
Cultural Health Safety - PDF


Added on  2021-06-17

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Cultural Health Safety1
Cultural Health Safety - PDF_1

Australian media consistently broadcast health related issues and it established media as thepowerful tool to impact culturally relevant care in Australian population. In this paper, role ofdifferent factors like social, political, cultural and economic, in shaping the broadcast andpresentation of the health-related issues will be discussed. Two media items will be criticallyanalysed considering both positive and negative aspects.Australian media plays significant role in the broadcasting evidence and details about social,health and political issues. Information related to Government policies and activities can beeffectively transferred to public by using media. Media works like an institution whichdistributes information relevant to the public through facts after doing proper research andinvestigation (Usher et a; 2014). Mass media in Australia can be categorised into public service, community and commercialmedia. Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) is a form of public service media and itaids presentation on the socio-cultural aspects. Community media also work on the similarfoundation; however, this media is closely associated with community and it involve largeproportion of helper staff. Commercial media plays role to protect democratic course ofaction. Demands of the market mainly influence commercial media and social involvement ismore in commercial media. All these types of three medias in combination can produceaccurate picture of social, health and political issues in Australia. Hence, it is difficult to side-line single media or uphold single media. Based of the priority of the issues to bebroadcasted, media need to be selected. In Australia, media can be considered as the powerfulestablishment because it can influence attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviours of theAustralian people. Primary responsibility of the Australian media is to provide accurate and concise information;however, media never concern about the consequences after the publication of the report.Hence few of the media houses resulted in the shoddy journalism which directly harm thewellbeing of the people. Media should not only provide health information accurate and clearbut also it should also mirror the needs and issues of the public health. Media should properlyinvestigate and report probable link between the researchers and private companies,researchers and public institutions, patient advocacy groups and their sponsors, celebrityspokespersons and their sponsors, and nonprofit health and professional organizations andtheir sponsors (Espinel et al., 2013). Editorial. Media has the power to report the results of thepoorly designed and poorly powered studies however there should be incorporation of flawsin the study while reporting the study. Media has the power play educational role in2
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improving health and wellbeing of the people. Media need to maintain balance amongdifferent aspects of the health-related news. Media need to maintain balance among health-related news like medicine, health and social determinants of health. However, it is evidentthat most of broadcasting is related to the medical services news and less news beingbroadcasted about cost, quality and evidence of these healthcare services (Bastian, 2011). Interpersonal power can be categorised into five types like legitimate, reward, coercive,expert or referent. Through structural power, individual or organisation can regulate allocatedresources, decisions and data. Media adopted structural power hierarchies by protectinginformation to improve organisational legality. Power can be executed through manipulationand engagement. Manipulation and engagement provide strong base and support for themedia power because it can hide efforts implemented to manipulate information and relatedobjectives of the provided information (Leask et al., 2010). Social media plays significant role in the public healthcare decision making. Media caninfluence public perceptions about health risk and health behaviour. However, mediainformation always is not supported with scientific evidence. Hence, public need to makedecision after verifying the information from the other sources. Public need to reconfirm theinformation provided by the media with the healthcare providers. However, it is evident thatmost of the people interact less frequently to healthcare providers for acquiring informationabout health; rather they believe on media and use media for acquiring this information. It isevident that most of the information provided by the media is in the exaggerated form.Hence, it is difficult for the people to make perceptions of the health risk solely based on themedia information. Internet and social media can provide enormous information about thehealth; however there can be misinterpretation and confusion about health informationprovided by the media (Blom and Hansen, 2015). Australian media has a significant influence on the attitudes and behaviours. People can haveboth positive and negative impact on the population. Media has strong and universal impacton the perception of the people. Since, there are very less options are available for theindependent learning for the people about the health and other issues; media obviouslybecome the first choice for acquiring information about the relevant issues. It indicates,media made string influence on the day-to-day life of the people. Media is being consideredas the first option from which people get information for the first time (Usher, 2012).Usefulness of the media and strength of media depends on the ability of the people to abstractthe information from the media. Media can influence people based on the experience of the3
Cultural Health Safety - PDF_3

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