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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia


Added on  2023/06/04

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This report aims at covering the various issues of the Sandpaper gate ball tampering incidents to analyze the cultural ethical and organizational standards of the Cricket Australia, to further recommend some changes which have to be executed immediately for the welfare of the current and the future standards of Cricket Australia and for the entire nation.

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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Title: Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Executive Summary
Rules and regulations are the key to any organization, activity and sports. Sports is more than a
game or a culture, it is something which is worshipped in a country. Cricket being the national
sport of Australia holds a very high place in the hearts of the fans. The game has a massive
impact on the people of Australia. The activities of the players and the association are keenly
observed by the people and they take inspiration from the players as they consider them their
biggest idols. So, under such circumstances of being so highly praised and loved, if the same
players commits some unethical and illegal practices then the whole country gets affected due to
it. With great power and love comes bigger responsibilities. The recent ball tampering incident in
the test match between Australia and South African witnessed some illegal activity from the
Australian players Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft, brought the Australia
Cricket Association and the entire Australia to a standstill. The fans were hurt and felt
embarrassed by the practices of the players on the field and were shocked to the core. There are
ethics, values and beliefs which have to be practiced to inspire the future generation of players
and also the people of Australia to work rightfully and make their country proud. But this
incident raised some serious questions regarding the standards of ethics which are being
incorporated in the players and the wrong path on which the players are going by committing
such a disgraceful activity. Betraying the teammates and the rival team, betraying the fans and
betrayed themselves. This issues raised concerns about the future of Australian cricket and the
players, what they will learn from such examples and are the ethics and values of the Australian
cricket is degrading by passing time. This report aims at covering the various issues of the
Sandpaper gate ball tampering incidents to analyze the cultural ethical and organizational
standards of the Cricket Australia, to further recommend some changes which have to be
executed immediately for the welfare of the current and the future standards of Cricket Australia
and for the entire nation.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
1. Sandpaper Gate Brings Australia to Stand Still...........................................................................5
2. Cultural Audit of Cricket Australia.............................................................................................9
Mission Statement.......................................................................................................................9
Core Values.................................................................................................................................9
Policy Statement........................................................................................................................11
Organizational Structure............................................................................................................11
Physical Environment................................................................................................................12
Communication & Language.....................................................................................................13
Responsiveness to Change.........................................................................................................13
Roles, Models & Heroes............................................................................................................13
Artifacts & Memorabilia............................................................................................................14
Stories, Myths & Legends.........................................................................................................14
Rites, Rituals & Ceremonies......................................................................................................14
3. The Current Status of Australian Cricket Team........................................................................15
4. Crucial Steps for Restoring the Game Reputation.....................................................................19
Appendix A................................................................................................................................25
Appendix B................................................................................................................................26
Appendix C................................................................................................................................28
Appendix D................................................................................................................................29
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
The aim of this report is to identify issues prevailing at Cricket Australia in relation to
Sandpaper Gate Incident that took place in March 2018. The incident shocked the whole
Australia and also all the cricket fans and players throughout the world. The unethical and
immoral act which was performed by the captain, vice-captain and the bowler, that is, Steve
Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft was recorded on camera and all the media houses
all over the world broadcasted it repeatedly questioning the current standards of beliefs which are
followed in the Cricket Australia. This brought embarrassment and portrayed Australia in a bad
image in front of the whole world. The Australian cricket team is considered as one of those
teams who believe in fair play and inspire the upcoming Australian play to work hard and play
fair. But this incident was a bad example. There are issues which have been recognized as
unethical, against the culture and the organizational belief. This was a pre-planned incident
which makes these issues even more serious as this displays a gameplay which is against the
rules of cricket. Cricket is known as the gentlemen’s game, a game of grace, integrity and
honesty, but with incidence like this there are some alarming signs which arises associated with
the management of players in Cricket Australia. The players committed the biggest mistake of
cheating in the game, which have serious repercussions and thus due to this the captain Steve
Smith has to step down from his position along with the vice-captain David Warner. The people
of Australia reacted strongly to this incident and their reactions were an amalgamation of anger
and sorrow. They did not expect their favorite players to indulge in a false play. The Cricket
Australia is in need for setting up better presidents for the current lot of players and also for the
future one. There is a need for conducting tests on the player’s behavior that will further help in
focusing on the areas which needs improvement individually on each player. Also the ethical
policies, cultural and organizational beliefs require some changes which will help in uplifting the
player’s standards of play, eventually helping in improving the image of the Australian cricket
team in the eyes of the entire world. The issues have to be tackled with an approach that brings a
strong realization in the players who committed the mistake and also sets an example for the
others that they do not commit such activities in the future. This incident has brought down the
image of the Australian team drastically, it will take a long time and many attempts to create
their past image of fair play in the eyes of people, especially for the citizens of Australia. For this
reason, the Cricket Australia is going to devise a number of strategies which will help in

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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
improving the player’s standards, their ethics, morals and the importance of culture. Also the
Cricket Australia will further implement more strategies which will help in improving their
image in front of Australia and the entire world.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
1. Sandpaper Gate Brings Australia to Stand Still
There are a number of issues at Cricket Australia as a result of sandpaper gate and this
section will be addressing those issues and the associated theory linked to those issues. The
sandpaper gate incident has brought the Australian Cricket Association to a standstill and also
did shocked the entire nation. The incidents highlighted many issues which were not abiding to
the rules of ethical, cultural and organizational aspect of the game. These issues have also raised
questions about the integrity of cricket Australia, which is going through one of the darkest
period in the history of cricket in Australia (Ahmad, 2015).
There is a thin line between the gray area and the black area. In the same way our naivety
can slip into culpability in no time and without any realization. The first issue which has been
identified in the sandpaper incident is cheating. This unethical act is analyzed through the ethical
decision making framework. The players Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft pre-
planned an unethical act of tampering the ball and this act clearly raises an issue of cheating.
They cheated with their teammates, with the opposite team player, with the cricket association,
with every sportsman and all the fans of cricket all over the world. Ball tampering is allowed
only through natural ways like rubbing on the uniform and using spit, but using an unnatural
thing to tamper the ball and create a diversion is unethical. The thing which makes this cheating
incident even worse is that it was pre-planned and was executed in the guidance of the team’s
captain and vice-captain. The whole Australia felt cheated and embarrassed due to this incident.
The former players raised questions on the ethical standards which are moving down on the
slope rapidly. The last time Australian cricket team was involved in an unethical play was years
back and but the recent times have seen some incidents which are unethical and puts a big
question on the ethical standards of Cricket Australia (Ball & Hryomallis, 2012).
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
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The other issue which has been identified from the sandpaper incident is the damage
which has been caused to the spirit of the game and its integrity. The issue of damaging the spirit
of the game has been identified as a cultural issue and the different social theories of sports have
been utilized to analyze this issue. Sports and culture go hand in hand and cricket is a national
sport of Australia. It’s not just a sport, but it’s much more which is worshipped by a large
number of people. The sport cricket has a reputation of being a gentlemen’s game and the act of
sandpaper gate affected that reputation and ruined the spirit of the game. The element of critical
theory of the social theory focuses on a cultural production, so that the future of Australia
follows a path which is fair and is a solid example of inspiration and motivation for the next
generations. The act of Sandpaper has affected the reputation of cricket Australia and have given
the society a bad example that will have a huge impact on the future generations of cricket in
Australia. There are some cultural guidelines those are the beliefs and the values that have to be
abided by. Sports is a reflection of the culture of a country and their society (Beltrame, 2011).

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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
The third issue which was the main driving force of this act is Leadership. Steve Smith
and David Warner, the captain and the vice-captain respectively, displayed a bad example of
leadership. There is a thin line between leading effectively and misusing leadership. In the
sandpaper gate incident the leadership was misused. If the captain and the vice-captain had been
true to their leadership values the incident would never have taken place and Australia did not
have to get embarrassed in front of the whole world. The theory of moral development has been
utilized here to analyze this issue. Leadership is an activity which requires correct influence on
others which helps in achieving the goals appropriately and rightfully. According to the moral
development theory, leadership is a moral activity too, which requires a set of rules and beliefs
which have to be followed to achieve the desired goals. The act of sandpaper gate was in the
knowledge of the leadership group which included only certain players on the team including the
captain, vice-captain as the main leaders. The coaching team was not informed about it and also
not the other players of the team. This also raises another issue that there is a lack of
cohesiveness in the team. The leadership group did not betrayed just with the rival team, but also
with their own teammates. By keeping them uninformed and also jeopardizing their reputation in
the eye of the world, speaks volume of an issue which is deeper than what is being anticipated.
The issues of leadership and lack of cohesiveness are one of the major organizational issues that
brings togetherness, transparency and trust in a team. According to a sports psychology,
cohesiveness in a team does not only mean the working of all the team players together, but the
cohesiveness also come in sharing the responsibilities and repercussions equally. A victory of a
team is always not a single player’s work, but it’s the team effort. In the same way, a loss of a
team is not due to a single player it is due to the entire team. The sandpaper gate incident may
include only three player’s but the repercussions of it has to be bared by the entire team
(Brukner, Gara & Fortington, 2018).
The cheating in sports can be curbed by utilizing a social and psychological evidence
strategy which involves three approaches that are, create strict rules against cheating, catch them
cheaters in the end and try reducing the dishonesty in the team and between the players. The
Hans-Georg Gadamer’s theory of play is an effective strategy for a good play, which will follow
the right rules and beliefs. This will also help the Australian cricket team in reducing and
controlling their inappropriate behavior in the game.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
2. Cultural Audit of Cricket Australia
The ball tampering incident has brought forward several aspects which requires a cultural
audit of the Cricket Australia. The hampering of the sport which has been committed by the three
players and the effect on the country Australia as a whole. The audit will examine the entire
situation in the context to the cultural sentiments which have been disgraced and the cultural
values preached at Cricket Australia. According to the Cricket Australia, cricket is a sport for all
Mission Statement
The Cricket Australia is the official governing body for the cricket activities in Australia.
The mission statement of this national governing body of Australia is very simple and this is the
beauty of it which inspires one and all in Australia to play cricket. The main mission of the
association is that the sport cricket should be loved by all Australians that inspires the maximum
people to play cricket and make it a part of their life. This mission statement successfully
inspires many people to make cricket a part of their life which is the main cultural indicator. The
cricket Australia is trying to create a strong cultural of cricket in Australia by inspiring as many
people adapt it in their lives (Chalkey, MacMohan & Ball, 2013).
Core Values
The Cricket Australia has introduced new values for their session from 2017-2022, the three
tier model has been utilized for its analysis. There are three main core values which are practiced
and preached in Cricket Australia, they are-
How they play?
The values for how we play are built by four hundred people across Australia and
have been built around the behavioral aspect of the players. The first one is to be real,
which focuses on showing respect, being straightforward and should have the courage to
accept the challenges and also have the capabilities to challenge others. The second one is
smash the boundaries which focus on inculcating the habit of not getting afraid of failure
and changing the world with the right attitude like innovation. The third one is made
every ball count that encourages the players to make the right decision and relentless,
pushing the players forward to win. The fourth one is stronger together, this focuses on
doing the best activities which are best for cricket (Cheng, Takla & Subic, 2011).

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The spirit of the Cricket
The spirit of the game lays the guidelines for all the players and especially the
captain the rules which have to be strictly followed on the field, otherwise there are
repercussion for not abiding by them. The spirit of the game is concerned with the code
of conduct of the players on the field which has been laid by the MCC. The spirit of the
game include qualities like respect, togetherness, fair play, honesty and graceful
The cricket Australia have a responsibility towards maintaining the integrity of
the game and this is conducted through their integrity management. Under this
management system they have various programs like anti-corruption program, anti-
doping, illicit substance programs, the conduct of the player’s program, and also the
player’s contract.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
All these various new policies are for the betterment of the players, but they are
lacking cultural values and ethics. They are focusing on making good players, but they
are not aimed at making great players like the past players Shane Warne, Glenn McGrath,
Bret Lee and Ricky Pointing.
Policy Statement
The main policy statement of the Cricket Australia has five key areas which are, a
protocol for sustainable participation, gender diversity, and growth of women’s cricket, more
fans as women and girls and a selecting unique talent for the teams. According to the four sector
model, all these policies are mainly focused on the emergence of women’s cricket team and also
there is not a single policy which focuses on the behavioral and ethics test for the future players
and the present ones too.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Organizational Structure
The model which has been adapted to analyze the organizational structure is four
typologies. The Australian cricket is governed by a single national governing body, along with
the six state association and also the associations of two territories. This is almost the entire
Australia. Cricket is practiced and followed in the entire Australia and the involvement of the
almost entire Australia talks about the strong cultural bond in the country (Home, 2010).
Physical Environment
The four typologies of culture model have been used for the analysis of the physical
environment in cricket Australia. The physical environment in the Cricket Australia is very
healthy with each person from the director to the normal employees are working for the national
interest and have responsibilities which are being efficiently fulfilled for the nation’s reputation.
The current incident of sandpaper gate ball tampering have questioned the physical environment
of the Cricket Australia too.

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Communication & Language
Tim Whittaker is the head of the communication department in Australia and have
previously worked with the International Cricket Council too. There is a systematic way which is
followed to ensure that all the information conveyed to the players, committee members,
directors, media is free from any unethical mark and does not create any confusion. This analysis
has been conducted on the basis of the three tiered model.
Each cricket team in Australia has a leadership group which is made up of the captain,
vice-captain and few more members. This is the core committee in the team, which finalize on
the strategies and other various plans. The binary model has been taken into use to audit the
leadership feature in cricket Australia. In the recent Sandpaper gate incident the leadership group
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
was involved in the main act which got Australia a lot of disgrace. The leadership group is a
good initiative for the in terms of finalizing strategies and knowing the opinions of different
people. But including just few members is unfair to the rest of the team.
Responsiveness to Change
The four sector model has been taken into use for analysis the response to change in
cricket Australia. The Cricket Australia regularly reinvents itself for the next five year session
under this the association forms new policies, values, ethics, strategies and a plan which is
strictly followed. After the recent ball tampering case, the Cricket Australia has shown the
seriousness over the matter and has brought some alteration in their policies and cultural values
and stricter rules for not following those rules. The Australian teams accepted those changes, for
a better cricket environment in Australia (Leonard, 2014).
Roles, Models & Heroes
The Australian Cricket team has created bigger role models which are for the present and
the future generation of the Australian cricket. The heroes like Shane Warne, Bret Lee, Michael
Hussey, Michael Clarke, Allan Border and many others. The cricket Australia also has a
McGrath foundation which has been created on Glenn McGrath and his huge contribution to the
Australian cricket. The binary model has been used to understand this feature of cultural
Artifacts & Memorabilia
The cricket Australia have a store for all the cricket fans all over the world. Here the most
memorable objects and items has been displayed for fans of cricket all over the world. All the
items have a story to tell of a great victory or a person related to the Australian cricket. Some of
the items are also available for sale. The three tiered model has been used to analyze this feature.
Stories, Myths & Legends
There many stories about the most famous cricketers of Australians who have contributed
to the world of Australian cricket hugely. They are the legends who followed the strong ethics
and cultures of the cricket and created a magnificent body of work with their hard work and
dedication which is an inspiration for the people of Australia both from the cricket and the non-
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
cricket background. The four sector model has been applied to understand this feature (McGrath,
Rites, Rituals & Ceremonies
The cricket Australia annually organizes awards to notify the huge contribution of the
various past and present players. The binary model has been used to analyze this feature. This is
conducted to keep the cultural heritage alive by awarding the players who have retired now but
still they means a lot to the committee of Australian cricket.
3. The Current Status of Australian Cricket Team
There were a number of ethical issues which happened during the Sandpaper gate
incident. These issues have raised a number of questions regarding the current standards of ethics
being practiced in cricket Australia on the management level and also by the players. The current
state of ethics at cricket Australia has to be checked as there is a balance between the values and
the rules which are followed in an organization. The players committed a mistakes, but there are
more people involved who are responsible for such actions too.

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The first ethical issue which has been identified in the cricket Australia is integrity.
Integrity is part of the three core rules which are followed by the cricket Australia. The integrity
has been brought down by the players by conducting such act. They have been dishonest with
their teammates, the rival team and also the fans of cricket all over the world. The dishonest play
also hampered the grace of the game cricket and thus brought a lot of embarrassment for the
entire country Australia. The new policies have integrity as one of the key rules, but the players
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
did practiced it and this affected the complete association, questioning their methods of
preaching and educating ethics to the players (Mire, 2013).
The second ethical issue which has been identified is leadership. Leadership is an
organizational belief which every player should use it in the correct direction to motivate other
players to give their best performance for the nation, rather than use this trait for cheating and
then winning. An ethical person knows the importance of leadership, as it is also the way you
display your behavior to the huge followers. In the sandpaper gate incident the leadership group
was very popular which comprised of a captain, vice-captain and many more players, while this
was found that even the coach was not informed about the plan of using a sandpaper, this shows
a very unethical behavior. The thing which was more shocking that the bowler Cameron
Bancroft is one of the most junior players of the team was asked to do this sneaky and
disgraceful act by the captain. This sends out a message which is very wrong for the future
generation of Australian cricket. Leadership is a quality which requires certain standards and
examples which has to be set up for the other members of the team (Morton, 2018).
The other ethical issue which has been identified is exploitation. There has been a
number of cases in the recent times, highlighting how the employees are exploited by their
seniors. Bancroft being the most junior player of the team was asked to do an unethical deed by
the most senior players. He also would have faced a lot of consequences if he would have denied
to do what his seniors commanded. This ethical issue is also a major organizational issue and this
is setting a wrong example to the individuals who desire to become cricketers like Steve Smith
and David Warner.
The other issue which has been identified here is cheating and then proudly admitting it.
The players admitted that they did use the paper for creating a deviation in the ball. But the
captain and the vice-captain openly admitted that this act is not so big that they have to step
down from their position. Also, the pressure from the media made the players admit their pre-
planned mistake. Cameron Bancroft did not admit to using the sandpaper for deviation in the
initial interactions, but after being continuous persuaded he finally gave up. They cheated first
and then lied for a number of times. The matter got serious after the captain and vice-captain was
sent back to their home and were suspended for the next match. These continuous practices of
the players which are unethical and also made the situation worse. The power to commit so many
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
unethical activities raises question on the working of the cricket Australia and their management
(Peploe, McErlain-Naylor, Harland & King, 2017).
There are high standards of ethics which has to be followed in any sport. The sport earns
the respect through these morals and ethics which the players practice in their game. They are the
source of inspiration for the future players of a nation. People decide to make it a career only by
observing the fair play being practiced by their favorite players. But in the current scenarios the
ethical issues which has been identified in the game has brought the cricket Australia into
scrutiny and their various approaches for preparing a professional player. The values which are
incorporated in them, the organizational environment which is provided to them, and the beliefs
which are the main driving force all are being scrutinized. After the recent incident of ball
tampering the Australian cricket association has asked the ethics center to conduct a review of
the behavioral qualities of the players and also on their beliefs and values.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
4. Crucial Steps for Restoring the Game Reputation
After the overall analysis of the various aspects like culture, ethics, behavior and many
others, there is an urgent need for immediate actions which will help in retaining and restoring
the reputation of the game. There has to be some strict rules against such acts which will set as
an example for the future generation of Australia who wants to be a part of this game. This act is
very crucial as this has brought a bad impact on the game and also for the citizens of Australia.
These steps will ensure that such acts are not practiced again in the future. The cricket Australia
is in need for a strategy that will help in overcoming the issues which have been generated due to
the sandpaper gate incident and also for addressing their social responsibilities effectively. Thus,
the best strategy for them right now is the proactive strategy (Singh & Sharma, 2017).
Required Steps for Current Situation.
The current situation has to be dealt in a manner which puts a good example on
the future generations of the cricket and also helps in improving the image of cricket
Australia in front of the entire world. The initiation from the cricket Australia by
appointing the ethnic center for reviewing the behaviors of the players to finalize their
punishment accordingly. The normal punishment for a ball tampering is deduction of few
runs and a suspension from a match. But the cricket Australia went forward and stated a
ban of twelve months on the captain and the vice-captain. This approach has shown the
seriousness of the Australian cricket association towards unethical practices.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Rules for putting the reputation of the country in jeopardy and also for jeopardizing
There is an emergence for making harder rules for the players who put the
position and reputation of a country into jeopardy and brings disgrace to it. This is
required as such acts should not be happening again. There are some more hidden reasons
which have been identified with the working of the association and dealing with the
players. Such circumstances should also be taken into consideration so that there are
better strategies which have been incorporated for dealing with such situations (Sturm,
Rules for disgracing the game.
Though there are already a number of rules for people who have disgraced the
game and also have to face their repercussions. But with the changing time there is a need
for increasing discipline in each team player. There is a need for programs which will
incur more focus on the ethics, cultural values and the correct organizational governance
in the players. This is required because after seeing the standard from the current incident
the values have been massively disrespected and the immoral and amoral behavior of the
players, there is a necessity. The immoral and amoral behavior can be identified in cricket
Australia too, as organization functions on the core grounds of values and ethics. The
players have been inspired from the management activities and analyzing many situations
together, this is recognized that all the fault is not by the players only.
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
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Rules for breaching the trust of their team players.
This area should be given special attention. Now, the whole world is criticizing
the entire Australian cricket team due to the activities of three players. This is a known
fact that the rest of the players did not have any inclination about the sandpaper usage.
But still after all this the entire team has to bear the repercussions of being slammed by
their fans, the entire nation, the world players and the entire media. Every player has been
brought under the radar of suspicion which is questioning the integrity of the true players
who have been honest towards the game throughout. There is a need for building rules for
the betrayal of trust of the teammates. The teammates should not be cornered and be
betrayed by their own teammates, sends a message out in the world that the Australian
cricket team is not united and their core value has been insulted by the seniors of the team
(Utting, 2015).
Rules for conducting such offense and misleading the fans
The Cricket Australia have a mission of making most people love cricket and
make it a part of their life. There has to be certain rules which have to be made in
accordance with the damage which is conducted on the fans by hurting their feelings and
also misleading them through the players various unethical activities. People worship

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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
cricket in Australia. It is just not a game or a culture, it is even more than that which
cannot be expressed in words. The feelings of the fans which is damaged by the players
cannot be expressed in words. The fans were shocked after the incident and this affected
younger children who aims to become a cricket player, a teenager who is part of the
under sixteen squad of cricket questions the management and the committee and the
adults who have taken inspiration from cricket to do work which will make their country
proud. The feelings of all these people have been damaged and thus there should be some
strict rules for dealing with such players who commit such offense.
The analysis has shown a bad image of team Australia that says a lot about their current
practices which are being adopted by the new generation people for achieving success in their
respected field. The emergence of acting on such incidents and setting up a president for the
future players who have such a huge responsibility towards their game, country and fans. The
steps suggested has to be strictly followed for restoring and retaining the reputation back of the
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Australian cricket and Australia. There are problems which are visible for everyone, then there
are issues which have been identified and then there are issues which are still not identified and
are unknown. The unknown issues can only be identified through an investigation, which is the
need of the hour for cricket Australia, to work on them and make the necessary changes which
are required. The ethic center reviewed the player’s behavior and the punishment has been
finalized. But there is a need for making sure that the main problems which are in the
management which might have provided power to the senior players that has given them the
potential to commit such big mistakes. There is a partiality towards the senior players which is
one of the hidden issues for committing such a big mistake and disgracing the nation Australia in
the entire world. This act will make people judge and see Australia in a different manner. So the
investigation is required to analyze the entire incident and the working of the complete
management in great details. The ethical values, cultural belief and organizational governance
are the three main pillars of any sport. These are the driving force for the players and also for the
future players. After this incident there is a need especially to be conducted by the selection
committee, the organizing team, the medical team and the players along with the coaches. Each
player has to be reviewed for improving their standards of playing according to the culture and
ethics which makes the country proud and shows immense respect towards the game cricket.
Inspiration should be taken from the past players which motivated many players of today to
become a cricketer, they have to be reminded of the standards of fair play which the Australian
cricket team is known for in the entire world. But there are some changes which have to be
brought immediately after seeing the reaction of the players who committed the mistake, the past
players, the international cricket association members and all the fans of cricket in the entire
Ahmad Shahid, S. (2015). Cricket for Politics and Peace from 1987 to 2007 Cricket World Cups
between India and Pakistan. International Journal Of Science Culture And Sport, 3(14), 59-
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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Ball, K., & Hrysomallis, C. (2012). Synthetic grass cricket pitches and ball bounce
characteristics. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport, 15(3), 272-276.
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Appendix A
Issues in Sandpaper Gate
Type of Issue Relevant Theories Priority
Document Page
Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Ethical Ethical decision making
Cultural Six social theories Major
Organizational Theory of moral development Critical
Others Hans-Georg Gadamer’s
theory of play
Appendix B
Cultural Mapping
Enterprise Feature Cultural Indicator Cultural Meaning
Mission Statement To inspire every Australian to Inspiring most people to
Document Page
Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
love cricket. make cricket a part of their
lives and building a strong
culture of cricket in
Core Values The new values have been
formed by 400 people across
Australia, which is the
biggest cultural indicator.
The utilization of Australian
people to co-design the
values will help in displaying
the strong Australian cultural
values which the players
possess in the entire world.
Policy Statement The main cultural indicator is
the encouragement which is
provided to the women
The cultural aspect is more
prominent in women than in
males according to studies.
The encouragement of the
women’s cricket and gender
equality is an example of a
strong culture of Australia.
Organizational Structure There is a main board, six
state association and two
territories associations.
This is the correct utilization
of the different culture in the
complete Australia.
Physical Environment All the activities which are
performed in the national
All the activities conducted or
performed with the scope that
the Australian culture is
displayed in front of the
entire world in a good
Communication &
The communication is
conducted in a very
systematic manner, ensuring
that no feeling are hurt of any
A strong culture always
ensures that the message
conveyed does not create any
confusion or harm any
person’s sentiments.

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Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Leadership The leadership group is a
good cultural initiative to
know different opinions.
The various cultural
knowledge from different
people about the game is a
good indication towards
cultural development.
Responsiveness to Change The changes which are
implicated by the cricket
Australia to bring forward a
high standard of ethics and
The cultural beliefs should
always be respected by the
present and future generations
of cricket in Australia and
should be given the highest
priorities in the game.
Roles, Models & Heroes The McGrath foundation McGrath’s contribution to the
Australian cricket is huge and
thus to find players like him
the cricket Australia has
started a foundation which is
for promoting new talents in
Artefacts & Memorabilia The store which exhibits
various memorable items and
some of them are also for
This is the way through
which the strong Australian
cricket culture is preserved
and is for the future
generations to get inspirations
for a hard and fair play.
Stories, Myths & Legends Stories and legends of
Australian cricket are an
example of a strong ethical
and cultural foundation for
the future of Australian
The Australian cricket has
created stories about the
various legends who have
contributed to the world of
international cricket. These
legends have made a niche
for themselves through strong
Document Page
Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
ethical values and cultural
Rites, Rituals &
The awards and the events
which are organized to notify
the present and the past
This is a way of keeping the
cultural heritage alive by
honoring the past and the
retired players who have
contributed to the Australian
cricket with their stronger
approach towards ethics and
Appendix C
Ethical Issue Morality
Integrity Immoral
Leadership Amoral
Exploitation Amoral
Cheating Immoral
Appendix D
Immediate Consideration Future Consideration
A test and review of all the players’ behaviors
and ethics values.
The focus on the core values requires some
alteration. They have to be more focused on
the ethical values and cultural belief.
Document Page
Culture & Ethics at Cricket Australia
Better leadership requirements in the team
and in the management.
More activities which educate the players
about how to effectively utilize the leadership
qualities, especially by the captain and other
authoritative people in the team.
Stricter action for cheating and dishonesty.
An example has to be set for the future
All the rules require up gradation according to
the changing times, so the players clearly
understand the repercussions of committing
any unethical mistake.
The trust of the people has to be gained back
and for that there has to be some major steps
taken by the association to get some
credibility back.
There is a requirement to include all the
members in the leadership team, so make
everyone feel a part of the team which will
solve the problem of deficiency in
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