
Database Management Trend Technology and Innovation


Added on  2022-08-10

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Database Management Trend Technology and Innovation
Database Management Trend Technology and
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Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization
line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptable
line 3: City, Country
line 4: e-mail address if desired
Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)
line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization
line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptable
line 3: City, Country
line 4: e-mail address if desired
Abstract—This report indicates various trends in database
management system, enhancement in technology in database as
well as innovative ideas in database administration. Trends in
data optimization in data warehouse, In-Memory technology in
big data has been discussed. Technologies like converged and
disruptive technologies has been described with enough details.
Technologies like Github, RestFul APIs that database
administrator must understand to cope up with future
advancement. This report is created using secondary data
analysis method. The purpose of this report is identifying various
niche of database management and giving proper introduction to
those niche.
Keywords-database, dbms, database administrator, converged,
data, in memory, trends, database technology
Database technologies are consist of two types of data,
structured and unstructured. As per database definition, raw
data irrespective of its nature can be stored in one location
from where data can be processed. Database management
system is the gateway to the database. As the world is moving
to electronic/digital platforms, the need of storing more data is
increasing significantly. However, many organizations are
acquiring millions of data in one day alone. Just storing data is
not the concern any more [1]. Various trends and technologies
are emerging that facilitates the process of storing data as well
as accessing those data from database. Need for super
computers that can handle processing of millions of data
cannot be fulfilled by all organizations. Because super
computers are extremely expensive. That is why organizations
tend to enhance their database or data center environment as
per latest trend. Often, organizations use various tools and
technologies that facilitates the data processing task. Database
administrators take a very important role in managing these
databases. From assigning roles and privileges to tracking
activities of database system is crucial for database
administrator. As technologies are evolving, various methods
ate generated to collect and store data [4]. Database
administrator must get knowledge about enhancement in ideas
regarding database management to understand existing loop
holes and keep the data center efficient all the time.
A. Problem Specification
At present organizations are moving to cloud or using in-
house systems to store their data. No matter which option an
organization chooses, if amount of data is in millions and
billions then cost of data storage will be extremely high.
Organizations are also facing issues with data protection.
Cyber threats like DDoS, Malicious code injection and many
more are affecting the database system. Database hold all the
information, from critical business data to customer credit card
details. If all these data are stolen then organization can lose its
reputation and integrity. Moreover, managing data centers are
crucial for any business. Database administrator must have
proper understanding of responsibilities and roles to fulfill. In
spite of being very efficient in work, database administrator
must have proper understanding of new ideas of database
administrative work. This is because emerging technologies
and rising threats of cyber security.
B. Importance of Research
Research can be considered as a tool for constructing
knowledge and facilitate learning process. If a fact in one
particular article can be found in another article, it can be
surely said that fact is effective and accurate. Therefore,
research helps in assuring accuracy of data collected from
secondary sources. Considering only one view point is not an
optimal approach. Each view point has its benefits and
drawbacks. Multiple viewpoints can be collected and
understood from different article and sources. Evaluating all
the viewpoints will ensure what is required to considered and
to what extension. Research helps in collecting more facts that
ultimately result in better informative source. Diverse ways of
understanding a topic can be found through research. From the
above analysis, it is clear that report can have robust and
accurate data if research is done. Different ideas of database
administration related topics can be compared to understand
importance of all the ideas. New enhancement technologies in
database management can be found easily. Moreover, if
research is properly done then impact of that technology as
well as its future implications can also be understood.
Database Management Trend Technology and Innovation_1

Database Management Trend Technology and Innovation
C. Research Questions
i. What is new in database technology?
ii. What advancements can be seen in PostgreSQL?
iii. Is In-Memory technology can improve NoSQL
iv. Is MongoDB capable of implementing enough security
measures to protect data?
v. Will new technologies like converged and disruptive
technology be enough to replace Big-Data requirements?
vi. What are the ideas that database administrators look for
this year?
Database management systems are evolving each year.
Need for storing more data is pushing organizations to innovate
more technologies than never before. Many organizations uses
various trends that helps them manage their database system
effectively and efficiently. In this year both the old and new
technologies can be seen in practice. In order to implement
better and faster database management data centers must be
integrated with newer technologies. These technologies can be
costly and may have hard learning curve. That is why
organizations can apply various trends to facilitate the data
management process with available resources or adding
minimal resources. Trends like data warehouse optimization
and graph databases are very popular and giving high end
results. PostgreSQL is one of the based relational database
management systems for using in datacenters. It has all the
features of a relational database as well as some features of
NoSQL database. PostgreSQL is very suitable for data analysis
works. If PostgreSQL advancements can incorporate
performance like NoSQL and support some of horizontal
scalability then there would be no question of thinking of any
other database management system. In memory technology is
one of the most popular topics that organizations are focusing
on to make the data processing faster. If properly implemented,
then in-memory technology will make systems much faster.
Need for implementing costly hardware for improve processing
each year will be reduced by half.
In general, various database management technologies
innovations should be considered as important. Database
innovations can create new windows for organizations to get
into new environment where everything can be managed
easily. However, considering only one innovative technology is
not right approach. Two technologies should be identified,
analyzed and new information generated to get accurate
knowledge. As organizations are moving to cloud, relies on
collaboration and often test new technologies, database
administrators must get ideas of these things so that no matter
what happened data center is always efficient and protected.
A. New Database Technologies
Data warehouse optimization is the process of increasing
the performance of database systems in data center.
Organization can increase performance of the data center by 80
percent. To adjust and disentangle their RDBMS, database
directors and managers will relocate these frameworks to the
cloud, on the off chance that they have not done so as of now.
DATAVERSITY found around 46 percent of members in an
examination plan on utilizing cloud-based social databases in
the following year or two.
B. PostgreSQL Advancements:
Latest PostgreSQL version has OmniDB debugger. It
allows creating SQL procedures that can execute full
transaction management. This allows developers to generate
more dynamic server side programs. Automating server side
scripts is much easier with OmniDB debugger. Partitioning
evaluation from PostgreSQL 9 to 11 is now supported. This
implies that PostgreSQL provides great features in terms of
version update [3]. Updating the data base version becomes
easy with PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL now provide better
parallelism, partitions and stored procedures. Creating scalable
and dynamic backed services is much accurate and easy in
PostgreSQL. pgAdmin is one the best and comparatively new
GUI tool for PostgreSQL. It is considered to be one of the best
in relational databases UI tools. It supports complex queries
and provide extensive support to data center operators.
pgAdmin is continuously evolving and adding new rich
features to its environment. The PostgreSQL Security Audit
administration from 2ndQuadrant can assist you with
protecting your information from outside dangers. Get tips on
cutting edge malware insurance systems for your undertaking,
tending to vulnerabilities, and how to forestall security
Figure 1: Popularity of PostgreSQL
C. New Database Trends
Converged Database: It is possible to place everything
within a single database offering. No architectural reason can
be found for not having a database that provides tunable
consistency model equipped with strict ACID properties at one
end and consistency style model at the other end. A database
should support relational compliance but extensible schema
Database Management Trend Technology and Innovation_2

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