
Promoting Cultural Safety in Healthcare Services for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders


Added on  2023-06-16

16 Pages5306 Words337 Views
Healthcare and Research
Health & Social Care
Promoting Cultural Safety in Healthcare Services for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders_1

1.1 NHS identify the potential impact of cultural factors on service delivery to Aboriginal......4
1.2 Issues influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal.....................................4
1.3/1.4 cultural safety, its importance to relationships between service providers and
Indigenous communities..............................................................................................................4
2.1 ensure work practices are grounded in awareness.................................................................5
2.2 cultural competence...............................................................................................................5
2.3 develop communication techniques and work practices.......................................................5
2.4 benefits of engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community service workers,
interpreters and cultural brokers..................................................................................................5
3.1 possible to support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal....6
3.2 resources could a service provider develop or access to facilitate effective service delivery
and partnerships...........................................................................................................................6
3.3 the indigenous perspective on health and health issues impact on the design.......................6
3.4 Indigenous people need to be self-determining.....................................................................7
4.1/ 4.2 participate in the agreement and the subsequent evaluations of the strategies and
4.3 Importance of evaluating programs and services against desired outcome...........................7
4.4 Importance to appropriately engage and involve Aboriginals people in the revision of
TASK 1 Promote Aboriginal in NHS..............................................................................................8
potential impact of cultural factors..............................................................................................8
Critical issues that have an influence on relationships and communication with Aboriginal.....8
Consulting with Aboriginal PEOPLE..........................................................................................8
evaluating the current extent of cultural safety integration in the workplace..............................8
TASK 2 Model cultural safety.........................................................................................................9
awareness of own cultural bias...................................................................................................9
acknowledge the importance of cultures.....................................................................................9
Facilitate engagement with Aboriginal........................................................................................9
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
Promoting Cultural Safety in Healthcare Services for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders_2

Development of strategies for improved cultural safety..............................................................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
Promoting Cultural Safety in Healthcare Services for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders_3

Cultural safety refers to the environments that are highly considered to be safe for Aboriginals
and Torres Strait Islander people. This illustrates that the people are not facing any kind of
assault, challenges and denial of their identity or experiences among the society. This concept is
all about sharing a feeling of respect, knowledge and information about the same. The thought of
cultural safety is greatly present over the thoughts of showing respect, seek cultural information,
demonstration of reciprocity as well as engage community accompaniment among the
community of practice (Reilly and et.al., 2020). The basic purpose of this activity is to
significantly enhance the nature and scope of healthcare services to Aboriginals and Torres
Strain Islander people and thus impact their overall well-being in complete positive manner.
This report will highlight the conception of cultural safety by considering Identification
of potential impacts of cultural factors, critical issues, awareness, strategies along with
supporting delivery services. Apart from this, the study will also highlight the impression over
evaluation of cultural safety strategies in discourse of NHS workplace.
1.1 NHS identify the potential impact of cultural factors on service delivery to Aboriginal
The NHS visited hours to the people are flexible because they don't want to bother them
therefore, whenever they go to check up on them then the time is flexible. NHS Also try to
work on the outpatient and community services by which they promote and reduce the
stereotypes about the indigenous Australia. As the NHS work like they listen to them rather
than telling them what to do and listen to their needs what they actually want. NHS also try
to work on the child services by which they educate the child of the Aboriginal people
which enhance and improve their culture in a better way. Services which organization
provide to them is how to behave in a community and enhance their culture factor.
1.2 Issues influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal
NHS help them and influence them terms of person communication The importance of forming
relationships is highly valued. Putting the "individual" before the "entrepreneurship" will aid in
the formation of this connection and the development of bonding (HATİPOĞLU, 2017). As NHS
Promoting Cultural Safety in Healthcare Services for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders_4

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