
DataLab: Generation, Analysis, Iteration


Added on  2023-06-10

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Business DevelopmentData Science and Big DataDatabases
BSc (Hons) Business and Management
DataLab: Generation, Analysis, Iteration
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DataLab: Generation, Analysis, Iteration_1

Department of Business Management Studies DataLab: Generation, Analysis,
Session: Spring 2021
Table of contents
1. Task 1: The Company and Business Processes.............................................................................3
1.1 Business Process Map / Flow Chart............................................................................................3
1.2 Main/Key Business Decisions......................................................................................................5
1.3 Business Digital Transformation...................................................................................................6
1.3.1 Procurement............................................................................................................................6
1.3.2 Production................................................................................................................................6
1.3.3 Processing units......................................................................................................................6
2. Task 2: Data Management Systems..................................................................................................7
2.1 Information/Data Management Systems.....................................................................................7
2.2 Database Management Systems.................................................................................................8
2.3 Big Data for Business....................................................................................................................8
3. Task 3: Business Intelligent (BI) Tools............................................................................................10
3.1 Opportunities for Intelligent Tools and Systems.......................................................................10
3.2 Business Intelligent (BI) Support................................................................................................11
3.3 Reflect on the BI tools..................................................................................................................11
4. References..........................................................................................................................................13
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Department of Business Management Studies DataLab: Generation, Analysis,
1. Task 1: The Company and Business Processes
When it comes to the modern business environment, there are numerous disruptions
which have resulted in increase of the level of unpredictability that firms face in undertaking their
routine market operations. One of the major disruptions have been occurring due to the advent
of the COVID-19 pandemic which has resulted in the rampant need for digitizing business
processes which are suffering from being terminally offline. This report will highlight some of the
major processes which are integral to the working of the company and recommended avenues
for advanced technological integration's such as business process digitization, use of big data
analytics along with smart business tools (Van Looy, 2018). This report will be based on the
organizational context of Tesco, which is the current market leader of UK's lucrative retail and
grocery sector and has seen massive growth all over the region ever since its inception in 1919
by Jack Cohen wherein he started the businesses as a single specialty shop. This report will
help suggest measures of digitization of the supply chain management process of the company
and help integrate tools such as big data and decision management systems.
1.1 Business Process Map / Flow Chart
Tesco being the most prime retailer in UK with hundreds of stores and supermarkets
spread out across most major and minor locations of the region, has to undertake extremely
tedious and winded route when it comes to supply chain management and logistics. The main
process that the company undertakes which will; be highlighted in this section of the report
includes supply chain management which is the backbone of retail companies like Tesco. The
major players which are included in this process include the following.
Input suppliers – These units are responsible for providing all the major procurement
requirements which Tesco needs in the form of raw materials for its 1000+ product lines
Producers – These typically include the local farmers which are partnered with Tesco
along with the extensive supplier network which takes care of the materials which the
farmers typically do not produce as Tesco often sells a lot of products whose ingredients
are suffering from off-season unavailability (Bowles and Gardiner, 2018)
Processing units These units are specially built by Tesco to produce and
manufacture the major product lines which are in demand. Tesco has large scale
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Department of Business Management Studies DataLab: Generation, Analysis,
factories located around Eastern London where the majority of the processing takes
Trading – Tesco has gained major success thanks to being extremely proficient in the
art of trading which it does with the help of its impressive network of stores and
Final customer – This group includes the target which the firm is actively targeting
which in Tesco's case is the people who use its multitude of stores to purchase many
products related to groceries and lifestyle (Direction)
A detailed business process map of the firm's supply chain management has been given
herein which details the various processes involved in the supply chain operations along with
the list of undertaken activities and deliverables which are expected at each stage.
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Illustration 1: Supply chain process map of Tesco
DataLab: Generation, Analysis, Iteration_4

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