
Reflective Essay on Current Issues in Business


Added on  2023-06-14

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Reflective essay on current issues in business
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Reflective Essay on Current Issues in Business_1

I think clarity in goals seems appropriate in terms of progressing towards it in an efficient
and efficient manner. Belief in my capability has fulfilled my dream of starting up my own
business. For this, I would give credit to my professors of Monash University. The professors
need to be credited in terms of inculcating self-organizational skills within me, which has helped
me to manage my business in an efficient and effective manner. As I got introversion in my
MBTI profile, I failed to interact with the professors. However, I conducted research from the
internet for enhancing my skills, expertise and knowledge. I feel this is not at all productive as
failing to interact with people reflects a negative impression, delaying my personal development.
Referring to varied sources has broadened my preconceived knowledge regarding the
assessment of my strengths and weakness. I possess a passion to invest in other business, if I get
a chance. For this, I have to keep a strict observation towards the events, which are taking place
in my surroundings. The measurability of this can be reflected from the attribute of “sensing”.
Awareness towards my strengths and abilities helped me in the completion of the Myers Briggs
Personality Test. I feel self-consciousness is very important in terms of approaching any tasks or
My charming attitude makes me easily approachable for the people around me. My
colleagues, friends and family members are of the view that I have good listening skills.
Currently, I am listening to motivational speeches for getting encouragement regarding executing
the tasks and the responsibilities properly. My kind attitude might be helpful for others, however,
in the workplace, it is logic, which attains more importance than emotions, thoughts and feelings.
During the course of my work, most of the times I start imagining things, which are not goal-
oriented. I feel sometimes thinking about impractical things generates creativity and innovation
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skills. Along with this, it is also a test, which helps me to assess my approach towards my
I always prefer safe and comfortable workplace, which would help me in exposing
collaborative output. As it is proved in Myers Briggs Test that I am highly sensitive, the
ambience of conflicts, discriminations and harassments can adversely affect my performance.
Since my childhood, I am passionate towards adventure. New things interest me. My
friends are aware of this and try to involve me, whenever, they see any adventurous things. I
think this quality of mine is prospective in the workplace environment. This is because if I am
provided with challenging and enduring tasks, I would diligently perform it. I have heard that
curiosity is good, but over curiosity leads to destruction. However, my curiosity is to imagine big
things, which would prove fruitful towards achieving my goals. Within this, I attach greater
value to the act of creating action plans, which would help me to systematize the activities
according to their priority.
One of my weaknesses is that I cannot estimate the outcomes in the evaluations and
plans. This nullifies the aspect of creating goals. This nullification can be considered as
demotivation in terms of stress. This would add to my threats if not taken care of from a well
advanced stage. As I experience mood swings, I become frustrated. I think this is not accounted
as a professional attitude.
I perceive small problems to attain big shapes. In this, I blame myself in terms of my
incapability to perform the things in an effective and effective manner. This makes me suffer
from inferiority complex, filling me with envious of other’s success. Here, the goals, inspiration
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