
Destination Marketing: Principles, Campaigns, and Challenges


Added on  2023-01-12

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Destination Marketing
Destination Marketing: Principles, Campaigns, and Challenges_1

P1 Destination market planning and its principles.......................................................................3
M1 Evolution of different principals..........................................................................................4
P2 key elements of destination market campaign........................................................................4
M2 Comparison between these destination.................................................................................4
P3Roles of digital marketing in promoting a destination............................................................5
M3 Ways in which digital promotional tool help in promoting London.....................................6
P4 Role and service of DMOs in marketing a destination...........................................................6
P5 Challenges faced by DMOs in marketing destination along with examples..........................7
M4 DMOs in marketing destination............................................................................................9
Destination Marketing: Principles, Campaigns, and Challenges_2

There is continuous improvement within the trends of tourism and travel industry. This
also develop the scope of different tourism destination to increase the marketing function with
their correct different type of customers to organization and influence their behavior visit their
destination (Lai, 2018). In this report there will be discussion about how the principle of
marketing planning supports the destination in some specific destinations. There is also analysis
about the elements ranging of destination marketing campaigns and how the objectives can be
made by the organisation.in the middle of the report there is discussion about different digital
marketing tools which can be used for promotion in advertising specific definition. In the end of
this report there is discussion about how the role and service of DMO are working. There is also
identification of different challenges which are faced by DMOs in marketing destination and
using different fields of it.
P1 Destination market planning and its principles
Market plan
Marketing planning is that function of management which deals with using a set of
strategies for using market factor in favor of business and use firms’ resource effectively with the
achievement of firm’s goals and objectives marketing. There are number of principals which
help of this product and tourism destination. Some of these are mentioned below:
Admitting sentiments and requirements of customers: this is the principal in which firm
have to identify the needs and requirement of customers for achievement of its goals and
objective with effective utilization of resources.it aid business in getting aid increased profit and
improvement in services. For example the destination hotel can also use this function to provide
to is services by studying their behavior will aid it in incising number of satisfied customers
(Battour and Ismail, 2016).
Understanding marketing: this function is made to study the market and identifying
opportunities in that market which can used to formulate an effective marketing plan for
promotion of firms product. There are various which can be used for understanding market and
its impact on business of firm. For example a team can be meant for monitoring the target
customers in market which are interested in particular destination. There are various places in
London which are famous as tourist destination these places can be notified for market planning.
Identifying external environment: external environment has also its impact on
origination as it have different number of factors in it some are political, legal, economical
environmental and social. These also have their great impact on tourist availability at these
destinations. For example firm can use and Maldives as the destination for understanding this
function as they follow the analyses of external environment.
Destination Marketing: Principles, Campaigns, and Challenges_3

Using internal environment: internal environment also play an impotent role in
deciding the future of tourism destination, this principal states that firm should use internal
environment as the path in success of origination this is to be done with the helped various tools
and techniques which are SWOT and VRIO analysis of firm. For example, an individual what to
visitNepal.it have to go at his own risk because of extreme environmental conditions. Here can
learn company can from it that they have can give their customer spatial attention which will
attract them in extreme conditions also.
M1 Evolution of different principals
These principles have their major impact on performance of destination as if it follows
this principal than the chances of success will increase day by day, for instance effective team
management and long term foresighted ness of tourist destination helps them in maintain their
brand value and a separate image in mind of people (Henderson, 2016). This also facilitates tem
in getting access to different kind of platform for brilliant performance and time management.
for example London’s oval have used these principles in its core values which facilities it
increase in satisfaction of people who visit it, number of examples are present in global world
who has getting benefit of these principals and enjoying its impact on their destination.
These principal will directly help the organization in increasing the value of destination as well
as promoting the destination within the tourism and travel industry. For example Maldives is not
so famous destination in past times. Button current time Maldives is a famous destination which
came in top 10 destinations for couple vacations. This all is because of it follow different
principles which helped Maldives in developing their sites. For this Maldives the principle of
admitting the sentiment and requirement of customer care the clearly identify the requirements
and needs of the customer and develop the respective infrastructure with in their tourism
destinations. The clearly identify the marketing concepts which day used to attract the customer
towards the Maldives. They also used to identify the external environment with the help of pestle
analysis where they identify different environments which impact major on their tourism
destination. After that in the final stage of development they use a proper SWOT analysis where
they identify their strengths and weaknesses and overcome their threats by using the
P2 key elements of destination market campaign
The chosen destination for development of marketing plan is London eye. it is a tourism
destination which is situated in London. It is a big giant wheel which also situated near the park on the
river Thames. There is a proper development strategy for this tourism destination. There will be formation
of two types of ride within this tourism destination where one ride is for above 18 individuals and other
writers for below 18 individual. These rights are also provided in premium luxury and medium class
which will offer different facility to different class of people according to their income. A proper
marketing plan for this tourism destination is consists of various kind of marketing activities where
company will offer a free a ticket for discount on air tickets if customer buy the tickets of luxury class for
giving this London eye.
Destination Marketing: Principles, Campaigns, and Challenges_4

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