
Car Buying Decision Tree Analysis


Added on  2020-02-18

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Car Buying Decision Tree Analysis_1

Table of ContentsTask – 1 Manual Knowledge Discovery from the datasets.............................................................21.Apriori algorithm..................................................................................................................22.Decision tree Induction Algorithm.......................................................................................33.Apriori Algorithm and FP Growth Algorithm......................................................................64.Decision Tree......................................................................................................................17Task 2 – Knowledge Discovery from the given datasets..............................................................211.Construction of Association Rules.....................................................................................212.J48 Decision Tree for the Car-dataset................................................................................27References......................................................................................................................................321
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Task – 1 Manual Knowledge Discovery from the datasets1.Apriori algorithm Generation of Association rule is divided into two steps: 1.Initially, less support is used to discover overall frequent item sets in a database.2.Second, these item sets and the limitation with less confidence helps to make rules.Discovering entire frequent item sets is very complex since it invokes searching the possible itemcombination (Li, 2010). The second one is direct method and first step requires moreconsideration. The combination of desirable item sets is the set having power over I and size 2n-1. Despite, the powerset size exponentially increase in items number as n in I (Tank, 2012). Touse the property of downward-closure effective search is desirable which is also known as anti-monotonicity (Motoda et al., n.d.). Generally, to count the item sets of candidates this algorithmuses BFS (breadth-first search) and also uses a tree model to count candidate item sets efficiently(Schuyler, 2001).Apriori principleIf an item combination is periodic, then its entire subset should also be frequent. Otherwise, if an item combination is infrequent then its entire superset also beinfrequent. Apriori principle grasp due to following support calculation-Where, item set support never be surpass of its subsets support-This is also called as support property of anti-monotoneThere are two rules associated with Candidate rule which is executed by combining two rulesthat contributed the same prefix in the rule consequent,One is join(CD=>AB, BD=>AC) which will generate the candidate rule called D =>ABC Next rule is prune rule as D=>ABC if its subset as AD=>BC which does not have moreconfidence.2
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Comparison of Apriori and FP-Growth algorithmAprioriTechniquesIt produces techniques called singletons, triples, pairs etc.RuntimeIn Apriori, generation of candidate rule is dead slow and runtime grows exponentiallybased on the number of various itemsMemory UsageApriori saves pairs, singletons, triples etc.ParallelizabilityExecution of candidate is extremely parallelizable.FP-GrowthTechniques To add arranged items by frequency into a pattern treeRun time In fp-growth algorithm, Runtime grows linearly which is based on the quantity of itemsand transactions.Memory Usage It collects a database with compact version.Parallelizability In fp-growth algorithm, data are extremely inter-dependent where each and every noderequires the root node.2.Decision tree Induction AlgorithmA decision tree is one of the tree structure algorithm in which each node of branch refers aselection between some amounts of alternatives(De Ville and Neville, 2013). Then, each leafnode of the tree shows a decision or classification (Blobel, Hasman and Zvárová, 2013).3
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The algorithm functions over a group of training data set represent as C.If all objects inCare available in classP, construct a node calledPand terminate,otherwise choose anattributenamed as Fand make a node called decision.Divide the training objects inCinto subsets depending on the values ofV.Implement the algorithm recurrently into each subset named C.Converting From trees to rules Simple way: each leaf having one rule„ C4.5rules: effective prune conditions from each and every rule if this decreasesits calculated mistakes It can generate duplicate rulesReview for this at last.Thenmonitor each and every class in turnexamine the principle for that classdiscover a “good” subset which is handled by MDL)To neglect conflicts, list the subsets At last, eliminate rules if this reduces failure on the training data set.C4.5rules:It is extremely slow for datasets which is very big and noisy.Commercial version of C5.0rules utilizes the various technique More quick and little more accurate C4.5 has two limitsOne is confidence value by default 25% where secondary values acquireexcessive trim4
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Very less number of objects in the two most familiar branches.Classification rulesGeneral procedure called divide-and-conquer (Goetz, 2011).Differences: Search techniques for example greedy, beam search methods.Criteria of Test selection criteria e.g. accuracy,Pruning or trimming method e.g. MDL, hold-out set)Terminating criterion for e.g. minimum accuracyPost-processing levelAnd Decision tree list vs. one rule group for each class.AdvantagesDecision trees offer advantages for examine alternatives,Graphic. We can perform possible outcomes, decision alternatives, and chance eventsschematically. The diagrammatic approach is specifically useful in sequential decisionsas well as dependencies of output.Efficient. We can instantly expose difficult alternatives surely. We can easily edit adecision tree with new data become usable.Numerical and nominal attributes are handled by decision tree Representation of decision tree is sufficient to produce classifier called discrete-valueclassifier.Decision trees are ability of managing large datasets with errors. Decision trees are ability of managing datasets that may consist of missing values.Decision trees are referred as a method called nonparametric method. This represents thatdecision trees have no premise of the area allocation and the categorize structure.Problems in decision tree AlgorithmMost of the algorithm such as ID3 and C4.5 needs that the destination only have distinctvalues5
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The divide and conquer technique in decision tree tend to process well if some extremelyrelated attribute exist.Decision tree Greedy feature leads to another drawback that must be mention. Becausethis is excitability to the training set to noise and inappropriate attribute.Decision Tree ApplicationsBusiness ManagementPreviously, many companies developed their private databases to improve their customerservices (Bramer, 2017). Therefore, decision tree are an appropriate way to refine useful datafrom databases. In specific, decision tree techniques is broadly used in CRM (CustomerRelationship Management) and fraud detection (GRABCZEWSKI, 2016).Customer Relationship ManagementA widely used techniques to maintain customer’s relationship is to examine howindividual can connect with online services (Neves-Silva, Jain and Howlett, 2015). Therefore, aninspection is mainly achieved by storing and resolve individual’s usage information. Thenpromoting suggestion depend on the refined information (Kotu and Deshpande, n.d.).EngineeringThe useful application domain of decision trees is engineering (Koh and Rountree, 2010).In specifically, decision trees are broadly used in consumption of energy and fault detection.3.Apriori Algorithm and FP Growth AlgorithmPseudocode for Apriori AlgorithmProcedure to find the association rules using CustomerTrans Data6
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Step 1ItemSupportA5B4C4D1E3F2G5H2A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H denotes each item in a supermarket. Support is the value that thepresence of the item in a transaction. Let us consider minimum support is 3 and the confidence is70%.Step 2ItemSupport{A,B}2{A,C}3{A,D}0{A,E}3{A,F}1{A,G}4{A,H}1{B,C}2{B,D}1{B,E}0{B,F}2{B,G}4{B,H}2{C,D}1{C,E}2{C,F}17
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