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Stressed Employees Delivering Better Customer Service


Added on  2020/07/22

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This assignment explores the relationship between stress in employees and their ability to provide good customer service. It delves into the concept of self-regulation depletion and its effects on employee proactive behavior, customer service performance, and the overall customer experience. The study aims to understand how stressed employees can still deliver better customer service despite their emotional state.

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Understanding the use of customer service......................................................................1
1.2 Purpose of evaluating customer service policy...............................................................2
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Different communication methods...................................................................................4
2.2 How customer perception is influenced by customer service..........................................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction level........................8
3.2 Research on customer requirements suggesting potential improvement.........................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
4.1 Customer service in business and service environment.................................................13
4.2 Reviewing own performances in the delivery of customer service................................15
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Customer service can be defined as simply the act of fulfilling the needs of consumers by
providing and delivering them accurate services at specified time. The product must be of good
quality so that there might no complains comes from the side of customers (Bushberg and
Boone, 2011). The good and services should show promptness, politeness, professionalism and
personalization. The present report is based on the customer service whereby explanation of
reasons of using these service policies are provided. Different communication methods like
verbal, non-verbal, written and internet are described by showing their effectiveness. It also
explains how customer perception is influenced by consumer service provision and research on
the requirements of populations are done via this.
1.1 Understanding the use of customer service
The customer service policy can be defined as an activity where effective services are
provided by companies so that all the issues of their customers get resolved. A corporation
providing any product and services to their purchaser should have a consumer service policy in
the event place where any disputes that arises between the buyer and seller is resolved. Some of
the important reasons for using these services by Vodafone are listed below:
1. Staff to know their duties: The services is provided in order to aware each and every
employees about their duties that what should be performed by them or what not. The
common duties like behaving politely to consumers even when they become rude to
them, giving them delivery at the allocated time, no late is allowed, showing importance
the work of their clients, etc. must be appropriately done (Stoelting and Hillier, 2012).
2. Customer to know their right: The consumers also should aware of their fundamental
rights. some of them are discussed below:
RTI (Right to information): The civilians as well as employees have the power of
knowing each and every information about the product that they are purchasing or
Right to equality in consumer market: This law states that each and every consumers
must be treated equally. No one should be discriminated on the basis of caste, colour,
religion, gender, etc.
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Right to fair and honest dealing: They are allowed to check the operations of
organisation whether they are providing them, fair or wrong services and if are dealing
with honesty or doing any cheating with them.
3. Assist in training: The venture have to arrange a training and development program in
which the newly joined employees should provided efficient training. Their team leaders
are set and they have to work under them for a limited periods of time( 5 to 6 months) so
that their performance may enhance and they also contribute effectively in the working of
corporation (Kelikian and Sarrafian, 2011). Customer service policy help in making this
possible by arranging a training program to freshers and guiding them for their faults.
4. To promote quality services: It is the goal of of enterprise to make or provide quality
services to their consumers so that no complains should come from their side. This can be
achieved only when the task of training the new comers must be done properly so that
they become experts in their job. This will effectively increase the turnover of company.
5. As a guide to customer staff: The organisation should guide their customer staffs so that
they can understand their duty and give importance to them (West, 2012). They need
proper guidance as they are new to this service and proper training will definitely
improve their working quality. This will proved to be very beneficial for corporation by
increasing their turnover . Company has some policy where employees are guided by
taking a special class. In this class or seminar, they are provided effective training
regarding their daily jobs. Additionally, they are making realize about the importance of
their work and as a result workers give priority to their job rather than other useless talks.
1.2 Purpose of evaluating customer service policy
The customer care service policy is very necessary in Vodafone in order to assist future
staff training and development. Vodafone is dealing in telecommunication sector. This solves
many issues of consumers by providing them best quality services. They solves feedbacks of
users and value their thinking. They provide calling and data services to their users. Hospitality
sector also provide customer services but do not provide calling and other services that can be
provided by any telecom company. The purposes of evaluating consumer service policy are
listed below:
To take competitor policies into considerations: The company competes with different
competitors like Bharti Airtel Limited, Singapore telecommunication limited and Telstra

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Corporation Ltd. In order to make good competition from these , the enterprise
have to improve their service policies. The policies can be improved by following below
listed methods:
Using better policies than their competitors: Corporation should use much
better services than their competitors. For this, firstly, they have to analyse
services offered by them more closely. After a close analysation, they come to
know where or in which services they have to make improvement. They make
development as per the need and make their policies unique and best so that large
number of consumers gets attracted towards their company.
Highlighting weaknesses of their competitors: The regions of weaknesses of
other companies should be highlighted and shown to consumers. This will make
them aware. Those failing should be covered successfully and provided in their
products. This makes a difference from their products and services.
Give services at minimum prices: Organisation should provide their goods and
services at minimum or affordable prices in relation to their consumers. This will
effectively make increment in the ratio of their consumers as every one wants to
purchase product at low prices, which is provided by Vodafone.
Offering extra services: Vodafone should make new plans whereby extra offers
should be provided to consumers like discount in product prices on special days,
giving better services by focusing on feedbacks of users, etc.
Changes in customer demand: The demand of consumers are changes day by day
affecting the working of Vodafone. The enterprise ought to focus on their demands and
make changes in their plans so that civilians liked them. In order to fulfil the demands of
users Vodafone should modify their service policy and give some extra ordinary services
that are not provided by their competitors. For example they should make their call rates
low at the time of night as most of users used to talk at night after getting free from their
Making their brand most reputable: The company is improving their services as they
wishes to be at the top of telecommunication market. They want to make them so strong
in terms of branding and making their brand image more reputable in comparison to their
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competitors. This will attract users from different countries and increase their selling rate.
They will be liked by almost all people living in the nation if it become most
recognizable brand of market. Every one wants to use their products and services as they
feels them more trustworthy in comparison to others. Hence, as a fruitful result turn over
of company rises drastically.
2.1 Different communication methods
Communication can be simply defined as the exchange of information or thoughts from
one person to another. It plays a vital role as without this the clients cannot talk with employees.
The staff must have posses the skills of effective communication so that they can manage and
improve customers relations . The different methods of communication are discussed below:
Verbal : In this method, the message are transferred by speaking that must be understand
by both sender and receiver. Examples of these types are listening a lecture, hearing a
programs of television, etc. This is very old mode that is used mostly all over the world.
The sender must be sure that the words that are said by them are clear, accurate, honest
and appropriate (Chan and Wan, 2012). The tone must show courtesy and respect. The
clients are treated with politeness even when they show rude their rude nature. The tone
of employees should be full of respect to whom they are talking whether they are upper
post members of corporation or their customers. The talking must be formal and informal
words like dear, doll, love, etc. must be avoided while communicating with customers but
can be used among colleagues. The words of workers should be full of encouragement
like yes, go on, etc. so that the customers feel satisfaction in using any new service.
Sometimes due to any slipping of tongue causes more problems as there occurs miss-
Illustration 1: Verbal communication, 2017
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(Figure: Verbal communication, 2017)
Body language: It is a non verbal communication that are also used to deliver a
message. The employees can often recognize the nature or mood of their boss by their
facial expression and body gesture (Raub and Liao, 2012). Example, a flushed face shows
the feeling of embarrassment, a tight face will show anger,etc. The body language must
be watched at the time of interview so right posture must be used by every one. At work
place when some is disabled or deaf or dumb, then at that time body language can be
used effectively.
(Figure: Non verbal communication, 2017)
Written: It is most common form of communication in which messages or ideas are
shared by writing those. Effective writing skills allows the employees to communicate
Illustration 2: Non verbal communication, 2017

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their messages with more clarity in comparison to telephonic conversations (Jasmand and
et. al., 2012). One who cant speak or hear can uses this type of communication most
effectively. But this more lengthy and time consuming.
Internet: The transferring of messages are generally done over world wide web.
Different ways of communicating are sending messages, video conferencing, emailing,
social network sites and over voice IP programs. This is done at a faster rate when the
broad band connection is powerful. This has also some negative impacts like if the server
is down no messages can be send.
Verbal, written and internet based communication is mostly used in corporation.
Employees used to share relevant information by talking with each other. They also have to write
some relevant plans and draw some diagrams regarding their work so that they make understand
what they are trying to explain to other workers and clients too. These plans are documented so
that it get permanently saved and can be used even after a long period of time as per the need.
Internet based communication also plays an important role in transferring messages between
employees and clients. As company is performing their business globally, so their staff are
present at different locations. So, they use several internet based technologies like social media,
video conferencing, etc. to share important informations among them.
2.2 How customer perception is influenced by customer service
Customer perception can be simply defined as a process by which a consumer choose,
organises, and understand information to generate a meaningful image of the brand or the
products. Some of the methods that influences the perception as well as the turn over of
Vodafone are written below:
Word mouth: This is very earlier method where someone who had purchased any
commodity or enjoyed any services tells their experiences to others. The thinking of
others changes by hearing their words (Schmitt, 2011). This is called word or mouth
advertisement. This impacts a lot the selling rate of organisation as it may increase as
well as decrease the customers. Foe example, some buys any product from Vodafone and
they get happy and if any one of their friend or relations ask him or her any suggestion
then they speak good about them and suggest to purchase the same. This will made new
consumers to the enterprise.
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Previous experiences: The past experiences also influences the perception of human
beings. If the customer has taken service of organisation and they were not satisfied with
them then definitely from next time in future they will not take their services and switch
to another one by taking suggestion from their friends or families. Hence, the corporation
ought to give best service so that their customer comes to them from next time also.
Advertisement: The company should focus more on advertising about their services and
products. This will make their new customers who are not aware of them. Hence, a large
sum of money must be invested on advertisement only. This can be done by making
posters, creating their attractive or creative websites, takes the aid of journal, social
media, etc. Advertisement can change the perception of consumers if they show about
usefulness of their goods and services. Company have to give reason why someone use
their goods? What are the benefits? If all these questions gets cleared then customers will
definitely like and purchase their products.
promises personal needs: The promises done by enterprise should be practically done in
upcoming days or months as their customers hopes from them (Venkatesh and Joglekar,
2013). If they work as per their words then this will improve their brand or image in the
eyes of them.
Price and evidence: Consumers have expectations that they should get services and
goods as per their payment. They also want cheap and best services. So, organisation
have to sell their products at affordable prices. (Tan and et. al., 2013)
There is a large gap between the perception and service provision because the demands or
expectations of customers are different and more but company is able to fulfil their wishes
because this needs a large amount of money. But Vodafone is trying their best in filling these
gaps so that they can make place in the heart of customers.
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(Figure: SERVQUAL diagram)
3.1 Sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction level
The information regarding the customer demands and satisfaction must be known by the
Vodafone so that they can offer services as per them. There are certain modes or sources of
gathering the relevant information about users. Some of them are internal while others are
external. The internal one are listed below:
Guest feedback: The feedback collected by the guests shows the areas of improvement
so by this way it suggests the corporation to make changes in their policies (Gilmour
and et. al., 2013). For example reducing the rates, improving the calling quality, etc.
Guest records: The conversations between employees and clients are recorded in order
to cross check that what are the mistakes or any misbehave that is performed by the
workers. If any found then those are terminate by after giving warning. Sometimes
Illustration 3: SERVQUAL diagram,2017

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misbehaviour is shown from the side of customers, at that time also employees are not
allowed to react but they are trained how to manage or handle such situations.
Guest complaints: The complaints of the consumer are also recorded by the
organisation and resolved by them at specific time. For example, more money get
deducted from the wallet of some users without any valid reason then they appeal their
complains and take a complaint number. After few days that price is given back to their
The external sources includes the marketing research organisation. Through this, large
number of research are made by investigating the past as well as present data of corporation. The
previous faults are identified so that improvement can be made on this. Additionally, the present
information is also checked and new services are implemented by seeking the ideas of
successful scholars and entrepreneur (Soteriou and Stavrinides, 2013). The primary sources
includes the surveys and interviews taken from different consumers in order to understand their
perception. The surveys are conducted by the Vodafone corporation so that the current demands
of customers are gathered, the life style of the local people are carefully examined because this
tells about their regular requirements.
After conducting surveys the plans are made as per the wishes of different age group
people like reduction in roaming rates are done for adults, price is decreased in the local call
rates for teenagers as their friends are of localities, data-packs rates are reduces for the same
group of people as they are studying in universities and they need for different purposes. This
process takes a long period of time but are proved to beneficial for firm. The secondary sources
involves the publication. For example the trade journal is created or printed in which all the
policies of the firm is mentioned properly so that customers can easily make themselves update
by reading those changes.
3.2 Research on customer requirements suggesting potential improvement
Aims: The aim of this task is to carrying a research for examining the basic need of
customers by seeking level of satisfaction and giving suggestion to improve the business
potential on the basis of this.
1. Attain customer requirements and satisfaction level
2. Suggesting potential improvement
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3. Fulfilling the needs of consumers and giving the area of improvement
Q 1. Are customers happy with my services?
a) Yes
Q 2. What do you think as a best service?
a) Calling packs
b) Data-packs
c)Message pack
Q 3. Do you want register any complaint?
a) Yes
b) No
Q 4. Do you want to give any suggestion regarding services?
a) Yes
b) No
Q 5. Are you satisfied with the roaming rates?
a) Yes
THEME 1: To find the satisfaction level of consumers
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FINDINGS: 700 people are satisfied with the services of organisation while other 300 are not
THEME 2: To identify the preference of consumers
FINDINGS: 300 people liked the calling packs, while 500 like the data-packs and other 200
selected the message packs.
THEME 3: Accumulating the complaints from consumers
calling packs Data packs Message packs
Yes No

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FINDING: 200 people wanted to register complaints where rest of 800 are satisfied with the
services of corporation.
THEME 4: Seeking suggestion from users
FINDING: 400 customers are interested in giving suggestion while other 600 are not giving any
type of recommendations.
THEME 5: To identify the preference of consumers
Yes No
Yes No
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FINDING: 700 People are satisfied by the prices of roaming while the other 300 are not happy
by seeing the cost of roaming rates.
CONCLUSION: From the above based research it has been seen that most of the consumers are
satisfied by the services of Vodafone like roaming rate, calling and data-packs prices, problem
resolution, etc. The aims and objectives are achieved. The needs or requirements of users are
fulfilled by giving them proper services.
RECOMMENDATION: Whether the good services are provided by company, but few people
do not like them so they need to take care of them also. They should offer data-packs of faster
rate at minimum price. The employees need to talk more politely with their customers so that
they feel good or special. Certain attractive offers like full talk time,additional minutes or data ,
etc. should be provided by corporation.
4.1 Customer service in business and service environment
The Vodafone have provided good customer services that are below listed :
Be Accessible: The company should be accessible to their clients so they can be contact
to any one who are taking responsibilities to represent the organisation at time of their
need or if they want to ask any question or clarification regarding their services or
products. Hence, company ought to provide different mode of communication like email,
social media, calling, etc. Organisation should arrange these communicating techniques
Yes No
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so that users can contact to them effectively without facing any type of problems. Also, if
company is provided such services but do not hire as much employees who can perform
these tasks, then is also an issue which decreases the value of company.
Respond in timely manner: Vodafone should make clear to their employees to respond
quickly to the customers in timely manner (West, 2012). They should make their policy
that each emails and phone calls must be handled with in same day. If they are not able to
do so than they have to give a time frame to their customers and tell them all calling and
feedbacks are resolved at this time only.
Listening to customers: Corporation should listen and value the words of their users.
They have to fulfil their demands and clear their confusions. Organisation should not
prove themselves right in every situations but have to listen about pros and cons of their
servicing and products (Heskett, 2013). This will aids them in improving quality of their
services and goods.
Treating consumers with respect: Vodafone should strictly warn their staff members to
treat respectfully and politely with customers even when they are trying to become rude,
irate and in complaining situation. They should continuously treat with by giving them
respect as also in turn they receive respect from them. Users usually become rude and
show their anger nature if they get irritate from bad servicing provided by corporation.
Hence, if there is such situation then they have to talk to them in a very polite manner and
trying to solve their issues.
Never argue with customer: Employees of Venture must not argue with their clients
because if they do so they lost their trust as well as business forever. It is also true that
sometimes consumers are wrong, but even though they are arguing with workers as they
are not realizing that. So, at that time they should not try to defend themselves but should
concentrate that what is happening and what should be the best solution so that it can be
Honour the commitments: Company should do their work and offer all those services
that is promised by them. For example, if they are committed to give guarantee then they
should work according to that. If they not do so then obviously, clients get irritate. So, it
is better to be according to their words.

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4.2 Reviewing own performances in the delivery of customer service
As I was a employee in Vodafone organisation, I have do many thing regarding
delivering customer services and was always available to them when they needed me. I have
conducted surveys and tried to identify the demand of consumers, so that company will design
their plans of manufacturing as per the view point of users. This will be beneficial for our
company as we are giving value to our consumers and providing them services as per their
wishes. I have also solve many feedbacks of users through mails and phone calls and always
tried to be polite with them even when they are too rude because I respect my consumers and
their view points also.
From the above report it has been concluded that customer service is nothing but
providing the accurate services so that customers get satisfied. For this purpose the Vodafone
have to give proper training to new joiner as they so not know how to manage the issues
regarding their consumers. The other methodologies are taking researches on the previous data,
conducting surveys at local places where the companies lies, receiving and resolving their
feedbacks, making aware the customers about their fundamental rights, etc. Some other methods
like filling the gaps between consumer perception and services provided by them, promoting the
quality service, focusing more on the effective communication like verbal, non verbal, written,
internet, etc. are also done by corporation in order to increase the turn over per annum.
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