
Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations


Added on  2023-01-06

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Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
P1 Analyse suitable and professional skill, knowledge as well as behaviour required by HR
P2 Examine a completed personal skill audit to determine appropriate knowledge, skills and
behaviour and make a professional development plan...........................................................5
M1 Discuss skill audit and professional development plan in context of business situation.7
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
P3 Explain the differences between individual learning, training and development ............8
P4 Examine professional development & continuous learning to increase business
performance .........................................................................................................................10
M2 Use learning cycle theory to examine the values of implementing continuous professional
development ........................................................................................................................11
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12
P5 Establish the understanding of how HPW contributes towards employees engagement and
competitive advantage in relevance to organisation.............................................................12
M3 Evaluate the benefits of HPW within company.............................................................13
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
P6 Assess respective approach to perform management and how they assist high performance
culture and commitment.......................................................................................................13
M4 Critically evaluate different approaches and how effective they support high performance.
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................15
Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations_2

Developing individuals is a vital step to be carried on by every organisation. Along with
it individuals also handle the activities within a team. Working in a team helps in completion of
tasks and activities successfully. Employees motivation and satisfaction level is also enhanced
while working in a team. This makes it essential for a human resource manager in an
organisation to continuously develop skills and performance of individuals and teams. They use
various training and development tools in order to accomplish this goal (Baumgartner and
Rauter, 2017). The following report is carried upon Apple Inc. which is a multinational
technology company. They are headquartered in California developing, designing and selling
computer software, consumer electronics and various other online services. The report discusses
various professional skills, behaviour and knowledge that an HR professional requires. A
professional development plan is also discussed containing skills audit. Various methods used by
human resource department in order to train and develop individuals and team in Apple Inc. is
described. In order to measure the development and effect of training proper performance
management system are necessary. At the end report describes various such approaches.
P1 Analyse suitable and professional skill, knowledge as well as behaviour required by HR
Efficient workforce is required at workplace for attaining growth and success. It needs to
be taken into major consideration by HR department of the organisation. It helps them in
achieving objective and goal within stipulated period of time. It is a responsibility of HR to
recruit talented employees and keep a routine check on their employee’s skills and abilities for
their professional as well as personal growth(Wong and et.al., 2018). It is because if a company
have good employees then organisation will always grow in terms of employee’s performances
and success.
Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations_3

In context of Apple, the HR manager has a good amount of skills and knowledge which
seems out to be as an important dilemma for large organisation. It is because large organisation
required knowledge to maintain the good employees so that selling of products and services will
be performed by their employees in an appropriate manner. The HR manager of Apple
conducted various training sessions to boost the productivity of business organisation in order to
achieve success and become a competitive rivalry firm.
Professional knowledge: HR needs professional knowledge to meet physical, structural
and intellectual development of every employee. Professional knowledge is the most crucial part
for HR manager(Cao and Ali, 2018). There are different methods and concepts which can
followed by HR professional of Apple which is going to be mentioned below:
Human and personnel resource: HR manager must have knowledge on various rules,
policies, recruitment and selection procedure of employees in an appropriate manner. In addition
to this, there is a need to create positive environment in Apple organisation because it helps their
employees in boosting confidence and increase profitability.
Management and administration: HR professionals must have knowledge to understand
rules and principles of a company in relation to Apple. Such skills are useful in maintaining the
decorum and organisational structure of a company.
Government law: HR manager must have a proper knowledge of legal procedures
which needs to operate in business organisation at International and National level.
Professional skills: Professional skills are required to improve the performance level of
an organisation. Such skills are useful in achieving goals and success which is necessary for
employees to handle business activities and functions which is going to be mentioned below:
Communication: To increase the performance of business organisation and to achieve
goals, communication skills are necessary to convey ideas and feelings effectively. In context of
Apple, the HR manager of a company should conduct various conferences and training sessions
for their employees to interact with every individual employee and build a good team. Therefore,
it can be said that HR manager must have good communication skills which helps employees in
operating the business activities and achieve goals and success for the company.
Multitasking: Multitasking refers the ability to perform more than one task at the same
time. There is a basic need that HR must have such type of skills to work more efficiently and
appropriately(Williams and et.al., 2018). In context with Apple, there are effective training
Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations_4

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