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Cultural Competency and Multiculturalism in Nursing Care Organizations: A Case Study of Mayo Clinic


Added on  2023/05/27

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This study explores the importance of cultural competency and multiculturalism in nursing care organizations, using Mayo Clinic as a case study. It highlights the need for a culturally diversified workforce, proper communication, and ethical nursing recruitment processes to improve quality care outcomes for the culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diversified patients.

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The diversified population is one of the most important aspects in the people composition in the
USA. It is observed the healthcare organizations are witnessing a linguistic and culturally
diversified ambience since 2012. The Mayo Clinic, a nursing teaching hospital from the upper
Midwestern region has also witnessed a steady growth of the diversified healthcare population.
Around 37% of the overall healthcare population is from different minority groups around the
USA. Thus, the diversified population of Mayo clinic prefers to experience a respectful attitude
from the healthcare staffs. Thus, healthcare professionals need to develop their interpersonal
abilities to communicate the diversified population with culturally and linguistic respect.
The increase in the diversified population is due to the population shift in the past ten years. The
shift in population has promoted an increase in the diversity in the nursing care population of
Mayo clinic. The nursing care leadership is focusing on improving a quality relationship with the
patients irrespective of their class, gender and ethnicity. The quality of care improvement is a
helpful criterion to mitigate the gap between the maintenance of cultural diversity and nursing
care practices. The change in the organizational scenario is highly recommendable for the
healthcare development of the diversified population.
Organizational type and region
The cultural competence among the nursing care staffs must be improved to provide sufficient
respect to each of the patients. Mayo clinic is also experiencing a need for culturally competence
staffs due to the admission of socially and culturally diversified patients. Mayo Clinic is a
nursing teaching organization having a wide range of staffs and increased number of socially and
culturally diversified patients.
Diversified workforce and quality care outcome
A diversified workforce is essentially required for ethical maintenance. The cultural and
linguistic diversity must be maintained properly for the quality care outcome (Phelan et al.,
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2015). The cultural respect helps the cognitive growth of the patients that promotes their quick
recovery. The prevailing of the multiculturalism in nursing care organizations helps to develop
patient care communication (Mazor et al., 2013). The communication is impactful for the
healthcare development of the patients in the Mayo Clinic. An appropriate communication with
integrated cultural belief helps the diversified patients to expand their access to the healthcare
organizations (Dickson, McCarthy, Howe, Schipper,& Katz., 2013).
Quality care outcome
Cultural safety and integrity must be must be improved in the nursing care organizations
properly in order to prevail diversity in the healthcare organizations. The ethical maintenance of
linguistic diversity is helpful for the caregivers to communicate the diversified population with
the Non-English population (Betancourt, Green, Carrillo & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, 2016).
The removal of the linguistic barrier is one of the most prominent concepts to mitigate the
communication problem in the Mayo Clinic. The mitigation of the communication problem helps
to promote the healthcare betterment of diversified patients (Ahad, Kobashi & Tavares, 2018).
Patients feel a safe ambience while they experience a respectful attitude to their linguistic and
cultural diversity (Loftin, Hartin, Branson & Reyes, 2013). Mayo clinic must be integrated with
multiculturalism that can be implemented with the effective utilization of the organizational
Maintenance multiculturalism and cultural diversity
The lack of maintenance of the multiculturalism provides a diverse effect in the healthcare
outcome. The patients feel unsafe while feeling culturally disrespected. On the contrary, the
maintenance of the multiculturalism in the multidisciplinary hospitals helps to deliver a
culturally integrated care (Douglas et al., 2014). Thus, a culturally diversified workforce is
essentially required to provide quality care to all the patients in the Mayo Clinic. Additionally,
the healthcare organizations need to select culturally competent leaders who are capable to
address the key healthcare issues (Douglas et al., 2014).
The ethical nursing recruitment process
The current target audience of the USA healthcare organization is culturally diversified. Thus,
the recruitment process must align with the healthcare organizational goals. The goals must align
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with the culturally healthy ambience for the diversified patients (Markussen, et al., 2014).
However, the current recruitment process of Mayo clinic is unhealthy. The staffing process is not
culturally integrated (Betancourt, Green, Carrillo & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, 2016). The
nursing care staffs of Mayo clinic are not proficient in managing the culturally diversified
patients. The staffing training programs for the nursing profession are not integrated with the
current healthcare policies (Douglas et al., 2014). Additionally, the care professionals are not
suitable to provide an ethical facility for the diversified patients (Markussen, et al., 2014). They
lack the knowledge of treating the diversified population and shows inappropriate behaviour to
the patients.
The unethical nursing recruitment process has promoted the poor review of the staff retention
and recruitment process. The absence in maintaining culturally diversified population has
minimized the professional growth of the care staffs (Loftin, Hartin, Branson & Reyes, 2013).
Thus, the incapability of the care staffs of Mayo clinic has affected the communication between
the nursing care staffs and the patients. The care staffs are incapable to address the healthcare
needs of the minority population and the different ethnic groups (Loftin, Hartin, Branson &
Reyes, 2013). The lack of cultural integration has created an unavoidable barrier that the patient
care improvement. On the contrary, an ethically integrated nursing process can improve the
cultural competency (Douglas et al., 2014). Hence, the cultural competency must be started for
the initial process to promote the overall development.
Importance of cultural integration
The inequality can be identified as the key obstacle in the healthcare organizations of the USA.
The male population in the Mayo clinic is lower than the female population. The lack of quality
maintenance in the nursing professional results in the discrimination in the race, culture, gender
and economic integrity (Loftin, Hartin, Branson & Reyes, 2013). On the contrary, culturally
diversified nursing professionals are capable of maintaining workplace equality. An autonomous
system of nursing care professionals to improve their communication capability is not always
capable of addressing the barriers (Mazor et al., 2013). A hierarchical structure is not always
capable to maintain an unbiased cultural ambiance.
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The maintenance of cultural diversity in the Mayo Clinic can be progressed by
Developing cultural competency
Developing knowledge and culture regarding diversified nursing care
Improving cultural competence through proper training and education
Maintaining of cross-cultural relationship
Developing nursing practice.
The study is developed with the idea of developing cultural competency and multiculturalism in
the nursing care organizations. It is important to prevail multiculturalism to align with the growth
of culturally, linguistic and ethnically diversified patients in the Mayo Clinic. Proper
communication can enhance the multiculturalism in the nursing care organizations.
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Reference list
Ahad, M. A. R., Kobashi, S., & Tavares, J. M. R. (2018). Advancements of image processing
and vision in healthcare. Journal of healthcare engineering, 2018.
Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I. I. (2016).
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Dickson, V. V., McCarthy, M. M., Howe, A., Schipper, J., & Katz, S. M. (2013). Sociocultural
influences on heart failure self-care among an ethnic minority black population. Journal
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