
Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment


Added on  2022-08-26

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Running head: CYBER SECURITY
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Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment_1

Table of Contents
Evolutionary view............................................................................................................................2
Implication of the trend in today’s world........................................................................................8
Application of legal and legislative consideration.........................................................................11
Prediction for future.......................................................................................................................13
Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment_2

Topic chosen: The topic that have been chosen for completion of the report is Cyber security
and the domain that have been chosen is Web attacks.
Cyber security have been one of the major strategy that is being implemented by business
organizations. This itself states the fact that there is an increase in the cyber attacking process.
Hence providing proper security system will be ensuring that there will be high stability in the
data security process. Web based attacks have been increasing in a rapid rate due to the increase
in usage of internet platform. Excess usage of internet have been leading to this kind of attacks.
With an increase in the cyber security process. This increase in the cyber security process
includes the fact that better management of the data that are present in the database will be made.
Cyber security have been affecting the processing of business process. It have been seen that data
breach have been one of the major aspect that is to be performed. This report discusses about the
evolutionary view of the cyber security process. Past, present and future of cyber security have
been stated as well. This report also states about the implications of cyber security in the process.
This implication helps in proper description of the use of cyber security in the process. This
section is considered as one of the most important section of the report. Application of legal and
legislative section of the cyber security implementation is also stated in the system. With the help
of legal and legislative sectioning and understanding proper assessment of the law
implementation can be performed.
Evolutionary view
Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment_3

It have been seen that the very first instance regarding cyber security was a research
project that was developed by Bob Thomas. He then believed that it was possible for a computer
program to move across a computing network. It have been seen that the cyber crimes had a
beginning in form of academic research. It have been observed that the first worm that was
created was due to a mistake that have taken place. In the year 1988, Robert Morris was trying to
gauge the size of internet (Kent 2016). This is the very first known web attack as well. Hence
wise he wrote a program that ensured that he could propagate across the network. He was using
the Unix terminal. However there have been sections where Morris wanted to multiply the bug.
This is the section where the entire programming got wrong and the Morris worm aggressively
replicated itself and hence wise this led to slowdown of internet. This also caused slowing down
of internet and hence wise this ensured that there is crawling of internet and damage in the
operational process. Since 1987, there was a distinct growth in the processing of the antivirus
company. After the growth of the Morris worm, the importance of the antivirus company have
been increasing in a rapid rate. There have been a growth in the AV industry since then. In the
mid 80’s and 90’s as there have been a certain increase in the number of AV companies. The
cyber security technique that is used in the operational process includes scanning of the binary
data that are present in the database system. Initially there have been computation of hashes in
the processing. In this process proper list of the strings that are suspected are considered in the
process. This section ensures that malware processing was not getting solved entirely. This have
been affecting the user productivity.
25 years ago there was no such part named conventional information technology. Since
last 10 years there have an increase in the impact of the cyber attacks (Finnemore and Hollis
Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment_4

2016). This is one of the main reason that proper assessment of the cyber security have been
increasing. With increase in cyber crime there has been an increase in need of cyber security.
In the year of 1971, discovery of creeper virus was done. This was the precedence of
computer networks. In the year of 1982, the first U.S. Patent for cyber security was documented.
In this time a patent regarding cryptographic communication system was documented as well. In
the process, RSA algorithm was introduced (Nazir, Patel and Patel 2017). Again in the year
1993, the first DEF conference was made. This is one of the most popular cyber security
technical conference was help. In the year 1995, there was a birth of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
have been seen. Netscape began to develop SSL protocol for not a prolonged period. This is the
brief history of cyber security.
In the year 2002, internet and web platforms were getting directly affected due to cyber
attacks. Thirteen Domain Name System were directly getting affected in the root servers. In the
mean time the DDoS attack also took place. This was one of the most sophisticated cyber attack
that had taken place till date. Again in the year 2009, Church of Scientology took place. In this
attack, the aspect that is to be considered is that DDoS attack was implemented on the website of
the church of Scientology. A total of 500 DDoS attack was incorporated in the process. These
were the recent as well as the primitive history of web attacks.
In the present scenario there are different techniques that are used for performing cyber
security. There are 5 major types of cyber security techniques that are used in today’s society.
They are namely Critical infrastructure security, Application Security, Network Security, Cloud
Security and Internet of Things Security. It have been seen that the cyber security projects have
Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment_5

been dealing with the integrity of the computer’s internet connected systems. Hardware as well
as software based data have been generating data that are vulnerable to the cyber attacks
(Almeshekah and Spafford 2016). In case proper security measures are not considered, data
vulnerability will be on an increasing node. With an increase in dependency in the computing
devices, it have been considered to be affecting the likelihood of the cyber attacks. This is one of
the major aspect that will be affecting the business in a negative manner. Without proper cyber
security measures a business acts to be highly vulnerable and hence wise proper inclusion of
cyber security cell in each and every business organization acts important.
Critical Infrastructure Security is one of the main cyber security technique that is to be
considered for maintaining the security process. Critical Infrastructure security consists of the
cyber physical systems on which the modern society have been relying on. There are certain
examples that can be considered for performing the cyber security, the examples includes the
likes of electricity grid, shopping centers as well as hospitals (Khatoun and Zeadally 2017). It is
considered that the infrastructure that is based on electricity grid on internet have been making
the entire process vulnerable to different cyber attacks. Organizations that possess critical
architecture ensures that proper measures in the field of cyber security is to be considered.
Developing a contingency plan have been one of the major aspect that is to be considered. With
the help of critical infrastructure security these issues can be eliminated.
Application security is yet another cyber security model that is to be considered as this
cyber security model have been considered. This cyber security model acts as an important
model that ensures that provisioning of the security system. Application security model have
been using the likes of software and hardware methods for eliminating different external threats.
This section is considered in the development stage of the application that is considered for
Cyber Security And Web Attacks Assignment_6

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