
Management Style, Organizational Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, Motivation in Deliveroo


Added on  2022-12-26

12 Pages4005 Words87 Views
Professional Development
Management Style, Organizational Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, Motivation in Deliveroo_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
A: Management style,its principles and functions used by CEO.................................................3
B: Changes in Organizational structure at Deliveroo taken by the CEO.....................................4
C: How did leadership style of CEO effects Deliveroo?.............................................................6
D: The effect of power, influence and conflict in Deliveroo.......................................................6
E: The various types of motivation..............................................................................................7
F: Justification.............................................................................................................................9
G: Recommendation....................................................................................................................9
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Management and leadership being important to understand that leadership styles is
essential part of effective management. Management can be defined as managing work as per
planning, organizing, controlling, directing and staffing the function. On the other hand,
leadership means the influencing potential and work with group towards making more effective
developed goals. Organization required both development in leadership boost and management
boost for optimal organizational efficiency (Thomas, 2020). Deliveroo is an online food delivery
services company in London. It operates across the various countries and have their main
focused on growing network of ghost kitchens. Deliveroo deals with some of the biggest chain
restaurant across the country, the majority for this company have been available on the company
app with having their thousands of independent restaurant. The company also make the revenue
by charging a commission fee as well as by charging customer on their pre order booking. This
report explain about the management styles along with principle and functions, CEO brings
changes in organizational structure in order for achieve high performance level. Also, discuss the
leadership style and analyse the power, conflicts and influence. Moreover, explain about the
various type of motivation, supportive with literature and also recommendation or suggestion
strategies for betterment in organization.
A: Management style,its principles and functions used by CEO.
The way of fulfilling goals of an organization which includes planning, decision-making
and staff management is known as Management style. The key to being an effective manager is
to having versatility in the style to manage unexpected factors with total focus over achieving
success. The management style used by Deliveroo CEO is Consultative Management Styles
(Adam and Suleiman, 2018). This style refer to the approach of asking questions to the
employees and considering their opinions before taking any sort of decision in the company.
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This style has proved very efficient as it develops trust within the organization as is the reason of
success of the CEO and Deliveroo.
CEO of the company Deliveroo follows some principles of management before taking
important decisions such as,
Centralization :- In most organizations the power is with the top authorities which leaves a gap
between the lower heads and managers idea and decisions, that is the reason why this principle Is
important for every company including Deliveroo. Following this principle in the management
style of a company allows CEO to take broad decisions with ideas from every level of the
Scalar Chain :- Its very important for a company like Deliveroo to have the necessary chain
communication between is employees to make have flexibility in the work and performances.
Such communications usually results in solutions to problems faced the workers as they help
each other out in tough situations.
Esprit de Corps :- A CEO best quality is said to be the ability of motivating its employees in
order to bring out their best in work. This is done only with a strong bond between CEO and its
employees. This principle enforces unity among the organization and unity in a company like
Deliveroo gives it necessary drive to move towards success.
CEO of Deliveroo uses these functions of management for managing the company, Some
of these functions are,
Planning :- Prior made decisions considering the future activities and actions in order to achieve
the predetermined goals of the company is called Planning(Lloyd and Aho, 2020.) It is a
systematic way of choosing your future actions which helps the CEO in achieving success with
the company(Berraies and El Abidine, 2019).
Organizing :- The proper use of all the available resources for achieving organizational goals is
The function of organize, every company's head/CEO are abided to use this function for proper
and systematic productivity for a company. Deliveroo a company of food delivering needs
proper organizing in itself which is no doubt practiced by the CEO of the company.
B: Changes in Organizational structure at Deliveroo taken by the CEO
Organisational Structure defines activity management of an organization of task
allocation, establishment of coordination and conduction of supervision. It also refers to
management of group efforts with the determination of roles and responsibilities of individuals
Management Style, Organizational Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, Motivation in Deliveroo_4

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