
Culture & Identity: Implications and Challenges in the Fashion Industry


Added on  2022-12-14

8 Pages2331 Words376 Views
Culture & Identity
Culture & Identity: Implications and Challenges in the Fashion Industry_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Disney’s Aladdin and the appropriation of culture 500.........................................................3
The Art of La Sape: Fashion Tips from Congo’s “Sapeurs”..................................................4
How Can the Design Industry Avoid Appropriation?............................................................4
Books and Journals.................................................................................................................5
Culture & Identity: Implications and Challenges in the Fashion Industry_2

Culture shapes a person's personality by influencing how they perceive themselves and the
communities in which they associate. The beliefs and behaviours prevailing at home and in the
local society form a person's view of their own and others as it helps to identities. Culture
includes the norms, practices that need to be known to the society (Lee, Masuda and Reiche,
2018). Cultural identity is a key factor in wellbeing of people. People who identify with a
specific community feel a sense of identity and stability. It also gives people access to social
networks that provide resources as well as common beliefs and goals. This report is based on
discussion related various articles and how the theme is related to the culture and identity. It is
vital to gain proper understanding of the culture and identity.
Disney’s Aladdin and the appropriation of culture
According to Ashfaque Swapan 2019, the theatre and these movies also face critiques. The
major issue is that people relate the character and judge the movie based on the culture of the
place. All this has become culturally sensitive. The story is actually China based and there are
two genies in the story. Those are one with the lamp that is more solid, while the other has a ring.
Such significant rights are also exercised. There is lack of cultural ambience in the film. All these
films crate impact on the people that are watching the movie. The film industry should consider
all the factors before launching the movie (Lee, Fu and Reiche, 2018). As all the people that are
interested in fairy tales would get influenced by these films and this will disturb them. Each and
every person starts connecting to it may cause problems as they have different culture. It is
important that the imagination that is used is somewhere relatable. As the humans and the
audience start feeling and try to relate it with the movie. As it is seen that Disney normally
publishes the movie and try to capture lot of customers (Deitering, Stoddart and Schroeder,
2017). Their target is to make the product available to all. As there is diversity in the culture this
is depressing if the same becomes the end product of the movies. As these cinemas are treated as
source of entertainment and the target is to spread happiness. In this news article there is a proper
discussion related to the movie launched by Disney that is Aladdin. It is a fairy tale and the
ambience of culture is lacking. As it is important to use the imagination that is not beyond the
culture. It is seen that it causes a bad and disturbing impact on the audience. This movie is just an
Culture & Identity: Implications and Challenges in the Fashion Industry_3

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