1. Role of information and data within the car industry In car industry information plays a key role as they are having the customer information like e-mail address, contact numbers or any other personal information that helps them in increasing their sales by giving them discounts, offers, etc. on various festivals or on any other occasions. As data is having the key concept to be aware in this industry as it can help the owners and leaders to identify the important patterns and trends. It helps to improve the revenue management and enhance the customer experience. 2. Types of data is collected and used by the organisation As in car industry data is being collected as the 1stparty that is primary data as it is collected by the researcher from the first hand source (Bilgihan and Nejad, 2015.). BMW use the methods like surveys, interview, by cold calling, etc. It is being collected by having the research project in mind that is being get directly from the primary sources. 3. Information and data is used within the operations of the organisation Information that is required in the daily operation of the business such as financial transaction that takes place on the daily basis, it is the cost that is occurred in the daily routine. Also, daily working hours of employees is noted. This helps in calculating wages, salaries, etc. This is being taken from the industry that is dealing with the same industry (Rivera and Pizam, 2015). 4. How the information is being captured and stored with the key references in databases and information Information is being captured by BMW through different modes as it can be taken through the surveys, taking the interviews and can also be taken by filling the forms from their clients. The information is stored in various database such as MIS, DSS, etc. in segregated way. Also, in ESS data is stored. 5. Example of data is being used to deliver the insight for business in decision making As we get the data many ways that is mention above and it helps the BMW in decision making by taking the preference of the present trend. Every day the customer preferences are changing and this data helps the business to offer the services as per the needs and requirement of the consumers. For example- BMW monthly sales enable in developing strategy for marketing (Ryan, 2015). 6. Market research primary and secondary helps to increase insight
It is the market research that is being done through the primary as well as secondary data helps BMW to grow in the future and increase their insight. As this data's are stored in MIS of the industry from last many years and it helps BMW in its transformation so that it can do the future growth in the industry as it give the market size, growth rates and the competitors' information as this abundant data points is being transformed into the meaningful as well as actionable insights for the business (Bilgihan and Nejad, 2015).
REFERENCES Books and Journals Bilgihan, A. and Nejad, M., 2015. Innovation in car and tourism industries.Journal of car and Tourism Technolog.6(3). Rivera, M.A. and Pizam, A., 2015. Advances in car research:“from Rodney Dangerfield to ArethaFranklin”.InternationalJournalofContemporaryCarManagement.27(3). pp.362-378. Ryan, C., 2015. Trends in car management research: a personal reflection.International Journal of Contemporary Car Management.27(3). pp.340-361.