
CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence Assignment 2022


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CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
Assignment v1.3 (2019/07/24)
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
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Assignment – Task 1
For this assessment task, you are required to:
Reflect upon your own cultural environment and background
Recognise your cultural prejudices
Reflect upon the factors that have influenced your cultural identity
Reflect on your relationships and interactions with others based on your
values, beliefs, and attitudes
You are required to complete the following Self-Awareness Reflection Activity
Part 1. Significant life events
Reflect upon the past events in your life or your own family background and the
impact that they may have on your values, beliefs, and attitudes.
Record a summary of a minimum of two significant events that have
occurred in your family history that have impacted on your own
values, beliefs, and attitudes relating to care of children.
Event 1:
We had an aboriginal maid, who has raised me since my childhood. One day
there was a lump sum of money that went missing, naturally few of the elders
of our family charged the maid, guided by the notion, that since she is an
aboriginal, she might need extra money for her dwelling and hence a chance
lies that she might have stolen the money. To our surprise, the small child of
the maid arrived from somewhere, holding on to a wallet, which he had found
in the garden. All the members were ashamed of their thoughts. We were
grateful to that child and the maid, thus proved, it is not always that the ethnic
background matters, but the personal values that one bestows in their child.
CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence Assignment 2022_1

CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
Assignment v1.3 (2019/07/24)
This incident significantly changes my thoughts , beliefs and values about
aboriginal children and the approach to be adopted to take care of children.
Event 2:
I had a distant sister who was a bit destructive kid, on being hyperactive. Due to
her inability to perform well in academics, she used to get corporal punishment
from her mother. Her mother used to beat hi up with a cane. This took a toll on her
mental health and her behaviour got even more aggressive with age and time .
This indicates towards the fact, that children should always be dealt with
compassion and care. Corporal punishments will just put excessive stress on young
minds that can cause behavioural disorder in childen. Again, this reduces
attachment with the parents. Disorganised attachment has been related to
attachment behaviour in children.
Think and then write about how these events have impacted upon
at least two of your current values, beliefs, and attitudes.
I have understood that compassion and relentless care can bring about positive
outcomes in people.
It is the kindness that helps a child to open up and share us grievances.
This incident have made me belive that it is value that guides one’s behaviour and
not the socio-economic status. It can be clearly seen from the incident, that the
chuld has received the values of honesty and truthfulness . It is her family and her
mother, who have bestowed these values on her. The past history of the
colonisation actually did not impact the values of an individual.
Simplifying, this, it can be said that, educators acts as role models for children in
the early years and thus plays a great role in developing values and beliefs in
children 1.
Previously, I was of the belief that the aboriginal people are more prone to
alcoholism and crimes such as theft, but this incident changed my predetermined
notion about the aboriginal people.
I believe that educators act as ‘ secondary attachment figures” and can promote
self esteem in children. Like wise , attachmet with own children also develops self
esteem in the students. A care relationship with children supports healthy
development of the child’s brain and supports the healthy development of the
child’s brain and sets them up for a life long process2.
Similarly, my attitudes towards the aboriginal children have also changed, I am now
more compassionate towards children irrespective of their case and creed.
Previously, I thought that just like rewards students should also be punished, but
after this incident, I am always polite to children as they always perceive their
educators as their role models3.
1 Webb, M. and Thomas, R., 2015, January. Teachers' Perceptions of Educators' and Students' Role in Closing the
Achievement Gap. In National Forum of Teacher Education Journal (Vol. 25, No. 3).
2 Diamond, G., Russon, J. and Levy, S., 2016. Attachment‐based family therapy: A review of the empirical support. Family
Process, 55(3), pp.595-610
CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence Assignment 2022_2

CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
Assignment v1.3 (2019/07/24)
Part 2. Environmental influences
Reflect upon environmental aspects, and identify how they influence your own
cultural identity.
Describe two factors of your environment or personal
circumstances that impact upon your own cultural identity.
Factor 1:
I stay in a locality with a mixed population of different ethnic minorities. Hence,
I have a natural acceptance towards every culture since my childhood. There
are cultural programs that takes place, considering all the cultures present.
People from different cultures participate in the program, indicating towards a
cultural assimilation.
Factor 2:
I stay in a family with my parents and the grandfathers. Since, my childhood, I have
been taught to respect each and every person, irrespective of their disabilities,
case and ethnic minorities. I am well aware of my culture and is always keen to
learn about the world and their cultures and their uniqueness.
Think and then write about how both of the environmental aspects
influence your own cultural identity.
Environmental aspects have a high level of influence towards one’s cultural
identity4. The environment is where we live and it has a high influence on people in
so many ways. Each and everything that we possess are because of the
environment that surrounds us. Residing in an area with mixed culture, I have
exposed myself to different cultural uniqueness, stating from exotic cuisines to
cultural practices. Truly speaking, this acceptance have brought me close to my
own culture. I feel keen to know about my own culture, its history, traditions and
practices. I feel that one of the best way of accepting and respecting other cultures
is to acknowledge the fact that, some of the people are unique in their own ways.
Part 3. Cultural influences
Reflect on your own background, and identify the impact it may have upon how
you interact with people from cultures different to your own.
Describe two relationships that have been influenced by your
cultural environment and upbringing.
Relationship 1:
Relationship with my peers: My readiness to cope up in every situation and culture
3 Ho, M.K., Littman, M.L., Cushman, F. and Austerweil, J.L., 2015, July. Teaching with rewards and
punishments: Reinforcement or communication?. In CogSci.
4 Skinner, David, and Paul Rosen. "Hell is other cyclists: rethinking transport and identity."
In Cycling and society, pp. 99-112. Routledge, 2016.
CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence Assignment 2022_3

CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
Assignment v1.3 (2019/07/24)
have made it easier for me to mix with people of different culture. I feel that I am
friendly enough and always extend my hands of help towards my friends coming
from diversified culture.
Relationship 2:
Relationship with my students: a child care centre contains children coming from
different ethnic minorities, with difference in language, communication skills,
eating habits. Their cultures might be totally different from me. My cultural
upbringing and my values had always seen every children as equal. I make sure of
that I use simple communicable languages that is understandable to all, especially
the ones with English second language learners5.
Describe two interactions you have had that have been influenced
by your cultural environment and upbringing.
Interaction 1:
Communication- Adhering to cultural norms and the nature of one’s upbringing,
determines the type of interaction that one will have with other people surrounding
him. Due to my cultural environment different from some of the students in my
class, I feel challenges to communicate with them, when they fail to understand the
gestures. My language can be quite different from most of the children studying
Interaction 2:
My cultural background has influenced my accent in English and my way of
conversation. Hence, in spite of being grammatically correct, certain Australian
parents feels judgemental about my skills as an early childhood educator. It is the
Australian history of colonisation and discrimination against the ethnic minorities,
that guides these kind of behaviours. People, might doubt about the educational
knowledge of individuals coming from different ethni9c background.
5 Nauly, M., Purba, R.M. and Fauzia, R., 2017, December. Effectiveness of Harmony in Differences:
increasing in universal difference orientation, sensitivity intercultural, thinking flexibility and
prejudice. In 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2017).
Atlantis Press.
CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence Assignment 2022_4

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