. Moreover, it helps in acknowledging and embracing diversity as it helps in
ensuring that people are valued and have same access to all opportunity (Raewf and
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Mahmood,2020). It also provide protection for an individual who experience discrimination.
Question 11 A
In 100 words discuss the impact of European settlement on Australian Indigenous
communities. In your response, mention the impacts in relation to the loss of the land and the
impacts of racism/discrimination.
Question 11 B
In relation to what you have researched in the previous question, consider Western systems
and power relations that have impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
provide a brief outline (1-2 sentences) of these impacts either positive or negative within your
research findings.
You may consider issues such as land rights, stolen generation, voting rights amongst others.
Land rights help islander in buying property and retaining their property form the
people that has forcibly taken it form them. Along with this, this act has helped
them in giving the right related to property (Pourjam, 2020).
Voting rights: This right allows such people to vote for their candidate and give them
their fundamental right like other citizens.
Question 12 A
List four (4) methods or resources that could be used for services and programs to increase
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s decision-making, communication and
Conducting engagement activity such as workshops and culture programmes.
Hiring them in workplace enviournment.
Question 12 B
How can Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people’s feedback be used in ongoing
improvement of cultural safety strategies? Please list 4 points.
It will help in improving programme effectiveness and promote better legitimacy.
It will help in understanding needs and wants of islander that will contribute in
making effective strategies (Philip and Soumyaja, 2019).
It will result in building appropriate employee engagement.
Contribute in planning right strategy for programme.
Question 12 C
What are two (2) other opportunities to engage with and empower Indigenous Australians to
support the improvement and delivery of services and programs?
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Training programmes
Conducting events
Question 13 A
In about 100 words, discuss the ramifications of both past and lived trauma on Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities trauma are in many forms such as
issues related to land and resources , disease and starvation. Along with this, such people
culture was harmed physically, emotionally and sexually (Mkalama, Ndemo and Maalu,
2018). Due to trauma islander faced intense fear and helplessness and experience
psychological and physical health problems. In addition to this, due to trauma most of
such people went through voilences.
Question 13 B
What are three (3) diseases that have negatively impacted Indigenous Australians as a result
of white settlement? How did these diseases negatively impact Indigenous Australians?
Small pox
Due to these diseases many indigenous died and government has to invest more in health
safety of the people.
Question 13 C
How can unresolved trauma impact Indigenous Australians to make decisions, communicate
effectively, understand, and retain information?
Due to trauma people were not able to properly communicate with each other due to
increase in i stress level.
Along with this, there were increase in violence rate that has created negative
environment (Kotze and Massyn, 2019).
Question 14 A
Explain how diversity practices and experiences impact on:
personal behaviour
interpersonal relationships
social expectations of others
It helps an individual to develop new skills and ability while working with
experience people. It also allow people to build their over all personality and allows
them to deal with dynamic nature of work area.
Culture diversity plays major role in developing relation as it allows employees to
interact with each other and understand their values . Thus, it is one of the important
tool in developing engagement programmes.

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It also helps in changing perception of an individuals as it get to know about values and
culture of other people. That helps in understanding different culture as well as to deal
with any kind pf ethical issues (Kirmayer, Adeponle and Dzokoto, 2019).
Expectations of others:
equality and fairness is now generally a large component of workplace policies and
practices, with prejudiced behaviours not tolerated.
Question 15 A
Discuss three influences and changing practices in Australia and how these impact positively
and negatively on the diverse communities of contemporary Australian society.
The multi culture helps in developing economic development that ha contributed in
increasing overall growth of the country as well as developing business sector.
Due to healthy culture practice it has helped in attracting large students in education
sector as well as dealing with competitive advantage (Kamales and Knorr, 2019).
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Assessment 2
1. What incident is the basis for this project? e.g., hurt back when lifting, dropped
equipment on foot, etc.
This project is based on incident about an employee that has injured their back due
to over lifting of materials.
2. What was the first response from the service to this incident?
The response of service provider was good as it immediately given first aid to injured
and took me to hospital. Along with this, employers has provided me sick leave and
motivated to ahve good health.
3. What documentation was completed and to whom was it submitted according to safe
work practices?
Health safety document was completed by the organization and it need to be submitted
by manager of according to safe work practices.
4. What consultations occurred as a follow-up to this incident?
Medical attention
Contact to supervisor and manager in brief.
Log action and report the incident.
Legal measure to be adopted if there is unlawful action.
5. Which sections of your State or Territory legislation is relevant to this incident?
Health and safety at work act. 1974
The duty of the employer is to ensure that workers are following all safety norms
while working and to safeguard them from any injury (Jaleha and Machuki, 2019).
6. Which sections of your service’s WHS policies and procedures are relevant to this
Section 28 of WHS policy is relevant at this incident as it is the duty of the worker to
take reasonable safety material and take care of their act that it do not cause harm to
other employees.
7. What could have been improved to decrease the likelihood of this incident occurring?
The employer should use safety sings with their symbols so that worker can
understand . It should both be in form of picture and language that is mainly used by
employees in that company (Hopf and, 2021). So that it can easily understand
Along with this, there should be weights written on the material so that worker
have a idea before moving it.
Employer should take regular medical check of employees before working.
8. How could the use of safety signs decrease the likelihood of occurrence, if relevant?
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Safety sings helps in understanding about danger and the things that are not
suppose or suppose to be done while working in company.
Along with this, it helps in reducing risk in the industry. As it warn worker
regrading hazardous substance (HASNAA and YASMINA, 2021).
It helps in communication about important instruction and promote safety
instruction at times of emergency situation.
9. How have the hazard identification procedures change in response to the incident?
Hazard is very common word while taking about industrial workplace. It is basically known
as source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.
Along with this, it is source of creating physical damage. Moreover, hazard identification
is the process of evaluating any particular situation, item or thing that may cause damage.
It basically used for describing process of risk assessment that is identifying hazards and
risk factor that my cause potential harm, Analysing and evaluating risk associated with
hazard (Gomez and Bernet, 2019). As well as determining appropriate ways to eliminate the
hazard or control the risk when hazard cannot be eliminated. Furthermore, it helps in finding
and recording possible hazard that are present in workplace.
10. How have the workplace emergency procedures changed in response to the incident?
e.g., first aid.
The organization should have written the weights on the material as it will give idea
about the total weight to the worker. Along with this, locating alarm will help
worker in calling people for help.
11. What contribution did you and the injured person have in the development and
implementation of changes?
Injured person has helped in development of plan through providing detail about its
injury and the reason of it to the other employees that has contributed in creating
awareness among other employees (Hashmi, Shahibuddin and Hazlinda, 2018). Along with
this, images and instruction will help other workers to learn about negligence of not
following safety procedure.
12. How didT stress and/or fatigue levels impact on the occurrence of the incident?
Stress and fatigue are major reason of incident as due it an individual is not able to focus
on things and not able to work properly. Due to fatigue employee is not able to perform its
task as it create weakness (Felton-Busch and Larkins, 2019). Thus, the injured person was
already tired by continuous working and it lead into this incident.
13. How could have improved housekeeping practices reduce the likelihood of the
incident? Learner Instructions

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Prevent slips, trips and falls
Control dust
Store materials properly
Avoid tracking materials
Use and inspect personal protective equipment and tools
Create written rules
Question 1 A
You have been working within community service organisation or at a school, where you
have colleagues, families, and external support workers from a range of cultures with varying
language barriers and abilities. This diversity can create differences in political, social,
economic, and cultural values. However, your workplace follows practices that support
inclusive practices.
Identify two (2) cultures that are different from yours
, two (2) languages other than standard Australian English,
and two (2) disabilities that may be represented in this workplace
. You can do some research if required.
Answer: Team work and communication transperacny
Language: Mandarin and Filipino
Disabilities: vision impairment and mental health condition.
Question 2 A
For each of the above, briefly explain how the differences in cultures, languages, and
disabilities can be valued in the workplace.
Answer culture can be valued in workplace creating employee engagement programme as
it will allow worker to understand about each other values and tradition. Along with this,
worker of different background can teach employees their language as it will help in
solving communication gap (Dale-Olsen and Finseraas, 2020). However, organization
should only adopt one common language within company so that there is no issue regarding
the language. As well as each employee will be able to understand their task easily.
Moreover, disability can be valued into organization by hiring such employees as it will
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motivate this community to work. Along with this, it should also conduct workshop related
to disability so that other employees are able to understand their issues and work with them
Question 3 A
Reflect on your culture and give three (3) points on how your own culture may negatively
influence your ability to incorporate inclusive work practices into your daily tasks.
It will decrease the productivity as poor team management will create conflicts .
Language is main issues as it can develop communication gap.
It can lead to lower revenue as it develop barriers in decision making as every person
have different background.
Question 4 A
Discuss two (2) areas where you can improve your awareness of people from diverse
backgrounds in this workplace .
By collaborating with foreign company as it will help in understanding background
and culture of other country.
Conducting diverse training programme as it will allow other employees to learn
about values and skill needed in order to work in diverse workplace
Question 5 A
What are two (2) work practices that can be planned and implemented to show more value
and respect within the workplace?
Pay attention to nonverbal communication.
Practice transparency
Question 6 A
With an example, discuss how you can personally assist in implementing these plans to
strengthen diversity appreciation.
Answer: The organization can conduct training programme as it will help the employees to
learn about non verbal communication as it can sometime create issues in workplace area.
Along with this, by adopting one language while working will fill the gap of
communication and employees will be able to get clear instruction (Dahanayake and,
2018). Along with this, taking feedback from the worker as it will help in identifying the
issues faced by them.
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Question 7 A
Explain how the implementation of these plans for increased inclusion make the workplace
environment safe for all.
Answer Implementing this plan will help the organization in increasing their productivity.
Such as if their transparency while working it will contribute in giving clear instruction to
the worker (Celikdemir and Katrinli, 2020). Along with this , if attention is paid on non
verbal communication then issue arising out of it can be solved and it will maintain healthy
culture in company.
Question 8 A
Discuss how misunderstandings relating to cultural diversity may disrupt the workplace.
Culture misunderstanding will create communication gap between employees and due to
that organization will not be able to achieve organizational goals effectively. Along with
this, a toxic culture will create illness in company that will increase absentees rate and
lower down the productivity of the firm (Cao, Ellis and Li, 2019). Due to
misunderstadnding employees will not be able to understand their roles and duty properly.
Question 9 A
Explain the manner in which you could help resolve these misunderstandings including who
could you ask for help in this process .
Speaker can make use of more hand gesture , images or sings to explain its thoughts
and ideas to subordinates as it will help them in understanding things clearly.
It can adopt for straightforward language and clear wordings so that content is
properly understood by theworkers (Brzozowski, 2019).
Question 10 A
Provide a list of resources and informed contacts or professionals from whom you can seek
assistance to support diversity in the workplace.
Local libraries, books and blogs are great resource of getting knowledge about
Migrant resource centres can also be valuable source of information.
Adult Multicultural Education Services (AMES)
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Question 11 A
Discuss one strategy to support Australia’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures

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and people with safety, health or educational issues.
By conducting culture programmes in order to encourage awareness in among people.
Creating helpful policy in order to uplift them.
Question 12 A
Identify two (2) verbal strategies and two (2) nonverbal strategies that you can use to
communicate with children, colleagues and families from diverse backgrounds.
Answer: Non verbal communication
Facial expressions
Pay attention to inconsistencies (Ayega and Muathe, 2019) .
Reformulate children's words to clarify their message.
Activities related to the key experience
Books and journals
Ayega, E. N. and Muathe, S., 2018. Critical review of literature on cultural diversity in the
work place and organizational performance: a research agenda. Journal of Human Resource
Management. 6(1).pp.9-17.
Brzozowski, J., 2019. Entrepreneurship and economic integration of immigrants: A critical
review of literature. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management. 23(6). pp.584-604.
Cao, J., Ellis, K.M. and Li, M., 2019. Inside the board room: the influence of nationality and
cultural diversity on cross-border merger and acquisition outcomes. Review of Quantitative
Finance and Accounting. 53(4). pp.1031-1068.
Celikdemir, D. Z. and Katrinli, A., 2020. Efficient diversity management for workplace well-
being. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-Being, pp.1-22.
Dahanayake, P. And, 2018. Justice and fairness in the workplace: a trajectory for
managing diversity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
Dale-Olsen, H. and Finseraas, H., 2020. Linguistic diversity and workplace
productivity. Labour Economic. 64. p.101813.
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Felton-Busch, C. and Larkins, S., 2019. Remote dwelling Aboriginal Australian women and
birthing: A critical review of literature. Women and Birt., 32(1). pp.6-15.
Gomez, L. E. and Bernet, P., 2019. Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal
of the National Medical Association. 111(4). pp.383-392.
Hashmi, A., Shahibuddin, I. and Hazlinda, H., 2018. A Role of Thinking Styles for
Innovation, A Conceptual Framework with a Critical review of Literature. Asian Journal of
Multidisciplinary Studies. 6. pp.68-75.
HASNAA, L. and YASMINA, B. B., 2021. What relationship between diversity in the
workplace and organizational performance: a conceptual framework: Quelle relation entre la
diversité sur le lieu de travail et la performance des organisations: cadre conceptuel. African
Scientific Journal.3(9). pp.304-304.
Hopf, S. C.and, 2021. Advancing workplace diversity through the culturally responsive
teamwork framework. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 30(5). pp.1949-
Jaleha, A. A. and Machuki, V. N., 2018. Strategic leadership and organizational performance:
A critical review of literature. European Scientific Journal. 14(35). pp.124-149.
Kamales, N. and Knorr, H., 2019. Leaders with Managing Cultural Diversity and
Communication. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures. 3(1). pp.63-72.
Kirmayer, L. J., Adeponle, A. and Dzokoto, V. A. A., 2018. Varieties of global psychology:
Cultural diversity and constructions of the self. In Global psychologies (pp. 21-37). Palgrave
Macmillan, London.
Kotze, M. and Massyn, L., 2019. The influence of employees' cross-cultural psychological
capital on workplace psychological well-being. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology. 45(1).
Mkalama, B. W., Ndemo, B. E. and Maalu, J. K., 2018. The antecedents of innovativeness in
small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Kenya: A critical review of
literature. African Journal of Business Management. 12(17). pp.527-535.
Philip, J. and Soumyaja, D., 2019. Workplace diversity and inclusion: policies and best
practices for organisations employing transgender people in India. International Journal of
Public Policy. 15(3-4). pp.299-314.
Pourjam, A., 2020. Cultural Diversity Management and Organizational Outcome in Tourism
Businesses Workplace: Spirituality as a mediator. International journal of Tourism &
Spirituality. 4(2).
Raewf, M.B. and Mahmood, Y.N., 2021. The Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Cihan
University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 5(1). pp.1-6.
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Velten, L. and Lashley, C., 2018. The meaning of cultural diversity among staff as it pertains
to employee motivation. Research in Hospitality Management. 7(2). pp.105-113.
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