
Digital Age Leadership Development: A Personal Objective Framework


Added on  2019-10-01

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Digital Age Leadership Development: A Personal Objective Framework_1

Table of ContentsSECTION 1: SELF ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................1SECTION 2: LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES AND BEHAVIOR................................................4SECTION 3: BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION...........................................................................5SECTION 4: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN.....................................................................74.1 Personal analysis....................................................................................................................74.2 Setting goals...........................................................................................................................94.3 Personal objectives..............................................................................................................11REFERENCE................................................................................................................................13APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................15Appendix 1.................................................................................................................................15Appendix 2.................................................................................................................................16Appendix 3.................................................................................................................................17Appendix 4.................................................................................................................................18Appendix 5.................................................................................................................................19
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SECTION 1: SELF ANALYSISA digital leader is being regarded as the type of leader that makes use of the latestinformation technologies and internet with an aim to make any kind of decisions about theenterprise (Sheninger, 2019). The given thing will enable it with regard to find out the instantsolution in relation to the problem that occurs in front of it. A critical evaluation is being carriedout in relation to the different types of leadership models/theories. In accordance with the given context, the very first theory that is being taken intoconsideration is trait theory. Trait theory entails that people are either born or they are beingmade with certain skills that will enable them with regard to effectively fulfill the roles andresponsibilities of the leader in an effectual way (North, Maier & Haas, 2018). The qualities thattrait theory identifies are a sense of responsibility, creativity, and intelligence, etc. The traittheory basically focuses on the process of analyzing the social, mental and physicalcharacteristics of an individual. However, it is to be critically evaluated that the trait theory ofleadership includes lots of subjective judgments because there are hundreds of traits that arebeing determined in the same. Further, identifying who is and who is not the successful leadersolely based on the traits and the given thing has raised many arguments. This is due to thereason that there are many leaders in the world who do not possess the traits that are beingmentioned in theory, but still, they come under the list of the successful leader in an effectualway. Hence, in the respective point, only trait theory will be proved as completely ineffective inan effectual way. For example, trait theory reveals that the leader should be creative. Therespective quality is important among digital technical leader also. This is due to the reason thatit is with the help of respective approach only a leader is able to use different digital tools andtechnologies and it can perform its work. Further, there is a relationship exist between digitaltechnical leadership and enhanced business performance as well as transformation. Here, unliketraditional leader, digital leader will always search for the smart way of doing the work oforganization. However, the digital technical leader will always need to update itself. If it will notbe done then enhanced business performance as well as transformation will not be done. Further,it can also be evaluated that digital technical leader only focus on the technological aspect, as aresult of this respective leader sometime faces the difficulty in dealing with the people relatedproblem of company. This will have negative impact on business performance. 1
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Apart from this, the contingency theory is being considered as another type of leadershiptheory. The given theory is based on the notion that a single type of leadership style does notwork well in all the situation of the corporation. Hence, it is the responsibility of the leader that itshould always change its style of managing the people as per the situation that occurs in front ofit. In this regard, contingency theory gives a description of the three main types of leadershipstyle and these are autocratic, democratic and free rein style of leadership. Herein, it can bedepicted that when a leader has to make some quick decision then in this situation it will becomevery much difficult for it with respect to take the opinion as well as suggestions from otheremployees in the company. Then in this situation, a leader should select the autocratic type ofleadership style instead of the democratic one. Similarly, if the leader will have a team of highlytalented and skilled employees then in the respective type of condition it can comply with thefree rein type of leadership style (Petry, 2018). The leader who uses the given style does notinterfere in the activities of their follower. This is because here leader knew that his follower andtalented and they do not need his instructions with an aim to perform any work. But, it is to becritically evaluated that for a leader it is not easy to change its style as per the situation. This isbecause there are some leadership styles that are inbuilt in the nature of leadership and thuschanging the style as per the situation is one of the most difficult tasks to perform. Thus, theseare some main leadership theories which tend to guide the activities of the leaders in an effectualway. On the other hand, I have carried out my own analysis. Thus, with an aim to do the sameassistance is being taken from the diagnostic tool named as Johari window. Thus, it can be saidthat the Johari window is the type of window that assists an individual in terms of understandingtheir relationship with themselves as well as with others (For details about application ofJohari window see appendix 1).2
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Figure 1 Johari window(Source: Petry, 2018)In addition to this, I have also carried out an assessment in relation to my personalityinsight (See appendix 2). Hence, in relation to the same, it is assessed that I scored very less interms of emotional stability. This means that I used to take stress for any kind of problem thathappens to me. On the other hand, I have also performed analysis in terms of my managementskill (Appendix 3). In accordance with the given context, my score was 95. As per given style, Iam good at managing people at work. But, still, there are some skills that require improvementand these are delegation and building trust and relationship with others. Further, I have alsocarried out motivation at work type of assessment in which I am very good at interacting withothers (Appendix 4). Thus, these are some main things that I have examined about myself withthe help of the diagnostic tool like the Johari window in an effectual way.Digital technical leadership is related to business performance and transformation. This isdue to the reason that digital leader does not hesitate in implementing the latest and moderntechnologies in the firm’s operation. Hence, the respective type of leader is always motivated inthe process of bringing change or transformation in a firm as per the digital scenario. Thus, thegiven thing will help in the task of improving the overall performance of the company in aneffectual way. It is with the help of digital technology leadership only; a leader is able to convertthe negative business environment in a positive business environment. This is because; such typeof leaders does not hesitate in taking the risk (Heavin & Power, 2018). Overall, it can be said that in terms of digital leadership context my main strengths aretime management, team working, decision making, working under pressure, budgeting, usingtechnology, giving feedback and networking (Appendix 5). However, the areas that I need to3
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develop are negotiating, verbal communication, written communication, multitasking, planningand implementing. By working in the respective problems, I can become a good digital leaderand could give my best services to the firm where I will work in the future in an effectual way. SECTION 2: LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES AND BEHAVIORGeographically dispersed teams are being regarded as the type of team who works ondifferent location but have common goals or the project. Tesco is global firm and it faces manydifficulties in the task of managing people who belongs to different cultural background.Examples are given in relation to the leadership capabilities and behaviors that can be applied tothe management of geographically dispersed teams of Tesco. For example, it has been seen thatdifficulty of the working or managing the team across several locations may create stress amongthe digital leader of Tesco. Thus, it is due to the presence of the given aspect only a digital leadershould have the capability of managing the stress (Holten and et.al., 2018). This is due to thereason that it is by complying with the respective type of activity only a leader is able to give itsbest services to the firm. On the other hand, with the help of the given type of capability, a leaderis also able to effectively take the decision in relation to any kind of problem that tends to occurin the team. However, it is to be evaluated that if the digital leader does not have the capability ofmanaging stress then in this situation it will become very difficult for it with regard to meet thegoal of the enterprise with the help of the geographically diverse team. Lack of motivation due to ignorance from the side of manager is being regarded asanother main problem that incur in geographically diverse team. In this situation, the leader ofTesco should behave like a democratic leader. This is because; it is the type of leader which putsthe needs and demands of the employees in priority. In a geographically diverse team,employee’s works from a different location so, they always desire some kind of assistance fromthe side of their leader. However, if they will not get the same then in this situation they feelhighly demotivated as well as dissatisfied. The impact of the same will be seen on the sales. Thisis due to the reason that if an employee feels demotivated then in this situation they will not givetheir best. Further, the team of demotivated employees also deviate itself from the main goal ofthe organization. Thus, it is due to the presence of given reason only it is very much essential forthe digital leader that it should follow the democratic type of leadership related behavior in thetask of managing its team (North, Maier & Haas, 2018).4
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